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Everything posted by NathanKell

  1. SKGaming: Welcome! Need more info than that, please follow the instructions here to post your log (after force-closing KSP after the hang). http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92229-How-To-Get-Support-%28READ-FIRST%29 marrioman13: MM errors are usually ignorable; the Tantares configs will be fixed when Niemand303 has a chance.
  2. Are you opening the craft file that comes with this mod, or the craft file that comes with RO?
  3. I thought that "same Isp in Vac and sea level" myth was finally killed, but apparently not. That's Just. Not. How. It. Works. Altitude-compensating nozzles are not magic fairy dust. All they do is lower (not even eliminate, just lower!) the penalty of using an engine at an altitude (i.e. ambient pressure) for which it was not optimized. If you think it should provide the same Isp in vacuum and at sea level, I have a simple experiment for you. Make a compressed-air rocket motor (say, pump a soda bottle full of air). Now, measure how much thrust it provides in the air...and then measure it again underwater. That's about what we're talking about here. You have to remember that what makes an engine produce less thrust (i.e. have a lower Isp) at sea level is not some magic "I hate you sea level!!!11one" force, but the pressure of air. No matter what your nozzle is, you're going to do remarkably better in vacuum than at sea level, because in vacuum there's 0 pascals of air pressure, and at sea level there's a hundred thousand pascals. What this class of nozzle *does* do is eliminate the need for different engines at different altitudes. That means instead of needing a small bell at sea level (with relatively poor vacuum performance), and a large bell in vacuum (with utterly horrific sea-level performance), you get one nozzle that performs rather well at both. And so it does: the ingame Aerospike has better sea level Isp than most boosters, and better vac Isp than most upper stage engines.
  4. framerate: The "first" flyby, or the repeatable crewed lunar? As to ref changing, that sonuds like an update to Koeprnicus changing the order of celestial bodies. Or did you install the RSS addon pack? Lilienthal: Ah. Huh, wonder why it wasn't before, I have no memory of moving it >.> Tom K: The tree still has to be developed, and parts placed and priced. If you install parts from unsupported packs, you'll just get "Non-RP0" parts for now... As for the list, that very same OP lists them... chrisl: It's an alternative config for the LMDE. I feel fairly confident in saying the F used Aerozine and NTO, since you'd have a very hard time to get that Isp from nitric acid, and it clearly seems to be a post-Delta P attempt by Aerojet to get back on Delta, using the same propellants as Delta P (and Transtage and SPS, the latter both Aerojet engines). What sources claim it's not NTO/AZ? yanivabo: Looks like the same DRE shield issue being discussed in the RO thread.
  5. LadyAthena: Same response as above the last time someone had a bugged install. Please install *only* the required and recommended (by CKAN) mods for RSS/RO/RP-0, *not* suggested mods let alone anything else. You have a ton of mods in there, a number of which change gameplay, and it's entirely unsurprising things would break. Nerd1000: Update to the latest RemoteTech release. If the problem persists, post a craft file (but see above for how other things could interfere). O Nerd: Congrats! Herrkurt: It's possible something in the most recent DRE broke things, because that shield used to work fine for me. JT2227: Ditto.
  6. You ran out of process RAM. Remove part packs, lower the texture pack resolution, and/or use forced OpenGL mode (or DX11 mode) to lower RAM usage.
  7. Delta V required to reach orbit is heavily influenced by TWR; a fixed value of 3400 can be too much or too little. (for the Earth case, see http://www.silverbirdastronautics.com/LVperform.html for a simple but solid model.)
