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Everything posted by WeirdCulture

  1. We are gonna break it! Yeah! We are gonna break it! (sing it to "we don't wanna take it")
  2. nooo! the systems runs on black magic smoke! If you break it, black magic smoke will rise an the system will not run anymore!
  3. Moar wine! Moar boosters! Moar everything!
  4. BOOM! https://steamdb.info/app/220200/history/
  5. The Hype must goes on! https://twitter.com/KerbalSpaceP/status/592720787678875648
  6. moar boosters! https://twitter.com/Maxmaps/status/592718164007452673
  7. Chooo! Chooo! More solid propelant into the hypetrain!
  8. to shut the forum down.. we could travel in time at this speeds
  9. we don't need wheels.. we have bosters! MOAR BOOSTERS!
  10. when this thread ends... do we have an HECO? Hype Engines Cut Off?
  11. but 300 is just a number... this post have to go where no kerbal has gone before!
  12. Solid Hype Boosters Interstage! Weeeeee! I am afraid we will crash the forums just seconds before the release news
  13. You know, when they release it 27 Apr. at 23:59:59 Local time in Honolulu they have it released on Monday?
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reaction_wheel ohh ok.. somebody came first.. so now i have some video (for more information)
  15. there is no last mission... every activity was stopped to participate the 1.0 release party... don't drink and fly rockets!
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