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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. AFAIK they're just set in the exe, but you can change them as Faark says. You can use RSS to do so, and look in RSS's source to see how.
  2. sidfu: source is just cs files etc and the game doesn't load them (how could it?). It's harmless. Now, if you tried to *compile* the source, and that created an extra dll, that'd be different, but...
  3. MeCripp: surprisingly enough from a mod called Firespitter. This look s *really* good now
  4. This will only work for cylindrical, not conic, stretchies, but: module.attach * module.radialFactor will give you the radius.
  5. Each segment will have the thrusterPower you assign to it. I don't understand the question.
  6. SFJackBauer: that's super useful! Are you using the latest version of EE that's linked in the OP? careo's been rewriting it.
  7. Ok, then you just want vessel.geeforce * 9.81 (for m/s). That is total acceleration - centripedal and coriolis effects - gravity. FlightIntegrator.gForce, despite its name, is current gravitational acceleration. Not sure about torque.
  8. Hey, this is looking great! I'm currently on crappy motel wifi or I'd be trying the heck out this and giving real comments; for now, just general encouragement must suffice.
  9. For each thruster transform, thrust = thrusterPower * ((VectorYPR dot transform) + (VectorTranslate dot transform)) Where VectorYPR is pitch, yaw, roll control input (-1.0 for full deflection one way on each axis, 1.0 for full deflection the other way) and VectorTranslate is the same but for the three translation axes. Err, that's how it *should* work. But instead they use the part's origin rather than the transform's position, which is why stack-mounted RCS (like RCS on a pod) is flaky.
  10. Not sure about reference frame weirdness, but you can try grabbing vessel.acceleration - vessel.flightintegrator.gForce?
  11. Oh. You didn't mention the launch pad part! Why no, it is not. Unless your rocket is wobbling badly on the pad, in which case actually yes...
  12. Is what normal? Looks like you have the debug window open and so the extra stats show up in the right click menu.
  13. There's two issues here though. One is one that simply can't be helped, which is that Squad engines basically don't look like rocket engines (the LV-T30 comes closest, probably, and the Skipper at least has a good nozzle, as do the LV-1s). Can't do nuthin about that. The second, though, is that KW's engines aren't painted to match KW tanks; they're painted to look like real engines. So one thing you might do is try adding detail to the normal map (ribbing on the nozzle, a pipe going from the top section to that diffuser ring, more details on that big top housing thing...) I'd also suggest maybe considering doing non-uniform scales of engines to see if you can make them look better. It'll stretch those rings into elliptical rather than circular tori, but it may be worth it to get better-looking nozzles. For example, making the 24-77 twice as tall as it is now (but still .625 wide) makes it look much better IMO.
  14. Cool! I doubt I'll have anything for you soon--I'm still away on the trip, and will be for another week. :\
  15. Please post your output_log.txt - sounds like something is erroring out.
  16. Ferram: heh. Yes, I'll add the nozzle-thrust linking and ability to change nozzle model and texture to the top of my todo list (well, right after fixing ModuleHybridEngine and adding ModuleEnginesFX support to RF). Probably the easiest approach would be to ask if anyone would be willing to make nozzle/skirt models, and then I can just swap models. Or I guess maybe for flexibility, have separate nozzles and skirts? blackheart612: I think the best idea might be if you created a new thread for your texturey awesomeness. Then I can just link that in the OP, and you can update it as desired. And so it gets more well-deserved notice.
  17. Well, you can probably guess my opinion. Anything to make the graphics less cartoon-like gets a giant thumbs-up from me. Now that doesn't necessarily meant dirtless, though perhaps a bit cleaner than stock, but mostly color palette choices. The white nozzle makes it look a bit like the Delta IV's RS-68:
  18. Your best bet would be posting on the FAR thread and asking Ferram, I'd say? Reference area is either the surface area of the body if no wings, or the wing area if wings are anywhere present. Since I presume you had fins on the core, ref area wouldn't change on booster separation, but Cd would.
  19. B9 engines come with RF, they don't need a set of engine configs. Support isn't modernized from the MFS days, but it's there.
  20. Was able to get KSP to load on the laptop, although with a ton of texture reduction. Since nixonshead has now posted full-up renders of Saturn Multibody from Eyes Turned Skyward (a truly excellent alternate history of the post-Apollo era by two aerospace engineers) I decided to do a KSP version of the Saturn Multibody M02 (a CCB style derivative of the Saturn IC, itself a IB with a new monobloc first stage and F-1A). The following album shows the stack in the VAB, the launch, ascent, and TD&E of the mission module.
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