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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Yet as of 1.1 parts support flags to say "no hatch." Not our fault if mods don't use em.
  2. @Temeter aaaah, ok. Yeah, if the -275 or M doesn't use the global config system then a lot of that stuff will fail.
  3. For anyone having trouble with proc wings, update FAR (and update RO). Now: v0.49 Thanks to dxdy, Zarbizaure, awang, and NathanKell For use with RO v11.0.1+ Support LE-5 and LE-7 from Forgotten Real Engines Place/price some parts new in 1.1 and 1.0.5. Add a self destruct system to all avionics units, borrowing its basic algorithm from TAC Self Destruct. Note: not available on avionics units on crewed parts. This self destruct system can be activated by menu or by action group and will destroy all vessel parts when triggered. Cost misc aero parts and small tanks. Place/price the Aviation Cockpits parts supported by RO. Require things to go up in the First Flight contract. Readme and netkan fixes.
  4. @Cronus425 Yes, there is. Ask the KER devs to fix their issues.
  5. I have posted a pull request to fix a few miscellaneous issues with the Linux x64 branch in KSP 1.1.2 and to support the current EVE release (no more rectangular particles). https://github.com/Pingopete/RVE-KSP-1.0.4/pull/15
  6. No, FAR works just fine with parachutes. Please don't spread misinformation. @Kerbalito this sounds like you have a version mismatch between FAR and MFI. Please ensure you have the current FAR release and the current MFI release.
  7. @leudaimon good points. It does indeed have both barometer and thermometer inside the nose cone. As for the parachute, this is because the first few vessel recoveries from various situations do offer extra science, science well worth grabbing. The delta V and TWR should be enough to reach ~60km or so I think, so we should be able to get flying high science. Barring any other points, I think that's what we'll go with.
  8. Yeah, you can ask the pqscontroller what the terrain altitude is at a given location. Forget the exact syntax tho.
  9. Both those approaches should be sufficient as long as you stage high enough. How low are you staging?
  10. Check your burn times. Make sure they're not greater than your engines' rated burn times.
  11. All epehemera should be via JPL HORIZONS using Earth-equatorial coordinates. Anything else will be rather messed up.
  12. @TiktaalikDreaming the traditional scaling factor is 0.64x. And yes, A-10 is very, very daft.
  13. We're going with only people who actually have experience with RP-0, although you're welcome to start your own team, the more the merrier.
  14. @Nobody6 since no one else has reported these problems, I continue to have no choice but to think it's an install issue, sorry. @jdub3350 MM may be close to witchcraft, but it's not quite witchcraft. It's that I set things to hide if the NoNonRP0 mod is installed, and MM builds its modlist from, amongst other things, folders in GameData.
  15. Yeah, can be the inverse of the 'values of interest' thing. State the number of values you want and it will return that number of highest significance.
  16. We have plenty of people, per the OP. Unless I forgot someone! Then we have more! I will be running things, although help on the administrative side is always welcome; I will also direct some flights, and (mostly) be doing some craft design. As stated in the intro thread, however, jobs will be switching up at points so team members get to try out doing different things. Here are the craft with which we begin our journey. (Note: choose "view full resolution" on each to read the fine print.) We also, of course, have to come up with naming conventions! These names are subject to change, although I am rather partial to "Buzzard" and "Clydesdale".
  17. @Enceos cool! I gotta figure out exactly what I wrote, all these years ago... It's been so long I don't remember.
  18. It's the evening of December 31, 1950, and we find ourselves at Cape Canaveral. Our space program starts out with just over eight million dollars ($10 million in constant-year dollars) We therefore have two orders of business: 1. Determining what to do first, and 2. Improving our build and research rates given our larger plans. Further, we have three main options for the early game: 1. Rockets focus. 2. Planes focus. 3. Equal focus. Once we make a first flight, we will have more contract opportunities: repeatable sounding rocket and X-Plane contracts. In addition, after our first flight we will have a second milestone contract available, the crewed breaking of the sound barrier. So...what to do first? Fly a plane, break some crewed altitude and speed records? Fly a rocket, break some uncrewed records? Set both to building, and split our KSC personnel between both planes and rockets?
  19. Welcome to Go For Launch, a cooperative Realistic Progression Zero playthrough! Expect sounding rockets, x-planes, crewed and uncrewed spaceflight, and not a few inopportune engine failures and quick thinking from mission control. Flag: Current team members: @DuoDex @tetryds @Red Iron Crown @goldenpeach @soundnfury @Frybert @NecroBones @Ravenchant @EladDv @SirKeplan @Fenisse @hypervelocity and me! Graphics by @Agathorn, @soundnfury, and yours truly. For the thread where this journey began, see here. Repository (on GitHub: contains logos, save files, etc.) Repository Wiki (on part of the repository: contains information on craft used and missions flown/scheduled). Twitch Channel (where the streams will be). YouTube Channel (where the streams are archived). Mission 1: A record-setting flight into the stratosphere using the Buzzard aircraft. 12:30am UTC May 23rd (8:30pm EDT May 22nd). SUCCESS (YouTube). Mission 2A: Sounding rocket flights for science (and a bit more funding). 9pm UTC May 27th (5pm EDT). SUCCESSES (YouTube: Part 1 and Part 2) Mission 2B: More sounding rocket flights. Sunday May 29 11:59pm UTC (6pm EDT). SUCCESS / PARTIAL FAILURE (YouTube: Part 1 and Part 2) Mission 3: Breaking the sound barrier! Stream 1: FAILURE (YouTube). Erica Winkler hospitalized from a rough landing! However, she did succeed in reaching 50km and 1100m/s. Stream 2: 12:45am UTC June 4 / 8:45pm EDT June 3. FAILURE, possible wheel bug on landing (YouTube). Mission 3C Sim: As before. Simulation only, a the actual launch was canceled due to a schedule issue. Flown 6pm EDT / 10pm UTC, Friday June 10. SUCCESS. (YouTube: Part 1 and Part 2.) Mission 4: Suborbital flight with the Flicker spaceplane. Attempt a 75km apogee then ditch in the Atlantic. GREAT SUCCESS. (YouTube: simulation; actual mission.) Mission 5: Suborbital flight with the Flicker spaceplane to above 140km, then another ditch in the Atlantic. SUCCESS except for a buoyancy bug on splashdown. (YouTube: simulation; actual mission.) Mission 6: Orbital flight using the BlueSky 2A Launch Vehicle. This will involve some booster development flights and then an orbital launch (and if that fails, a backup). Sunday 19 June, 5pm EDT (9pm UTC): Booster development flights to flight-prove the new engines needed for our BlueSky 2A launch vehicle. Sunday 19 June, 8pm EDT (midnight UTC): Orbital launch with the BlueSky 2A launch vehicle.
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