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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Yeah, if you append {} then MM will try (and fail, because it doesn't exist) to delete a node of that name. You want !valname = DEL (or instead of DEL asdf or foo or...just some text).
  2. pingopete: Uh, sure he does. They're in git. You can got to literally any commit and download the binaries from it. Go here: https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/tree/Overhaul Click 'Commits' Find the commit you want, click the <> on the far right Download the binaries.
  3. Jet engines were incredibly powerful in .90; this was so they had enough power to overcome the soup. The side effect was it made VTOL kinda trivial. In 1.0, with the soup gone, jets got rebalanced. That makes VTOL hard, although I hasten to point out far from impossible, you just need to build lighter.
  4. Except 3 is nonsenical, because in warp you're on rails and using Keplerian orbits, not doing integration. That's the point of timewarp. That's not to say on-rails thrust is impossible--see HoneyFox's Orbit Manipulator plugin, which does exactly that--but it's not trivial.
  5. You're thinking of Kopernicus, and it's in that zip. I believe pingopete has started work on RVE-for-1.0 but I'm not sure of the status. I don't think we support NFSP yet... For solar panels, we do support NF solar panels at least. Also AIES. For engines, use RO. RftS hasn't been updated in like a year :\
  6. ClLaw: I'll see if I can replicate that, and thanks. jrandom: yep, look here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55145-0-90-Real-Solar-System-v8-6-1-Mar-30?p=1999650&viewfull=1#post1999650 for RO you need to have the latest of its requirements (if available--Engine Ignitor, for example, isn't yet) and then grab the KSP10 branch.
  7. Per Squadcast, 1.0.3 will have that separation between internal and skin temperature; Deadly Reentry also does that (and has the advantage of being released ). What you might want to do is ask the author of your life support mod of choice to add some waste heat during FixedUpdate--from general life support processes, and from any resource converters.
  8. Oh, obviously. If you break physics, expect physics to break you.
  9. First, a giant THANK YOU to everyone! You're makin' me blush. :] (And, Loup especially ) But really very, very glad people find it useful and enjoyable. That you're happy makes me happy. oguz: there is nonzero pressure out to...oops. There are some errors in the curves. Fixing, thanks! Thomas P. thinks he has a lead on some explosions that seem linked to the camera. Fingers crossed that gets fixed too! Many of the new moons don't have heightmaps (and therefore normal maps) yet. We will add them as soon as we have any. When we do that I'll look into Deimos's spike, the heightmap probably just needs a bit of smoothing. Megafly: if you compare the changes from RealSolarSystem.cfg to the new RSSKopernicus.cfg you should be able to make similar changes from 10x's old cfg to a new one. However instead of nuking all the bodies first as we do you can just do @Body[Kerbin] etc. Lilienthal: gravity is so low on Phobos and Deimos that that seems plausible to me. However, we might need a plugin to "glue" craft to the surface. Noah_Blade: welcome to the forums! As you can see above, the pre-release was just released, you can try it if you like. The official release should be in a few days tops. However, 6.4x will need some work--I think Felger might already have been working on that?
  10. Thanks for the update!
  11. externalTemperature is shock temperature (i.e. the same as static ambient if there is no shockwave, or much hotter if there is). atmosphericTemperature is static ambient temperature.
  12. This will run ingame as a partmodule: http://svn.mumech.com/KSP/trunk/MuMechLib/FloatCurveEditor.cs
  13. Something is wrong. Not sure what. I do know I landed OK on Phobos in 1.0...
  14. LF and Ox do default to STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH (which respects crossfeed breaks), but as Murph says engines can override flow mode now, and jets do.
  15. Remember to angle your radiators edge-on to the sun.
  16. The mass ratio of KSP LFO tanks is 9:1. 1 ton of dry mass for every 8 tons of propellant (9 tons gross).
  17. v10.1 Added specific heats for most of the resources (thanks stratochief!). Revised temperature gauge for rocket engines. Set tanks with cryo propellants to their boiling points during prelaunch when pumps (i.e. launch clamps) are connected, so they don't start way above BP. Make life support waste resources not fillable. Compatibility with Ven's Stock Revamp for the RF cloned parts
  18. KSP won't crash until ~3.4GB are used (in Windows) or ~3GB (in OS X). 2.2GB is totally safe.
  19. That's not an MM error, that's an error that that part can't compile. What mods of yours change the Gigantor?
  20. Well, the day is finally coming. Made a pre-release for a bit of stress testing. https://www.dropbox.com/s/6s2u20uo9ro2ri6/RSSv10PRE.zip?dl=0 You also need a texture pack, but note: that too has changed. Get one from https://github.com/KSP-RO/RSS-Textures/releases KNOWN ISSUE: Yes, the camera jerks during launch (or even when you zoom out a lot, during prelaunch). We don't know why. If we did, it wouldn't. Cheers, and hoping either (a) it works fine (woo!) or ( lots of helpful bug reports. Mega-thanks to stratochief, grayduster, and Thomas P for helping get this working in 1.0 (and adding new bodies!), and pjf for invaluable github magic.
  21. Yes. But you'll have to ask TaranisElsu (in his thread) to do that.
  22. Awesome, thanks so much! Sorry this turned into such a struggle, and kudos on official release nonetheless.
  23. Check output log to see if something is throwing exceptions. Since those get logged to disk (and Unity logging is _insanely_ expensive) that will cause stuttering.
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