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Everything posted by vardicd

  1. Yeah a cool down might not be a bad idea, make it so random events can only fire once every so many days or something.
  2. @severedsolo I am still seeing the random events fire at rates that seem way above the default 0.100000001% chance. I have seen random events pop across multiple saves now some times as often as 3 times in the first 60 days. It doesn't happen in every single save, but when it does, it seems as if it always pops as I'm leaving the VAB/SPH after adding a craft to the KCT build list.
  3. @severedsolo I managed to squeak in a new save test on my lunch just now, with the auto balance set to false new saves seem to load my custom changes to the default config within the main mod folder. So looking promising.
  4. Found it, set to false, don't have time for extensive testing right now, but was able to do a quick boot, and when i loaded my save, it did seem to show the correct values for the custom settings I had set manually, and when i exited the custom values hadn't been reset in the config file. Going to call this a promising development, but will have to wait till after work tomorrow for more extensive testing with new saves, to see if it'll hold or was a one time fluke.
  5. @zer0Kerbal The download links in the opening post lead to the old out dated version of the mod on spacedock, and a broken github link, is that an oversight? I did find the correct download link in the second post, but i was confused for a minute there.
  6. @severedsolo You might want to check the code that controls random events as well, I have twice now had a random event fire after adding a vessel to the KCT build, as I'm leaving the editor scene. both occurred in the first 30 day budget window. I did not mess with the frequency of events in the config file. Also after more testing, getting any custom settings to stick in the save specific file seems to happen completely randomly. sometimes the changes will stick if the save specific file is edited when KSP is shut down, sometimes it does not. I can't seem to find a way to reliably get results with it. Side question, is there a way to see a kerbal's current morale? If i lose a kerbal and my crew gets a morale strike, can i see that? also if i lose a kerbal and a morale strike occurs, and i hire new kerbals before the 6 month period ends, do they inherit the morale strike from 'hearing about it' while in training, or do they start fresh with no morale strikes?
  7. Version = 0.2 this is what it shows at the top of the settings file, in both default and save specific. Also I made a mistake in my reporting. I assumed that the new save i started would reflect the changed values after the first month's budget cycle. It does not. The values in a new game remain at the old default values unless you exit KSP and manually edit the save specific file to custom values. then it takes one in game month to reflect the changes. Also appears to break if you do nothing and run the game through a budget cycle. I did nothing, spent no money, for one month to see if the settings would change. I got a message about budget, my costs should have been in the 40,000 range per default settings, my available balance remained at my starting value of 10,000. Mod does not appear to actually do anything, if you don't spend money.
  8. Also just tested starting a new save, even with the default values in the main mod folder set for my custom values, a brand new save loads with the default values. does not inherit the changed settings from the mod's default config till after the first month budget change.
  9. Update, the settings changes apparently will stick, as long as you do it with KSP shut off, but require a full budget cycle to be reflected in game. I changed my settings while KSP was shut down, loaded my save, budget widow showed old settings, ran the game forward and at the 30 day mark when budget magic happened, my costs appeared to be deducted in accordance with the default values {I lost funding to the tune of 40,000}, but the next budget cycle is showing values equal to the settings I changed. {costs of a mere 22,000} and the save specific config now reflects the values that i set.
  10. Uh, @severedsolo your budgets mod may not play nice with Kerbin Environmental Institute? I don't think that's supposed to look like that, but maybe that's just because the mod instantly does all science at the KSC? I still get the same results. I even tried editing the files with KSP closed. changes don't seem to stick, or reflect in game.
  11. Oh I didn't realize that, cool I do have one other question, I just started a new save and am trying out this mod for it. the wiki says: KSP Directory/GameData/Bureaucracy/defaultSettings.cfg KSP Directory/saves/your save folder/BureaucracySettings.cfg The first are default settings that will be applied to all new games. The second are save specific settings. I've manually edited my save specific folder now to lower the maintenance cost of some of the buildings and kerbal wages to be more in line with the customn setup i liked in my monthly budget uses, however, as soon as i reload my game the changes seem to reset, they return to the default settings. do i need to also change the default file, or is there some other step i need to take other than editing and saving the file? {or could it be that the default is incorrectly over writing save specific settings? Don't know if this is working correctly on you end?} Not sure If i'm just doing something wrong but I've tried to change the settings several times and keep getting the same results. EDIT: Ironically, the dead kerbal rep penalty setting stays changed. I lowered that setting so dead kerbals were bad, but not as bad. that setting stays changed, all others reset. EDIT2: I just tried changing the default settings file and the save specific file at the same time and reloading the game to see if it will stick. the default file remained changed when i exited and looked at it, however the save specific file had reset to the old defaults, except the dead kerbal rep value, which remained at the lower setting I'd selected.
