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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. And FAR uses all wing area, including horizontal and vertical tail, as well as in real life where only the area of the main wings is counted for reference area (when a Cd is stated). So for the same Cd*Aref, in FAR the Cd should be smaller since Aref is larger.
  2. CorvusCorax that's an RF issue, will be fixed in 9.1 (is fixed in git).
  3. It depends. See here for an old post on the subject (still valid). For a balloon tank, utilization should be at 100% for obvious reasons (there's no wasted space at all, because the outer wall of the tank is the outer wall of the part). You don't get any mass savings doing so btw; you just reduce drag a tiny, tiny bit.
  4. Ravenchant: Missed, sorry! Awesome, new contributions are wonderful! As to removing engine shrouds, you can add a new node and tell the jettison modules to use it, but that's a bad method; we'd like to switch to doing what TweakableEverything does, making the shrouds toggleable ingame. Oksbad: pressure-fed hypergolics at relatively low pressure aren't that much of a pain to deal with. IIRC the first restartable engine was the AJ10-104D on Ablestar (first launch April 1960), that should be available at TL2. Pressure-fed energetic (i.e. catalyzed) monopropellants like hydrazine would not be that much less of an engineering challenge than low-energy hypergolic bipropellants; the chamber temperature wouldn't be that much lower, etc. Really early on you're looking at cold-gas thrusters (as on Juno I/II), or the heated propane of the Able stage (modeled as HTP ingame).
  5. XkaOnslaught: I suggest using the M55 part that RO provides. It has a thrust curve, unlike the proc solid. Real solids don't generally maintain the same thrust throughout their burntime; thrust generally tails off. That will proportionally lower your TWR later in flight. Friedrich Nietzsche: that's weird! I'd suggest posting about it on the TestFlight thread so Agathorn will be sure to see it. Regarding burn time--wait, it looks like you have only two LR-87s (i.e. one part) there? The Titan IIILs had four of them (two LR-87 parts)... IIIL2 link. Regarding burnout Gs: you definitely ignore them if flying uncrewed. I'd suggest looking at the last few pages of the Real Fuels thread for a discussion of this issue. However, if you're hitting 15Gs at burnout, just how tiny an upper stage are you using? (I assume that's first-stage burnout). Or is it at booster burnout?
  6. Yeah, that's weird, it should be updating the maxTemp to be 2000. We'll fix. FinnishGameBox: TL2 (the third 'rocketry' node).
  7. Here, I found it for you. https://github.com/krupski/MBM_Utilities Read that page, it describes what to do; to download, click 'download zip' on the right.
  8. If you're using OpenGL mode that, and converting to DDS, is about all you need--since that means you won't leak loading textures, and textures will properly be removed from system RAM when uploaded, you needn't scale them down to save RAM.
  9. As for the first point, I apparently have a much higher opinion of Squad's skills than you do--and a much lower opinion of how hard a streaming asset loader actually is to write (IMO, not that hard--and certainly doesn't require using native code or DX-only wrappers or any of that). As to the second point, GameDatabase URLs was what I meant, not WWW URLs (though yes, the loader does have its WWW issues).
  10. The RCS tanks also had some issues too. The new values are: Radial RCS: 76L Long Radial RCS: 240L Mini stackmount RCS: 80L Xenon radial tank: 33L Xenon stack tank: 70L
  11. regex: it's included in RO: Engine Group Controller. (right-click engines and assign them groups in the editor, then click the icon in flight and throttle the groups independently).
  12. Moved to Modeling and Texturing discussion subforum, where this sort of question can best be answered. Meanwhile, you want to look in the Tools and Applications forum for the MBM conversion tool. That will export MBM to png.
  13. One other note on canards and tails, may have been mentioned upthread, may not have been. What you want is for the front of the aircraft to stall before the rear. That means that when you're at high alpha and start stalling, you'll tend back to in-line with your velocity vector rather than 'flip out'. You can do this by making sure, from front to back, all wing surfaces have decreasing aspect ratio and/or increasing sweep. This is why canards are often less swept, and higher aspect ratio, than the main wing (see modern canard-delta fighters), and why tailplanes are often lower-aspect-ratio and more swept than the main wings on traditional-planform aircraft. The example you showed above, with a highly-swept cropped delta as the main wing and low-sweep, high-aspect canards, embodies this principle: not only do the canards add control authority and move the CoP further forward (which does decrease stability, but also makes the plane nimbler) they will also paradoxically increase stability at high alpha (err, angle of attack) because of the above.
