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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. That engine is pressure-fed. That means you need a highly pressurized tank for it. Right-click on the tank and ensure Highly-Pressurized is set to true. If not, switch tank type until it is, and _then_ fill the tank.
  2. It disables any reference transform shift on entering IVA. So it should stop that ever happening.
  3. Use this EVE: https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/blob/fcc42a6c7faafbec1f8656a04e59faa86de8f8c7/x86-EVE-Release.zip?raw=true
  4. Yeah, not seeing anything wrong. Really weird. I'll try to reproduce on my end. You might also post on the Realism Overhaul thread and see if anyone else is running into this.
  5. Capping acceleration is a really bad idea no matter what planet you're on. That's a holdover from when KSP had soup for atmosphere. If you're not using all your engine's thrust...you shoulda brought a smaller enigne.
  6. And that log was right from after experiencing the issue? Hmm. Nothing is jumping out at me. However, you have an *incredible* number of mods, so my suggestion would be to narrow down to just what Realism Overhaul directly requires, plus procedural parts. See if it works then. Then try adding mods back bit by bit.
  7. Yep, there are some issues here we're trying to fix as we speak...thanks for the report and log!
  8. We can't speak to update frequency this far out, but you're quite right that we might well make save-breaking changes during the pre-release period (only for those who already have and have used the pre-release, to be clear--the release version of 1.1 will be compatible with 1.0.5 saves). This is because the upgrade pipeline checks the save's version, and the pre-release will obviously save saves with a 1.1 version string. But if the format changes midway through the prerelease...goodbye save. This is just to reinforce: the pre-release is, as its name imples, not release-quality software. If you only want a stable, fun KSP experience, wait for the actual release. The pre-release is to help us catch bugs from a wider audience (and to give modders a head start on updating), not to give some people an early crack at the actual release.
  9. @g00bd0g that would be super helpful! Also come by #RO on espernet if you want to chat.
  10. CTTChanges.cfg is where we make all our changes. Do check the state of RP-0 on github though, I've done some of that already.
  11. @panourgue yes, the current release of TACLS does spam log for that. Doesn't affect gameplay.
  12. Please zip and upload (a) your log (see the sticky in this forum for how to find it), and (b) your ModuleManager.ConfigCache from GameData.
  13. @NoMrBond it was actually IIRC in response to one of the channel "usual suspects" suggesting that the steam-only prerelease was the first step on the rode to steam-only DRM'd releases.
  14. Ok, cool. I don't have time to take on making such an addon, though I'm happy enough to help out anyone who does want to take it on. Right now just the string is on the right-click menu, which would make it a bit of a pain. States are: Very Stable Stable Risky Very Risky Unstable Very Unstable You can see that here: https://github.com/NathanKell/ModularFuelSystem/blob/master/Source/Ullage/UllageSimulator.cs#L195-L212 If the string is not one of those, you should ignore it (although if it's Feed Pressure Low, that means the engine won't work at all).
  15. @Autochton I have no idea. That's up to kOS. My guess is they don't have special handling for RF's modules.
  16. I've pretty much ignored the admin building thus far in RP-0, because (gee, I wonder why Strategia exists) the stock strategies are...yeah, best not go there. I'd love to chat with you about how to integrate Strategia.
  17. @Charlie the Kerbal yes, there's a public string that tracks the ullage status. It also mentions pressure if you don't have highly pressurized tanks for your pressure-fed engine. The float that actually tracks it is in UllageSimulation, an object for which ModuleEnginesRF has a reference. @Autochton uh...what do you mean?
  18. It is recommended but not required. That is to allow people to play with 10x Kerbol, e.g.
  19. You might also like ROMini. It does similar work to SMURFF but also fixes part scales, so you don't have insanely-high-ballistic-coefficient pods etc.
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