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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by vardicd
@linuxgurugamer I think I may have just figured out the pattern. If you build a craft [we will say my W.C.T.V.] in the VAB/SPH, and launch it, it will get the number 1 launch, fly, recover. build that craft again, it'll get the number 2. launch, fly, recover, build again, it'll get the number 3. so now we're up to W.C.T.V. 3 I go into the VAB and build a Mun lander, it gets the number 1. build, fly, recover, i build another W.C.T.V. it resets to 1. as long as you don't change craft in the VAB/SPH the number seems to stick with the craft, but as soon as you break the chain, the number resets the next time you come back to that craft. Each time you build a different craft Launch numbering forgets the previous versions of the craft and starts from scratch.
Okay, so Initial testing seems to indicate the problem does not exist in previous versions. the first W.C.T.V. i just built got the number 2 tag assigned to it, when the one i had built for my Minmus mision last night before i quit had been assigned 1. I had 3 mun landers last night and the first one i built just now had the number 4 I spoke too soon, I just built another W.C.T.V. and it rolled out with a number 1 it did not persist. The error does occur in version
@severedsolo May have a problem for you, I did a mission to Minmus, and got science from 3 different biomes, and got it back to Kerbin, over 200 points, then shut down the game, I just booted up to test something for Linuxgurugamer, and all 200+ science instant completed. I don't know if it's related to the instant complete construction bug that happened before, I wasnt doing science when it happened before, and i wasn't doing construction this time. EDIT: I was doing construction, I was upgrading a new launch pad from level 1 to level 2, and it DID complete at the same time the science instant completed. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wzixgahibetdrjc/Player BB.log?dl=0 Link to log.
Mod swapped booting to do a quick test, do you want a log/save from this as well?
It's happening on the newest version that you have posted on your github, 0.5.4, I think i noticed it a few times over the last couple of days, but was assuming I had just changed something on the crafts without remembering it, and sort of ignored it, but I started to see it more and more as i launched more craft, so yesterday while i was playing I started specifically watching for it. I can't remember if it happened with the version as well, I wasn't aware of it enough back that far to be sure. https://www.dropbox.com/s/azqdrld8wlh9bvs/PlayerLN log.log?dl=0 Log file https://www.dropbox.com/sh/na5pp22zfovteq5/AAAQME5t-bcuiCrWrDlw77uea?dl=0 Should link to save file.
Well, the KCT launchpad upgrade work around works for sure, just got the pop up that i had the wrong launch pad selected as my Minmus mission was 8 days out from Kerbin return, and the upgrade couldn't complete. got it switched over after landing and the upgrade completed, so that's working as expected.
Yeah so far I haven't noticed any other buildings instantly upgrading, seemed to have only been on the version change during a save in progress, with constructions already ordered, I got my Level 5 R+D and Level 4 Tracking station instantly, from having 13% and 0% finished on each of them respectively. didn't even cost me funds or put me in the negative, either.
@linuxgurugamer Has the method by which Launch numbering 'remembers' which craft has been launched changed, or has something in KSP changed that may have affected how the mod 'remembers' craft? I'm noticing while I'm playing that with several craft I'm launching the numbers don't seem to persist. I have a lander probe that I've built to land on the Mun or Minmus. I just happened to name it Mun Lander. I can built a series of them, through Kerbal Construction time and send them off to the Mun or Minmus, and they'll have the numbers behind them, Mun Lander I, Mun Lander II, Mun Lander III etc. I designed them to collect the science, then return to orbit where Kerbals collect the science then return it to Kerbin, at which point the probe deorbits and crashes. Then If i go to build another series of them, With no part changes, exact same craft, just going to different biomes, they start over as Mun Lander I, Mun Lander II, etc. I feel like that used to not be the case, that the mod would remember those craft and run those numbers up, and I'd end up with Mun Lander X, or Mun Lander XVII or higher, and I'm not seeing that. There are some craft that never go above the number one. I've built and launched at least a dozen of my W.C.T.V.'s {Whitestone Crew Transfer Vehicles} without making any changes to the craft, and every single one has been W.C.T.V. I EDIT: If I had to guess, from my observations, and recollections, it almost seems like once there are no active in flight versions of a given craft, the mod forgets that any were ever launched, so the next one comes off the line as the number one again? I suppose it's possible I've got a mod interaction going on, but Unless I'm wrong every mod I'm using now I've used with Launch Numbering in the past, and I don't remember having this issue, I swear I remember the numbers persisting on craft, even if there weren't any left in the world.