  14. camlost: I screwed up with my PR, thought I sent it in a week ago, but it's only now gone through (thanks pjf!) -- that has some compatibility fixes for interaction with Realism Overhaul. Also, AJE needs a new build for the prop engines to work with the new FAR (the references have to be updated--AJE expects 14.6 and FAR is 14.7, that gets updated automatically on build if you have the new FAR dll referenced...)
  15. Robotengineer: That's a bug in AJE. I've sent camlost a pull request, for now you can just grab AJE from my forked repo (that has the PR) rather than the original. There is nothing that can be done in RO/RP-0 since AJE does its patching on FINAL... Friedrich Nietzsche: does Testflight report a failure at that point? Check the rocket-ship icon. Ah, nm, later you said that was it. Make sure you air-light the LR-87s, as samroberts mentioned the Titans with SRMs did not ground-light their engines, they lit them on SRM near-burnout (like, 5 seconds left). The issue with TF is that engines have rated burn times, and if you exceed them they're likely to fail...might also ping Agathorn, maybe the LR-87s don't have enough rated burntime for the IIIL application (although if memory serves the widebody core didn't burn longer, it had more fuel and more engines). Rothank: RCS, will investigate. However, Tweakscale will screw them up, so don't tweakscale them. Second issue, Tweakscale...sounds like there was an update and we're now mismatched; if you only get that issue when RO is installed, it's presumably an interaction issue. AJE needs to update for the latest FAR, please ask camlost to do so. (All it takes is a recompile.) Oksbad: there's a lot that goes into making an engine restartable. First, has the high temperature melted anything you'll need again? Second, is the combustion chamber (or nozzle) now so ablated it's not safe to reuse? Third, how do you start up the turbopump, if there is one? Not needing an ignitor is important, but not the be-all/end-all when it comes to restartability. For example, the Apollo SPS was rated for essentially infinite restarts (although a set total burn time) because it was a pressure-fed hypergolic engine with ablative cooling: so long as there was still propellant to be fed to it, and the combustion chamber and nozzle hadn't ablated away too much, you could just open the vales and light it up (ullage willing). The Agena engine, however, was pump-fed, and thus needed to spin up its turbopumps before it could light its gas generator (which was there to power the turbopumps). A bit of a chicken-and-egg situation, but it could be gotten around by judicious use of stored electricity (IIRC) to spin up the turbopumps in the absense of the generator. That said, even with enough juice, after about 18 starts (well past the rated 15? Or was it 15 and 12?) stuff was getting too melty/corroded/whatever to work. The advantage of hypergolics isn't so much that they have infinite restarts, it's that they are storable. LOX boils off. Means you can't store the missile, you have to fuel it up before launch--and that means you need a few hours' warning, not a few minutes. It's also an issue in space--that's why pretty much everyone uses hypergolics for on-orbit maneuvers and
  16. My apologies to everyone, I thought that the new tank definitions could be safely loaded by RF 8.4 but I was wrong. OminousPenguin, thanks for the catch. Fixing!
