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Everything posted by Fr8monkey

  1. I thought if they are running around the VAB, why not in the ship? Well, floating at least. There are mods to make custom Kerbs and change their facial features. http://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/diverse-kerbal-heads-1-0
  2. Had a dream last night after a 5 hour KSPfest. No, really. I had an Idea for a mod for 1.1; but I have no skill in modding. Pleases tell me if this is a cool idea or a crappy idea. Kerbal Busybodies: Now that the models have a cutaway when flying, what if a mod would let the Kerbals in the ship, station or base move around doing science, fixing things, eating, sleeping and having conversations while you watched? I thought it would be fun to watch Jeb tapping dials and doing situation reports on a clipboard, Bob looking in microscopes and mixing beakers and Bill twisting dials and tapping on the walls with a hammer. Also getting into jammies and a nightcap and going to bed and then getting up and eating while chatting with buddies before looking out the window for a bit before going to work. If isn't possible, I understand... if it is, it should be one.
  3. Haven't read the whole thread, so if it has been asked, just feed me to the Kraken. Is there a chance to be able to upgrade not only landing legs; but things like capsules and crew cabins' crash tolerance on the horizon? #pleasedonthitme
  4. Haven't read the whole 130 pages; and may have g=been answered. Is there a reason Fairings makes the game crash to desktop from the launchpad? The launch screen pops up; but as soon as the launch light on the bottom left comes on, it crashes. I have a lot of mods; but most of them are ambiance and visual. Any particular mods that may cause it?
  5. Has a built in thermal camera and the first waterproof rating to a depth of 5 meters. Set for release later this year, the CAT S60 will be priced at $599 USD. I don't need it; but I really want one for some reason...
  6. I'm having a problem of the game crashing to desktop on the launch pad. Only works when I use fairings. All other ships work fine. Could be another mod affecting it; but I don't know.
  7. That's OK. probably not using that part anyway. I can still play KSP, so it isn't all bad!!!
  8. Since I've noticed the problem, I have played 3 or 4 career games up to almost filling out the R&D tech tree and have been to Duna and Eve (restarted many times due to technical and boredom issues). Haven't seen a new rescue mission in months.
  9. Awesome job Enzo... You guys do good work. Wish I was creative and good at modding.
  10. Now if they could just make the voices stop... DOWN WITH THE PROLETARIAT!!! Sorry, it wont happen again.
  11. Still fitzing with the settings. anyone think of what mods might do this? I have a few of the Contract Pack mods; but they show rescue missions as active.
  12. I don't know about that. Having a chunk taken out of your head with an ice cream scoop don't make a man... or, maybe it does.
  13. Whack-a-kerbal in sandbox mode. Didn't work as intended. Am going to try and recreate in sandbox the same way I did it the first time by burning retro into lower stage. Update: More pics with showing damage and percentages. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/315619020835495053/B828DB4C09EAE52C1144B8A66958AD634B6C7958/ http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=616156304 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=616156349 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=616156358 http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/315619020835495643/039C22BA30B6BB8CFA111158F69AABF5FA1C5B2A/ Left up the W-A-K settings to see what they were.
  14. Some weird stuff happened. Long story short, I decoupled in orbit and then turned to circularize orbit; and the stage I ditched scrapped along the capsule damaging the parachute and the abalator. I noticed, even in orbit outside the atmosphere, the abalator slowly drained to 0 like the fuel tanks do. Thought that was weird. Also the parachute worked 100%... at a weird angle. came out sideways at 90 degrees and then half way up the cord, it bent 45 degrees to a different direction. No pics; but I tried to recreate using whack-a-kerbal. Wasn't able to recreate that, but got something weirder. The chute was completely detached; but still worked on the capsule. Got pics of that! http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/315618858052476092/F851BC25478E8D2B59DF179638CB423D7F940CA1/ http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=615434776 P.S. There is a second link below the first; but is greyed out.
  15. Sorry for not keeping up to date. Honestly, I thought no-one cared much. I'm doing OK. Just feels like my head is a fishbowl that is being stirred all the time. In physical therapy for dizziness; but is going slow. Don't check the site as much as I used to. Just tired all the time still... bit alive so there is that!
  16. Fantastic mod. You modders are making my hard drive very cranky... but I love it. Don't know if mentioned; but when I EVA on Mun or Minmus, I can't jump or use the suit thrusters. Also when I EVA in space, I spin uncontrollably. This was the only mod I installed in a week. *update: Removed the mod and now everything works. Now Bill won't have a crater named after him!
  17. Lately (the last 3 or so career starts) I get a bit into the game everything works fine but when I try to launch a ship; once the green light at the lower left display turns green and instantly crashes. I look at the crash log but I don't really know what I am looking for. Anyone else have this problem?
  18. #3 was OK. The first two had too much trade negotiation talking, politics and romance crap to make it fun. Sith had some politics but not too much.
  19. Someone edited the prequels of Star Wars so they are less crappy. Phantom Menace: Attack of the Clones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDlT59hqqtk Revenge of the Sith: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14tMHjDkKLA Haven't watched them yet; but will check them out later.
  20. Saw that. Still don't know what is going on... Oh well.
  21. I have looked and can't even find the place where that limit line is. I have searched all the tabs in the game and all the files in the folder.
  22. Used to get crew rescue missions on occasion; but not any more. Got 10 - 12 per career, at least as far as I got into the game (I keep restarting and redoing my careers.). I have looked in the debug and contract configurator; but I guess I'm missing something. I have searched and searched and found nothing. Help please. Thanks.
  23. I have been missing this soooooo bad. You got me spoiled!
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