@severedsolo How difficult would it be to make the Bureaucracy tab open-able in flight, or at least something to see how much potential science we have waiting around to be processed back home? Just found myself in a situation on Mun, landed near the intersection of 3 biomes, trying to get enough science in one go for a few science node unlocks, and I'd been transmitting some science home, and collecting non transmittable science, and I'd had a few near disasters with my rover and was worried about the safety of my Kerbal and was trying to figure out if i needed to actually go to the 3rd biome, and realized I could add up the samples I'd collected for return, but had to leave the in-flight scene and go back to KSC to see where my total unprocessed science was sitting because I had transmitted some. It's not that big of a deal, if it'd be difficult, or you don't want to do it, I just thought I'd ask, as it'd be a nice [small?] Quality of life improvement. Also, if there is already a way to see how much science you've transmitted in flight without going back to the KSC to see it, maybe let me know, as I don't seem to be aware of it?
[1.8.x] UnKerballed Start v1.1.0 (updated Oct 27, 2019)
vardicd replied to SpinkAkron's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Uh, how does this break Bureaucracy? I just downloaded the 1.1 version of Unkerballed start 12 hours or so ago, and started using it while i was playing, and didn't see any problems with Bureaucracy for the several hours I played afterwards. What did I not notice? -
[1.8.x] Monthly Budgets 5.0.1 (22/12/2019) - UP FOR ADOPTION
vardicd replied to severedsolo's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
As I mentioned in the Bureaucracy dev thread, {repeating here for other people's consideration that may not see it there} I always prefer seeing a mod go up for adoption, rather than just disappearing. even if there are "newer and better" options, there will always be people who'd use the older mods, be it stubborness, not wanting the 'extra' of a new mod, or nostalgia. There are some older mods that have vanished over time that I still wish I could get and play with. -
I mean in all honesty, if you're not going to maintain it, I generally prefer when mod authors leave them up for adoption, instead of letting them die. I realize in this case, this mod is basically monthly budgets 2, as all the basic functionality is still there, with extras, but you never know there might be people that still want the old version with out all the extras. There are a lot of old mods that i use to use that died, because the mod authors left and no one could pick them up and keep them going, and while there are "better" mods that may do the same or similar things, I still miss those old mods, and would use them if they were still around.
[1.8.x] UnKerballed Start v1.1.0 (updated Oct 27, 2019)
vardicd replied to SpinkAkron's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
Where would i get the 1.1 version? EDIT: Nevermind, found the alternate versions on spacedock -
@severedsolo That's nice to know it's nicely modular for future features, but i agree that something like astronaut complex, training, and morale fund allocation, if done should be a future thing. Does make me curious if it would be possible [again as some far future thing] if it would be possible for Bureaucracy to take over KCT tech node unlock feature? have it so that your R+D funding allocation affects how long research nodes take to unlock? that way you don't have Bureaucracy controlling how fast data gets researched, but a separate mod [KCT] controlling how fast tech gets researched, plus would give more incentive to keep R+D funded more regularly. I find as is, I'll gather a bunch of science, then speed a budget cycle with R+D allotment near max get most if not all researched then roll R+D funding back to almost nothing. Now, if tech nodes unlocked like building constructions, over time, then I'd have more reason to keep funding going in there, and give the choice between keeping funding in research more weight [which i feel of the 3 current choices, it's the weakest, in my personal opinion] compared to construction and budget. {I guess this is a future feature request? assuming there's a way to code Bureaucracy to control tech node unlocks?} As far as the current build goes, I've been playing with it for a while now, and i've not run into any further issues, nor technical problems. Nothing I have been able to repeat anyway, couple of one off weird things that I think were just KSP being KSP. the Bureaucracy mod disappearing out of my save, when deleting another save, and needing to restart KSP, being one. I think this build is solid for a proper release, unless you've got something going on your end I don't know about.
Just hired a bunch of Kerbals to staff a space station, and had forgotten about the training times for new Kerbals, and had the random thought, wouldn't it be nice if there was a funding allocation for training kerbals too? Give they longer training times, but the ability to devote funds to a training program to train them faster? when you're not actively training new kerbals have the funds go into a personal amenities fund for your staff, give you a way to increase morale. Devote more funds to it, for parties, better equipment, additional training, Salary bonuses. and the like? Use it as a way to recover morale after disasters, or push morale over the 100% mark as a buffer against future disasters. Not really making any kind of feature request, just sort of had a wouldn't this be cool idea. Make your on staff kerbals, and astronaut complex more dynamic, give you more options to spend money on, and thought I'd share.
I think i can safely say this is not the case. During my testing I accidentally disabled Bureaucracy at one point, and the launchpad did upgrade the next time i clicked the button. The pads themselves will upgrade, it was just a specific interaction between Bureaucracy and KCT where Bureaucracy was attempting to perform and upgrade it's way, with KCT's method disabled. When Bureaucracy looks at the additional KSC pads provided by KCT it saw them all as the same pad, if i understood Severedsolo's explanation correctly, and a work around had to be implemented to get the process to function. Excellent.