  17. Rabada: thanks! Taking your points in order: we offer the cube core long about TL5 or 6 IIRC, that supports up to 3 tons. Thing is, though, there really haven't been very many heavy probes, so your best bet until then is to use 3 Surveyor cores (each supports 1t, together you get 3t). We don't support KWR very much at all yet, but that's a very good idea. I believe pjf is reworking antennas. Lillienthal: I'll investigate, that sounds weird. Does it work if you do it yourself? Note that avionics cores that support low-power mode will automatically enter it whenever you timewarp, so that's another route... Glad you like the stuff, and good catch on the formatting! chrisl: thanks for the avionics report, I'll check it out. As for the SRMs, exactly what is telling you they only burn for 84 seconds? Have you tried them out to verify they only burn for 84 seconds? Mechjeb/KER/VOID aren't aware of thrust curves, so they assume that the SRMs always burn at max thrust--but that's totally false. As to the second post, found the bug. < rather than > when checking crew counts. Oops... Doc_Ruby: as pjf said, awesome! Thank you so much! A few FAQ suggestions: Regarding supported/optional: RP-0 assumes you are playing with all the mods Realism Overhaul (and RP-0 itself) Recommends. They may not be strictly required, and are thus 'optional', but you won't get the full experience. FASA is supported well enough now to be small-R recommended for RP-0 use, but there are still some unsupported bits of it (true of stock and SXT too of course). I think you mean Active Texture Management On biomes, the biomes are done by 2048x1024 textures, which means a resolution on the order of 20km per pixel at the equator on Earth. So the biome will only be accurate to within twenty kilometers...you're going to have to get pretty far out into the ocean for the science system to notice. On engines: TF: Engines have different roles. You can't expect to safely air-light (i.e. as a second stage) an X-405 or LR-79 engine, and you can't expect to light an AJ10 when there's high dynamic pressure (aka going fast in the atmosphere--wait until the air thins out more). That's taken into account by TestFlight. It's also highly recommended that you do some ground tests of your engines before flying them on rockets; that will build up flight experience and make them more reliable. Finally, engines have rated burn times; they are much more likely to fail the longer past the rated burn time you try to run them. EI: Liquid Engines require propellants to be settled (i.e. at the bottom of their tanks) for them to function. This isn't a problem on the ground, because gravity handles it, but in freefall liquid propellants will 'float up' in the tanks, leading to the feed lines having vacuum or pressurant in them. Thus you need to settle the propellants yourself before ignition (by thrusting 'forward' using solid ullage motors or RCS) or ignite the engine before the propellants have a chance to unsettle, i.e. before the prior stage burns out (hot-staging). On the altitude contract: As of v0.26, you can complete that contract in the starting node--we support flight as an alternative path now! chrisl: sounds like an issue for the DRE thread, but make sure you're using the absolutely latest RO and FASA. RobotsAndSpaceships: they were moved to Realism Overhaul. RP-0 should be creating a career mode for RO, not adding lots of parts. syberianbull: that's a tweakscale issue. I suggest you use B9 Procedural Wings instead of trying to use stock wing parts, let alone tweakscaling stock wing parts. Yemo: sorry, what does that have to do with anything? Neither RP-0 nor Realism Overhaul are on KerbalStuff.
  18. SRMs should default to being full. Try upgrading RealFuels to 9.0.
  19. capi3101 I love following your progress! The reason for canards being unstable is that when deflected, increasing pitch increases their angle of attack rather than decreasing it (and vice versa for pitching down). A tailplane applies pitch-up moment by tilting up, giving a negative angle of attack; as the plane pitches up, the angle of the tailplane surface approaches 0 compared to the airflow. By contrast, when you pitch up using a canard, the canard starts with a positive angle of attack, and that angle increases as the plane rotates.
  20. v8.3.1 From last time: * Fixed Bonanza parts to all work right (requires latest FAR v14.7), included Bonanza craft file (in prior release of RO) * Change all textures to DDS * Fix separatron FX * Fixes from A1Ch1 for Aestus II, solids, AIES Generic Thrusters * Add Tiny Tim booster (for early sounding rockets) and X-Plane-style nosecone cockpit, both from RP-0. New: * Engine fixes from A1Ch1: Fix to S5.98, LR-87, RS-27A/H-1, throttling on LE-7A, NK-33/AJ26, added config options for GEM46 and GEM60 regarding Thrust Vector Control. * Fix Nosecone cockpit pathing * Fix TACLS tank changing * Remove Life Support from non SM/Fuselage tanks * Fix X-405 nodes
  21. Yes, there's apparently an issue between this and symmetry action fix. bac9, have to say I really am loving these. My only request would be a bit more flexibility--the minimums are a bit too high for a lot of my uses, and the 'steps' are quite large. Otherwise, though, <3
  22. We haven't gone deep enough into funds/rep/science balancing to know what to do with strategies since as you say the stock ones are kinda nuts. For now I'd say just steer clear of them entirely...
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