  12. @severedsolo feature request, if i may and forgive me if it's already in here and i missed it, would be nice if kerbals cost a flat rate to hire. It's always seemed silly to me that the more you have the more costly it is to hire more [as in stock]. Seems like increasing budget costs for keeping them on the payroll is enough, not cranking up the hiring costs as each is hired as well.
  13. @linuxgurugamer I am no longer able to reliably reproduce the crash upon docking issue in the save i had, no matter which version of KCT/scrapyard I use so for the time being both me and Severedsolo are stumped with that. I did notice that in the beta version you released here, the roll out to other launch sites is still not functioning. I've recorded a video showing this below. In the video I build 3 rockets, the first sent to Woomerang, the second to the Desert {or Dessert as they mis-spell it} and the third I just click to launch locally. Once KCT has finished building them, I only have the option to roll them out to my 2 local launchpads, Kopernikus and Kennedy, including both rockets that had been assigned to Woomerang and the Desert respectively. Additionally when I open the Asterisk menu there is no option to assign them to the other launch facilities, as there has been in previous KCT versions. https://youtu.be/N67pcJXST_0 Below is a screenshot I just took with the last version of KCT I have from Magico13 that works with KSP 1.8.1 I followed the same steps as I did in the video, and this time when i start rolling out the craft you can see that 2 of them are in fact rolling out to Woomerang and the Desert facility. This version does not actually have an option in the Asterisk menu to transfer vessels to other launch sites so I'm uncertain if I am remembering that function incorrectly, or if it's just broken in this version as well. Other than this issue, I've not yet found anything breaking in the beta version.
  14. Sorry, I was getting ready for bed last night when i posted and i guess i forgot to tag you. I assume by the template I'm using you mean the settings from the mod? one thing of note, that I don't know if it's important, is the screen shot in the VAB is currently set to default, I almost always set it to use the Mk setting, I did so during my last game session. It was set to default when I loaded KSp just now to take these screenshots, so it doesn't seem to persist between KSP sessions.
  15. Okay, then that's strange, because the scrapyard inventory in the save I pull of dropbox doesn't include all the parts i've built and recovered.It shows I have no recovered docking ports nor any of the Onion command pods, and I know I've built and recovered at least 3 if not 4 in this save. 2 of them are in orbit, about to dock, but there should still be at least 1 more of each of those parts available in my inventory. The save is also missing a few science parts that I know I've built and recovered, material science bays is one for sure. I know I've built 2 planes to fly around Kerbin, each with 2 material bays slung under the wings, and I've recovered them in this save. I should at least have 4 material bays in the inventory if not more, but scrapyard says i have none. It feels like I'm missing some more parts in this save too, but those are the only ones that I am 100% sure were built and recovered intact and should be in the inventory and are not. EDIT: @severedsolo never mind on the missing parts in the dropbox save. I think I'm seeing missing parts in my local saves too. I'll keep poking at this and see if I can verify with 100% certainty that scrapyard isn't properly recording parts used and recovered. Crazy side thought, some of the parts I think I'm seeing not show up in scrapyard are parts modified by restock. Restock changing part models/names, whatever wouldn't be messing with how scrapyard keeps track of parts would it?
  16. does scrapyard save data about parts that have been recovered and are available for reuse somewhere other than in the save file?
  17. So here's something crazy. After I replied to you, I pulled the save game out of dropbox so i was testing the exact same version of the save as you, and removed Kerbin space station and xyphos aerospace from my pc. loaded up and docked, no crash. readded xyphos aerospace, pulled the save off dropbox fresh, docked, no crash. figured kerbin station was the culprit. readded kerbin space station to my game, so i had the exact same install as when i sent you the save, pulled the save off dropbox one last time, docked. no crash. if i take the local copy of the save i have here on my pc and load it. I get the crash as soon as i dock. if i copy that local save to another folder on my pc, and then back into the save, i get a crash when i dock those 2 craft. if i upload that local save to dropbox, creating a second copy on my dropbox, then redownload that [second copy not the one shared with you] and plug it back into my save, i get no crash. for some reason copying that save file off my pc and then back on to it, prevents the crash from occurring. All mods in the save are in their most up to date versions, and i'm on KSP 1.8.1
  18. Kerbin Space Station is the only contract pack I'm currently using. {will test without it.} Final Frontier was only added in the current save that i shared. was not present in previous saves. flags only contains 3 custom flags i use in my games for my space program. Ground effect is a mod that affects lifting for planes. Planetary bases is a mod that adds parts and functionality for bases: SituationModuleInfo: This simple plugin adds additional info about science experiment to its information panel (RightMouseClick). Now you can find info about situation when experiment will work and its relations from biomes while constructing your vessel in VAB. Also it adds usage requirements and can trace multiple experiments definitions in one part. Works in VAB-SPH only. Xyphos Aerospace is a mod that adds an automation feature to fuel cells.
