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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. Folks, I need to see the output_log.txt (or, on linux/Mac, player.log), as otherwise the only thing I get from you is "it doesn't work, please fix!". With the log, I can tell you what it is that's not working (well, probably). That said, I *can* tell you that if RSS appears "half done" when you load your save that's because it is--it clearly errored out halfway through. The log will tell me where. As a quick fix, try nuking the RSS folder, and installing fresh from the download in the OP. ======== For folks using Mission Controller, here is a patch designed to give fuels their real cost. When I designed the cost system I (roughly) assumed a "k" was $1000US; in this patch fuels have their 1960 cost; engine costs should also be quite close (engine costs dominate stage costs; I was unable to find costs for engines, but I seem to be able to model the cost of stages decently). So...if folks do use MCE, please try out the patch and see how the costs go (whether rocket costs, and in particular the sub-categories, match 1960 costs). I plan to include it in the next RO (so stick the file in the RO folder).
  2. Out of date responses, GO! The Destroyer: If you want to play with a tech tree, you need RPL + RftS Engines. Medieval Nerd is planning to eventually make a fork of his RPL for RealEngines, but that time is not now. Hodo: very possible to move the base and the old KSC. Add more PQSCity nodes to the Kerbin PQS node (next to the one for KSC) and change the latitude and longitude of the PQSCities you want to change. Regarding solar panels: KSP does change power output based on distance; RSS replaces all solar panel power curves with a decent approximation of the inverse-square law. Lord Aurelius: Did you ever get your install straightened out? We're hoping to have a detailed install guide for RPL soon (that will work for RO too obviously), and get the Mod Bundler back up and running to do it all for you. RaccoonTOF: If you get RE updated, send me it? I'll change the link. Also, coldblade2000, if you're reading this, how did the adding-EI-support go? The ModuleManager reporting an error is totally harmless (it isn't even an error, per se, MM just doesn't know what to do with the line). If you must change it, replace the // with foo (do NOT make it apply to the part; it's disabled for a reason). That said, I will shortly release a fix in the next RO so your errorlog will be clean. Finally, for folks using Mission Controller, here is a patch designed to give fuels their real cost. When I designed the cost system I (roughly) assumed a "k" was $1000US; in this patch fuels have their 1960 cost; engine costs should also be quite close (engine costs dominate stage costs; I was unable to find costs for engines, but I seem to be able to model the cost of stages decently). So...if folks do use MCE, please try out the patch and see how the costs go (whether rocket costs, and in particular the sub-categories, match 1960 costs). I plan to include it in the next RO (so stick the file in the RO folder).
  3. AIES KW Rocketry BobCat Soviet Engines NovaPunch And some other misc things. Complete list of RealEngines supported engines here
  4. I'm not sure anyone mentioned it, since I'm not going to waste time reading the above post, but what does the above post say? (I seem to recall someone did; but to be sure, use "Search this thread" at the top if you want to search threads)
  5. Install issue, perhaps multiple Module Managers or multiple cfgs. That occurs when *two* ModuleFuelTanks get added to a part.
  6. If your tree gets broken, start a new RPL save, and select the RPL tree. Then quit. Then copy the tree.cfg from that save into your old save. Tree restored! MN, you're off by 1.3km/sec there; orbital speed is just shy of 8km/sec, but gravity losses (and a bit of drag) means you need about 9300m/s dV to get *into* orbit
  7. So, this is apropos of absolutely nothing, but it's been bothering me for a *very* long time. Could you please edit the thread title to add an apostrophe to Kerbols? -> Kerbol's Thanks. :]
  8. Well, I don't claim to have this down 100%, but here's my understanding: On game load, the game goes through all PART{} confignodes creating Part objects (and running OnLoad for them and their modules based off the part.cfg). These are the prefabs. Then, when you place a part (in the VAB), or you load a craft file in the VAB (with its parts) or the game loads an sfs file (with vessels with parts), the game instantiates (clones) each part off the prefab, updating it via calling OnLoad fed by the peristent confignode (in .craft or .sfs) which contains all the updated persistent fields. So the prefab is cloned into a new object, and its fields (and its modules' fields) are updated to their "customized" values, to create that actual as-saved part. Then, when the .craft is saved, or the vessel goes on rails (and eventually is saved to sfs), everything has OnSave called, which builds the persistent confignodes.
