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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. It's not about bacon, it's about ethics in mod development.
  2. Are you sure they are 3.5EC/sec at Earth? 3.5kW seems like a lot for panels... Anyway, by the inverse-square law, solar panels should have ~43% of their power at Mars orbit. I....I can't comic-sans my own thread. Sorry, moderators.
  3. Yeah, please keep one transform per nozzle, gimbal roll is sooo cool.
  4. Svm420: Yes, it will replace the plugin part of RSS; RSS will become just a set of configs (or perhaps a few extra little plugin bits as needed).
  5. You probably exported it as a 32bit PNG and then, say, loaded it in Photoshop which does not handle PNGs right. Get SuperPNG and load the PNG alpha as alpha channel.
  6. Fel: that would be true...except the Unity 4.x D3D9 client (KSP's default) has a serious bug where it fails to unload textures from system RAM once they've been uploaded to VRAM. That's why -force-opengl saves RAM, because the OpenGL client doesn't have that bug, so textures are properly unloaded from system RAM once shipped off to the GPU.
  7. My good friend, I think you are selling yourself short. Why give in to the "realism" crowd with your admittance that this model would be less realistic? Why, Famous Scientists can't even agree on the structure of the universe. and if this mod helps teach the controversy I am all for it.
  8. This will not work on KSP Windows x64. It will work on KSP Windows 32bit on both 32 and 64bit systems, and it will work on Linux in both KSP Linux 32bit and KSP Linux 64bit, and it will work on OSX.
  9. 1. Click the download link in the OP. 2. Click to download the release archive (not the source archives). 3. Open the archive, extract that folder into GameData.
  10. Welcome to the forums! Quick note though: can you add mention in the readme what license you're using, and add it to the OP? The forum rules need the license specified even in the download file.
  11. No problem! Also, so you know, new users' first few posts are moderated, so it may take a bit of time for them to show up (a moderator has to approve them).
  12. Welcome to the forums! As this is a support request for a modded install, moved to that forum. Can you follow the directions here and post the correct log? That'll let me figure out what's wrong.
  13. kofeyh: it wouldn't be a revamp if it were using any stock assets, that's kind of the point. Once you install this, however, you can prune away all the old, now-unused stock assets, although you can't prune if you use any other mods (like SXT) that reuse stock assets.
  14. There is not yet. That shouldn't have anything to do with thrusters on the Mark 1-2 pod though.
  15. Changelog v8.6.1 * Removed clip value, things shouldn't flicker as badly.
  16. Code doesn't seem to be the problem, there's a working tracks mod. Sounds more like what you were asking for was replica parts, and as I said there's some excellent tutorials on modeling and KSP part-making in the Dev forum and its subforums.
  17. 1. Good catch on avionics tonnage, I'll check how I'm outputting the value. 2. I'll tune down the SoI-fraction 3. Infernal robotics I *think* is getting placed soon if it isn't already. We have no idea on price though.
  18. Speaking of removing and tweakscale, it'd be wonderful if SXT didn't do stuff on :FINAL...maybe :AFTER[sXT] ?
  19. Uh...? Can launch a single person (person, not kerbal, even if they look a mite green ) on about 60 tons of LV with modern hardware, maybe even less. 2500t is only if you're sending three crew to the moon and back...
  20. And I want a pony, and Unity 5, and Alsace-Lorraine. Wishing doesn't make it so, alas. I'd suggest looking into working on it yourself--there's tons of great tutorials here, and there should be tons of reference imagery.
  21. As to the first point, I'll look into it. For the second, that's odd, because the calculation of contract altitude does use Kerbin's actual SOI and should never go above 95 percent of it...
  22. If you look at the last page or two of the F-1 Engine thread, somebody had reuploaded it. As for the Soviet Engines Pack--despite being termed that, half the engines are post-Soviet anyway (RD0124, RD0146, etc), and they're definitely all the 'modern' versions of themselves. You're right that it's a problem that most engines for KSP are not 1:1 replicas of real engines (and often include giant tankbutts because ~KSP~), but we work with what we have. If you are, or you know, a modeler, we're always looking for new real engines.
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