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Everything posted by Fr8monkey

  1. I’m getting the parts. My problem is, those parts can’t be reset by a scientist after use. Posted that problem atleast 3 times and don’t get a response either...
  2. Not to be that guy; but all those things you can get in mods for nothing. I love the game and support it; but $15 for a mod pack that I already have everythng in it loaded in my game?
  3. If you run the experiment, My scientist cant collect it and reset it either from the capsule or IVA. It just says it cannot be removed.
  4. Oh man... sorry to hear you are leaving. Best wishes for the future and I hope things go well for you.
  5. Any word on the science packages not being recycled with a scientist?
  6. I’m a moron in general; but can someone put up some pre built ships for use. Everyone I build, even copying the ones on the front page, have the worst aerodynamics. They fly like a brick. Thanks.
  7. Another thing I’ve noticed is even with a scientist on your craft, the science experiments aren’t resetting themselves.
  8. Not sure if mentioned, but the solar panels in the hatches don’t seem to work. Messed with it, but I can’t figure it out. Am I missing something? Thanks. Edit: Never mind. Saw above post saying it was saved for later release. (Guess reading the posts helps...)
  9. Bob Dole's presidential website is still up.... from1996! http://www.dolekemp96.org/main.htm
  10. I thought it was 2. Played around with it last week and didn’t see the update until today.
  11. Use the Usi life support and KIS. NBD if you don’t. There are a ton of mods that might be a pain to keep up with PS. Maybe a larger crew cabin?
  12. Sweet Googly-Moogly! Excellent work! Any ides to incorporate other mods?
  13. Sweet! Another must have mod for my collection. You rule!
  14. played with mod a bit before. is it possible to turn off the radiation part. love the rest...
  15. US II is going to have the science to fit those parts. I don't think the original ones are compatable.
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