  9. You are. That tech tree is called Realistic Progression Lite, is made by MedievalNerd, and has its own thread. Cool! You're most welcome.
  10. Yes, I get that you're playing RO. However, the only mod that includes the WAC Corporal probe core, and that has experiments for it, is RPL, the tech tree mod. I didn't make that mod. If you have questions about it, please ask there. To edit cloud height, press ALT+N while in flight, then increase the altitude to something like 10000. To delete parts you don't want, open GameData, browse to the mod it's from, find the folder for the part you want to delete, and delete that folder.
  11. griffin247: if you're having an issue with RPL (you mention "WAC experiments"), probably best to ask on the RPL thread.
  12. Sounds like a good plan. Also, losing the old issues isn't all bad--a few would be good to keep (for example, the lengthy ionosphere thread) but given the near-total rewrite a lot of the specific bug reports probably won't be relevant.
  13. KSP has a part-loading issue: if the order of modules in the prefab differs from the order of confignodes for modules in the .craft or .sfs file's entry for that part, the [persistent] data in them won't be loaded into the prefab when it's instanced for use.
  14. I wouldn't really call 1kN vs real life's average of a few dozen *milli*Newtons "not much better"....
  15. That Mustang is out-of-this-world! Wow. The rest are awesome too, but as a big Mustang fanboy I'm really impressed. Here's a few of mine; I mostly don't make replicas, instead I make RL-inspired craft (for Reaching for the Stars.) All craft have correct mass and, thanks to AJE and FAR, performance. North American F-100C Super Sabre / Hun English Electric Lightning F.1 Dassault Etendard IV
  16. Ivan Ivanovich: ATM recommends *not* changing the settings menu's texture quality slider (it interferes). Instead, it's best to open up ActiveTextureManagement/config.cfg and adjust settings there. In particular, increase the number after scale = and after scale_normals = (Aggressive starts at 2, aka half-size; if you want to reduce father, rather than also setting KSP's texture quality to half size [and effectively getting quarter-size, with some inefficiency] change scale =2 to scale = 4, and change scale_normals = whatever to scale_normals = 4 You can also set absolute caps, like max_size (set it to 256, perhaps, rather than increasing the divisor too much) or max_size_normals (set it to 128 if you really want to free up lots of RAM for least quality loss). Finally, besides increased quality, a major reason for doing the scaling via ATM rather than KSP is that ATM will cache its rescales; your first load of KSP after making a change will be slow, by all subsequent loads will be super-fast; if you use KSP's own reduction, it has to reduce the textures every time you load the game. Aazard: Nice! Did not know about that tweak. Thanks! Medieval Nerd, I think you meant RftS and Real *Engines*? (And please remove the TEXTURE_QUALITY thing from OP and replace with the above. )
  17. Known issue with KSP: the craft loader depends on modules being in the same order and will fail to load data if they are not. Load your craft in the VAB, rebuilt it as desired, then save it. Open the .craft file and note the order of the MODULE nodes in the part(s) affected. Now open your persistence.sfs file and find the craft(s) affected, find the part(s) in them affected, and reorder the MODULE nodes as necessary.
  18. Ah. They're my custom textures for Procedural Fairings. You can get them in Realism Overhaul, although soon enough e-dog is adding support for stretchy/PP textures so you can just use the stretchy version.
  19. Place base. Place payload. Then place fairing sides on the base (choose egg or conic).
  20. That would be because you're thinking of the Procedural Fairings mod. As to other textures for tanks, to change a tank's texture, place the cursor over it and press T.
  21. Or maybe it's because you're actually demanding. Try not posting any requests for a week and then maybe limit yourself to one, polite "have you considered making x" a week.
  22. There are plenty of coders who don't model, and plenty of artists who don't code. You needn't necessarily take both on, if your interests lie in only one direction.
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