  8. Ah, I had read the post as implying multiplication. Rather than, y'know, checking the source. Thanks to you and thanks to Alewx
  9. federicoaa: The tree.yml file was compiled from the .90 era (hmm, actually .25 era even, IIRC) Community Tech Tree. The 1.x version has lots of new nodes, which we're still trying to figure out how to slot in. tree.yml doesn't define nodes itself, it only defines where parts should be placed and at what cost. Great! Then the next step is to research how much the part you want to place would actually cost. Frameratae: We don't touch how rep works, or how strategies work... Rothank: Looks like a solid LV! As to the Agena, shoot, I was supposed to look that up a few days ago. I'll try to remember. Lilienthal: Dang, that's weird. I don't recall having moved Surveyor (it should be in the Landing node, did it move?) and an upgrade shouldn't have changed what contracts you have on offer at all What node *is* Surveyor in for you now? chrisl: We don't have a part to represent the 118F yet. In effect that's an improved version of the engine used on Transtage (still the 37/104/118 heritage, but reworked for Aerozine and NTO). K is a further development of that. We'll probably use the Aerojet-Kerbodyne 118K for that, then. arisian: That's totally understandable. And certainly things like KAC are borderline required--especially if you want to see what the date actually is! (I'm addicted to seeing "1 Jan 1951" instead of "Year 1 Day 1"...we probably should recommend it in the RO netkan, actually.) If you do find something you Just. Need. to play with though, consider making RO and RP-0 configs for it maybe? For most things, the reason we don't support them yet isn't distaste, it's just no one's had a chance to patch them yet. The reason I reacted as I did was mostly USI in particular; the philosophy of the USI suite is more or less diametrically opposed to RO, so I would expect lots of weird things and breakages occurring from trying to get them to live together. Doesn't mean we shouldn't have ISRU and colonization in RO, just that, even if it's done from USI parts, they'll take an awful lot of patching. :]
  10. Andrey, as others have mentioned CLS will restrict what you can pass through. In the latest RO is included a procedural crew tunnel that you can use. LadyAthena: I agree the name/description is misleading. It will be fixed for the next release. Rothank: Yeah, noted. What do you need control for though? For 3,000km+, Castor-Altair will do it. Otherwise you'll need something like this (3 Baby Sergeant kick stages, spin-stabilized, atop a 5x upgraded-Aerobee-Sustainer core). Note how much lower the gravity losses are for the (high-TWR) solid version, on the order of a km/sec or more. JT2227, Herrkurt: There appears to indeed be a problem with the Mk1-2 pod and the Deadly Reentry heat shield for it. Use the stock orangeish heat shield that says it's lunar-rated instead. Regarding the pad, there's some bugs with 1.0.4 heating, and also bugs with how the gauges are calculated. Elderon: Welcome to the forums, and to RO! Please post your log (this thread will show you how). My guess is you might not have the right version of AJE installed, or are missing the Community Resource Pack., http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92229-How-To-Get-Support-%28READ-FIRST%29
  11. Wait...is there a way to *decrease* minimum zoom? That was my request... :] (i.e. both larger maximum, and smaller minimum--RO involves 100+ meter tall craft, as well as tiny <0.25m diameter probes)
  12. That looks great to me! Then you could swap out the WAC bits for a simple weighted nosecone for single-stage use.
  13. TMBakeNaut I'd be very interested on any more info you had on them, from the reports I *still* couldn't tell whether they had coldgas nitrogen for orientation or not.
  14. KSP models emissivity as the same as absorption. So your massive radiator will also suck in solar flux like nobody's business.
  15. Phineas Freak, those are some truly awesome recreations! boosters++: Depends on the engine. Pressure-fed hypergolics are fairly simple, you just get a set of valves capable of being opened and closed multiple times. So cost and a tiny bit extra mass. For pump-fed engines it's rather more complex.
  16. Sounds like you're playing RP-0, maybe? That means you need an Orbital Perturbation experiment on the satellite (the Gravioli part from stock KSP).
  17. 4x does indeed sound right, although you may need to try to discern which are upper and lower stage engines....the high-tech NASA/ARM engines in stock are in the 22-30 range themselves.
  18. Trollception: Great! I'd suggest linking it from the issue you created. But it might also be worth linking it from the PR too. RoketMan: Uh...the same way you installed KSP. Via steam update or by going to the store page you got it from and downloading it again. federicoaa: Awesome! If you check back a couple pages, either here or on the RO thread, I describe how.
  19. Then you most certainly don't want all that. As I was implying, you only want that single line to change the part limits, and then the action group thing. i.e. @CUSTOMBARNKIT { @EDITOR { @actionGroupsCustomUnlock = 0 @actionGroupsStockUnlock = 0 @partCountLimit = 50, 100, -1 } } Unless you do want to make other changes, of course.
  20. Why yes, yes I am. Are you sure you're on KSP 1.0.4 ? And you don't have any mods installed (yet)? GigaG: For now, just quit and restart KSP.
  21. I'm unclear--are you using RP-0, and want part limits? Or are you playing regular KSP, and only want to change the part limits?
  22. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/blob/master/GameData/RP-0/CustomBarnKit.cfg#L20 That sets the part count limits to -1 (unlimited) for all three tiers.
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