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Everything posted by vardicd

  1. Just found this mod and decided to give it a go, but either it doesn't work with 1.9, Or I don't understand something. I had set it to maintain a 1.25 to 1.69 TWR during launch, and the stock TWR display and Mechjeb showed my TWR got to over 2.5 during the launch. I do have mechjeb installed, and was using it, but only the smart A.S.S. to control vessel pitch. I was not using the ascent guidance. Does using any function of mechjeb over-ride the mod, or is it only if mechjeb is controlling the throttle? Can anyone else verify that it's working in 1.9 or not, or perhaps I'm just not understanding what the mod is supposed to do or how it's supposed to work? I may just be using it wrong too, completely possible.
  2. I couldn't tell you. I stopped playing KSP when the 1.7 update dropped and broke a couple of mods I was using, and I got distracted by other games and didn't come back till after the 1.8.1 version was already quite old. I skipped 1.7 and 1.8.
  3. I have no idea why, It's working just fine for me, and one or two others have posted that it's working for them.
  4. {Stares with annoyed disbelief at image} I have been playing this game, for years. Not once. Not one time, did it occur to me, to make a flying drone. I can not even begin to fathom how much lighter, faster, safer, and more fuel efficient I could have been doing this, all this time. Lets build a plane, fly it all over kerbin, collect science, have to make it a crewed craft, pump that weight up, risk those lives! Sometimes, I feel so stupid. Tahvohck, I'm stealing this idea.
  5. FUN is not the word I would use. My room-mate has learned to avoid me like the plague for a few days when I say KSP updated.
  6. I haven't run into any problems so far. I've got a rover on the Mun using KF wheels, and it's moving around fine. was able to launch several planes with KF wheels also. Make a backup of your saves to be safe, but I've not had any problems. The only mod I've run into {that I use} that completely broke going from 1.8 to 1.9 is real chutes.
  7. @Nertea I just discovered the DR-3 radial high gain antenna from NF-exploration, and the little wiggle it gives at the end of it's deployment animation gives me the giggles every time. Its almost like I get the image of a little dog waking up and shaking itself. Like, Okay, I'm awake, lets do this. I love it.
  8. That's a interesting thought, something I hadn't considered. PSA for everyone: As far as I can tell, Mod is still fully operational with the 1.9 update today.
  9. OMG how did i ever fly planes without this mod. How did i never see this before!?
  10. yeah I accounted for the kerbals position and weight, one center seat if only one kerbal, a pair of seats if 2 kerbals. the fixed craft file does indeed drive much better, and doesn't pull to one side. it is oddly reversed, so when i try and go forward, it drives backwards, but I can flip the seats around and put a small rover control point on the back of the rover body to drive it 'correctly' if unmanned, so no worries. thanks for the help!
  11. It does work. Important note, however, cruise control flight uses height above sea level, not height above terrain. May the kraken have mercy upon poor Helena. She was my best test pilot.
  12. Just a heads up for anyone coming in and wondering, real chutes does seem broken with the release of 1.9. Use at your own peril.
  13. No problem, by the way, @Nertea I made backups of my saves and the restock-engines-liquid-25 file and tested it because what the hell, and changing @PART[liquidEngine1-2] to @PART[liquidEngineMainsail_v2] and @PART[engineLargeSkipper] to @PART[engineLargeSkipper_v2] does indeed restore the restock versions, however the in game part control interface in the editors does still retain the part variant options for the new squad versions of the mainsail and skipper, they don't seem to do anything though
  14. Just for anyone wondering, KSP 1.9 throws a incompatible mod warning on load, but Mechjeb seems to function anyway. I don't think it's broken, but don't trust it fully until you've played around with it for a while.
  15. @Nertea With KSP 1.9 out now, the changed names of the skipper and mainsail, {I should say new versions, as the old ones still exist but are hidden} means that we don't have the restock versions anymore. would it be an easy fix to go in and change the part names in a config somewhere to get restock versions back, or is it going to be more complicated? engineLargeSkipper and liquidEngine1-2 were changed to engineLargeSkipper_v2 and liquidEngineMainsail_v2 respectively. If it's more complex than a simple rename substitution in a config, It's going to be beyond me, but I don't know exactly what config to look at to try and change, I would guess config file: restock-engines-liquid-25, but I don't want to break other things messing around in the wrong file. Also feel free to just tell me to shut up and wait for an official fix, I don't want this to come off as, hurry up and fix it already, so sorry if my post's tone comes across that way. It was not intended.
  16. To whom ever it may concern, looks like today's 1.9 update to some of the engines has caused them to start appearing in nodes they weren't previously, I don't know if the changes to the mainsail and skipper involved changing their internal names, or whatever, but they've suddenly appeared in tech nodes way earlier than they did previously. EDIT: yep names have changed. mainsail went from name = liquidEngine1-2 [which is now hidden] to name = liquidEngineMainsail_v2 and skipper changed from name = engineLargeSkipper to name = engineLargeSkipper_v2 EDIT2: In Unkerballed start config, Change line: //rocketry7 @PART[SSME|liquidEngine1-2 to be //rocketry7 @PART[SSME|liquidEngineMainsail_v2 }{ and change //heavierRocketry@PART[MassiveBooster|engineLargeSkipper] to //heavierRocketry @PART[MassiveBooster|engineLargeSkipper_v2] and I believe these 2 should be back to where they need to be.
  17. @benjee10 or anyone else who might know, If I understand what i'm seeing in the download files, it looks like this plumeparty makes some changes to engines/effects, If i'm also using realplume-stock am i going to have a conflict between the mods?
  18. @Boris-Barboris A quick question if i may, is it likely that this mod would have problems working with the mods Ground effect and correctcol? both of them have some effects on flight models and flight effects, as i understand them, and I didn't know if this mod would be able to accept those changes or would need the pure stock aerodynamics to function correctly. Also sorry if this has been asked before and I didn't see the answers
  19. I just loaded up my save to send you a copy of the craft file, and to check decrease the motor output to ~10% {I assume you mean Motor Limit? I don't see motor output?} But while I was looking at that, I noticed that one side of the rover's wheels were showing as inverted? when i tried to toggle it, it also toggled on the other side, so one side was always inverted while the other was normal, is that supposed to happen? I lowered the motor limit on all the wheels to around 10, and launched one to test, and as soon as i tried to give it speed, it starts to pull to the right, if you have a Kerbal in the seats and are looking at his/her 'forward' direction. it actively fights turning left. https://www.dropbox.com/s/jpifmgk9o97ct3i/Mun Rover Tester.craft?dl=0
  20. @maja I think there used to be a bug in Bon voyage where rovers would sometimes end up upside down if they traveled too far, maybe I'm remembering wrong? I thought It had been fixed though. Has that snuck back in in some fashion, or did i just get really unlucky letting these 2 autopilot a Km away to their ascent vehicle while I flew a science pod back to orbit?
  21. I have a question, really sort of new to the mod, and built a rover for the Mun, and It's kind of Squirrel-y to drive, better than the stock wheels I think, but it still over-steers and curves, especially if I've got SAS on. Is that something I'll have to live with, or are there some settings i can tweak to adjust that>? Thanks for any help. Craft and settings menu in flight:
  22. The only way of merging 2 craft is to save them as subassemblies, then merge them in the editor and rebuild it from scratch. you could use the scrap yard mod to re-use the parts you've already built, so you're not technically building the parts from scratch.
  23. After testing today, I can not reproduce the failure to upgrade on new saves, so I'm going to call it a one off KSP glitch, unless I can get it to happen again later.
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