  19. I appreciate it. I've been dealing with this bug for several weeks, and 4 save files now, trying to figure out the common mods/situations to trigger it. KCT and Scrapyard where literally the last 2 mods I'd thought to check, because I didn't consider them candidates for a crash related to a docking incident, and in every previous event of the bug modded parts were involved. this was the first time I'd experienced it on what i believe is a pure stock vessel, so i just started ripping all my part mods out, and when it was still happening I started ripping everything else out. It's been driving me nuts.
  20. So i'm not sure what is going on, but it seems like Launch numbering isn't working for me anymore The mod shows up in my game and I can access the control window in the VAb/SPH but when i launch craft it doesn't add any numbers or anything to the craft I'm launching. Tested at KSC and extra launch sites. log https://www.dropbox.com/s/uocit1vj0n4sr0b/Player LNlog.log?dl=0
  21. @linuxgurugamer I have found and issue and seem to have tracked it to some sort of interaction between Scrapyard and Kerbal Construction Time (+ maybe another mod?). For some time now, I've been running into an issue in my games where, after a while attempting to dock 2 craft together would cause an instant crash to desktop, I finally discovered that when the bug is happening, If I remove either scrapyard, or KCT, the bug goes away. I had, previously been using an older version of KCT so I still had access to the other launch sites, a function that as far as a I've been able to tell is broken in the most up to date version. I assumed it was caused by this, so I removed both scrapyard and KCT and all dependencies, and re-downloaded all of them to ensure I had up to date versions, and deleted the KCT settings in the save file to be sure there wasn't anything left from the old version causing problems. After ensuring everything was up to date, I loaded the save and the crash still occurred, and again removing Scrapyard or KCT allowed me to dock the vessels in orbit without crashing to desktop. I don't have any Idea why this happening, nor if an interaction with some other mod is involved. I've providing a link to my actual save file, in which I have 2 craft in orbit just a few meters away from each other and ready to dock. The crash occurs as soon as they dock. I have also posted my current mod list, and my output log. If requested I'll even copy out my whole gamedata folder and make it available to you if it'll help, in the hope that maybe one of you will be able to see what's causing this problem, and hopefully help me resolve this. KCT and Scrapyard are 2 of my core must have mods for KSP, and I don't want to lose either of them, but if there is a 3rd mod not playing nice that i haven't yet found I'd be willing to part with that. I will also post this the Scrapyard thread as well so Severedsolo will see it. Mod list https://www.dropbox.com/s/9zpxwto8q4gw58c/Player.log?dl=0 Log {I hope I posted the right one this time} https://www.dropbox.com/sh/m60ljyr969hpvmu/AAAqdJHYMHxfJyWtr2aUbMrGa?dl=0 Save file.
  22. @severedsolo I have found and issue and seem to have tracked it to some sort of interaction between Scrapyard and Kerbal Construction Time (+ maybe another mod?). For some time now, I've been running into an issue in my games where, after a while attempting to dock 2 craft together would cause an instant crash to desktop, I finally discovered that when the bug is happening, If I remove either scrapyard, or KCT, the bug goes away. I had, previously been using an older version of KCT so I still had access to the other launch sites, a function that as far as a I've been able to tell is broken in the most up to date version from Linuxgurugamer. I assumed it was caused by this, so I removed both scrapyard and KCT and all dependencies, and re-downloaded all of them to ensure I had up to date versions, and deleted the KCT settings in the save file to be sure there wasn't anything left from the old version causing problems. After ensuring everything was up to date, I loaded the save and the crash still occurred, and again removing Scrapyard or KCT allowed me to dock the vessels in orbit without crashing to desktop. I don't have any Idea why this happening, nor if an interaction with some other mod is involved. I've providing a link to my actual save file, in which I have 2 craft in orbit just a few meters away from each other and ready to dock. The crash occurs as soon as they dock. I have also posted my current mod list, and my output log. If requested I'll even copy out my whole gamedata folder and make it available to you if it'll help, in the hope that maybe one of you will be able to see what's causing this problem, and hopefully help me resolve this. KCT and Scrapyard are 2 of my core must have mods for KSP, and I don't want to lose either of them, but if there is a 3rd mod not playing nice that i haven't yet found I'd be willing to part with that. I will also post this the KCT thread as well so Linuxgurugamer will see it. Mod list https://www.dropbox.com/s/9zpxwto8q4gw58c/Player.log?dl=0 Log {I hope I posted the right one this time} https://www.dropbox.com/sh/m60ljyr969hpvmu/AAAqdJHYMHxfJyWtr2aUbMrGa?dl=0 Save file.
  23. I will be watching the development of this mod with great interest. If I wasn't already in the middle of a game I'd try it out, but I'm afraid swapping monthly budgets out for this might... break stuff.
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