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Everything posted by Fr8monkey

  1. You realize during launch that you are actually standing still and pushing Kerbin away from you.
  2. I reentry like usual. I always wound up being under 250MpS at 6,000M. Guess I'll have to change something.
  3. Haven't really played 1.0.5 much... medical stuff. Is there a reason why my capsule is still speeding up at 20,000M? I can't open the chutes until 1,000M or so and I am still hitting the surface at 300MpS.
  4. I wish there was a salute smilie, You deserve 10 of them!
  5. You haven't seen me trying to fly a plane...
  6. Jeb, get off the magnetometer boom... You are screwing up the reading. [URL]http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=548339561[/URL]
  7. Dangit. I removed a bunch of mods that I didn't need in CKAN, and that was one of them. I have been so forgetful lately. Thanks.
  8. Started a new game and the parts seem messed up. The dark 'triangle' parts are now just the internals and the parts that hold them aren't showing up. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=555683574
  9. That is pretty much how I feel, Mahnarch. works too...
  10. OK... Science Alert might be the problem. Thanks.
  11. Probably mentioned before for 1.0.5... 1) Antennas don't transmit. 2) Landing in water my ship sinks to the bottom of the ocean.
  12. I'm an idiot... wasn't putting the unit on one of the saddles, just on the ground by itself...
  13. I looked through a few pages and didn't find my question. If it was covered, I apologize. I grab the 'Chuckwagon' habitat and rotate to where I want it. Is there a way to get it from standing on end when you inflate it or am I missing something?
  14. Just to say if you use CKAN, you can check compatible filter and see what is updated or not.
  15. I got a mission to explore Eeloo in the mission building... Is that for Eeloo the moon of Sarnus or Plock the planet that replaced Eeloo? I looked for the question in the last few pages; but couldn't find it. Thanks. Also, is there an updated dV map for the outer planets?
  16. Fire 90 degrees after the spot you want it to be. In map mode, have the satellite centered on Kerbin; and have the spot you want it over on the left hand horizon and burn then. Pretty close for Kerbal work...
  17. The time travel reason we don't have hoverboards and flying cars:
  18. Same problem at frequencies below 4.5. Had one to set to 3.5; but as you move the slider down, it skips from 4.5 to 0. Had to ALT + F12 it and cheat it into succeeding.
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