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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Sorry, this still doesn't have all the licenses in the download. YANFRET: Please include _all_ licenses in the download, as the addon rules state. If you mention a license in the OP, mention it in the download. Second, while this is not the violation of a forum rule*, it is a violation of a Rule Of Good Modding: for the love of $MONKEY, please don't do what you're doing to plugins. If you want to bundle a plugin, bundle it in the path that it's supposed to be in. This _will_ break people's installs, and (*ok, it is a violation of the "don't violate licenses" rule) is contrary to the licenses of, say, Firespitter. If you want to bundle a plugin, please keep it in the path you found it in. If you want to include Firespitter, do like everyone and put it in Firespitter/Plugins. If you want to bundle Procedural Fairings, put it under ProceduralFairings.
  2. I'm afraid you'll have to anyway, as pure-dll downloads aren't allowed, you need the license in the zip.
  3. Adding to the chorus of "KOSMOS is awesome and pretty and..." Thanks for letting us play with it, and thanks for the kind offer.
  4. Add some typeAvailable lines. Like: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/blob/master/GameData/RP-0/PartHacks.cfg#L5
  5. Nothing inside a PluginData folder is read by the game automatically. So no, cfg files under PluginData will not be parsed by GameDatabase or (therefore) referenceable by MM.
  6. 1. Final Frontier is throwing. Try without that? 2. Try without KJR, just in case.
  7. Never keep cargo bays shut in space. Stuff inside can't radiate to get rid of heat. As for heat shields: not only do they ablate to lose heat no matter the source of heat, they _do_ actually shield things behind them from solar flux. Indeed. most any part will; sun occlusion is (somewhat) modeled.
  8. It's because DRE lowers the density exponent--that's used both for convection and for aero FX. In 1.0.2 there's not a lot that can be done other than lowering the aeroFX exponent (try 2.8 maybe?). The aeroFX start and full don't control strength btw, they just control the transition from white to orange.
  9. FireFaced: ServiceModule and Fuselage tank types are highly pressurized, and therefore needed to store RCS propellants. Conveniently all stock RCS tanks are made type ServiceModule. Andy81le: You could remove it from the service module type, but that would kinda defeat the purpose. Also, let's recall that the mk1pod is modeled on Mercury, which...did exactly as you describe. (~48600 units of EC, aka 13.5kWh).
  10. IIRC about 20km altitude is the SOI limit for them.
  11. hsp is specific heat capacity (in kJ/tonne-K), i.e. take the capacity in J/g-K and multiply by 1000. Density is...complicated. There's no set standard for the resources ingame. Based on various math, for LF and Ox it looks like one 'volume unit' is around 5 liters, which means that the density is in tonnes/5L, so multiply density (in g/cc, so 0.9 in your example) by 0.005.
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