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Everything posted by WeirdCulture

  1. Hello Kerbal friends, I made a big mistake and took my well running game and forgot to back it up before updating. I updated all available mods for my heavily modified game. Full CKAN autoinstall, marked all updates and applied. I started KSP, loaded a ship that was already in space, opened the map, and saw that the textures (or whatever) were spinning. This is a still image of that phenomenon, just imaginge that the dark and light areas of the atmosphere are spinning. This happens only in map mode. When I uninstall Scatterer (which was one of the updated mods) the whole thing disappears, but so do the scatterer effects (surprise, surprise) KSP.log another detail is that when I start a test game file with just one ship in space.. this does not happen Has anybody seen this before?
  2. as you yee I've allready scanned 99% of Kerbin, But... I've just loaded the game, and the contract was now complete :D.
  3. I had the most problems with ContractConfigurator, some of the contractpacks generated a huge pile of garbage. try to "reset all contracts", and check if this changes something. all my experience comes from a 1.2.2 build.. don't know if something really changed in the last version in this topic
  4. Where does this 1000 hardlimit comes from? It cuts offthe smoke after just 1000 particles. When I open the ingame Config Editor if found following: modelName = RealPlume/MP_Nazari_FX/smokelaunch transformName = thrustTransform renderMode = "Billboard" layer = TransparentFX collide = False collideRatio = 0 localRotation = 0,0,0 localPosition = 0,0,0 offsetDirection = 0,0,1 fixedScale = 1 emissionMult = 1 sizeClamp = 250 initialDensity = 0.59999999999999998 physical = False stickiness = 0.90000000000000002 dragCoefficient = 0.10000000000000001 timeModulo = 10 singleEmitTimer = 0 randomInitalVelocityOffsetMaxRadius = 0 particleCountLimit = 1000 angle = 1 distance = 1 emission { power = 1 density = 1 mach = 1 parttemp = 1 <...> i greped all cfgs but could not find any entry about the particleCountLimit particleCountLimit = 1000 Changing it in the ingame editor also doesn't change anything Edit... found it it the Code https://github.com/sarbian/SmokeScreen/blob/master/ModelMultiShurikenPersistFX.cs [Persistent] public int particleCountLimit = 1000; should this not be configurable? Cheers WeirdCulture
  5. I am the only one who finds the new smoke and engine effects disturbing? I mean SRBs should produce an output so thick as their exhaust is, not a thin line with some weird smoke around which come direct from the exhaust
  6. yeah but the command messed up my scripts in some situations... then I found the default setting in KSP setting to set it to 0. much better sollution PS: I love grave digging post
  7. Ohh I just realised ... 1969 pieces... Apollo 11
  8. https://shop.lego.com/en-US/LEGO-NASA-Apollo-Saturn-V-21309 <--- in the shop, but not available yet
  9. I do not know if this is a mod problem or a kOS problem, I try it first here: I try to script the MagnetometerBoom experiment, but some how the "log magnetometer data" event won't work. set mod_magboom to part_magboom:getmodule("DMModuleScienceAnimate"). print mod_magboom:allevents. LIST of 2 items: [0] = "(callable) toggle magnetometer, is KSPEvent" [1] = "(callable) log magnetometer data, is KSPEvent" so at first i tried to toggle and this worked like a charm mod_magboom:doevent("toggle magnetometer"). then I tried to log the data but get this error mod_magboom:doevent("log magnetometer data"). No EVENT called LOG MAGNETOMETER DATA was found on DMModuleScienceAnimate, containing: LIST of 7 items: [0] = "(callable) toggle magnetometer, is KSPEvent" [1] = "(callable) log magnetometer data, is KSPEvent" [2] = "(callable) deploy magnetometer, is KSPAction" [3] = "(callable) retract magnetometer, is KSPAction" [4] = "(callable) toggle magnetometer, is KSPAction" [5] = "(callable) log magnetometer data, is KSPAction" [6] = "(callable) discard magnetometer data, is KSPAction" __________________________________________ VERBOSE DESCRIPTION No EVENT called LOG MAGNETOMETER DATA was found on DMModuleScienceAnimate, containing: LIST of 7 items: [0] = "(callable) toggle magnetometer, is KSPEvent" [1] = "(callable) log magnetometer data, is KSPEvent" [2] = "(callable) deploy magnetometer, is KSPAction" [3] = "(callable) retract magnetometer, is KSPAction" [4] = "(callable) toggle magnetometer, is KSPAction" [5] = "(callable) log magnetometer data, is KSPAction" [6] = "(callable) discard magnetometer data, is KSPAction" An attempt was made to retrieve a EVENT called: log magnetometer data from an object of type: DMModuleScienceAnimateFields but it isn't available at the moment. A full list of all EVENTS on the object can be found by using its :ALLEVENTs suffix. __________________________________________ __________________________________________ At interpreter, line 113 mod_magboom:doevent("log magnetometer data"). ^ so is this a problem in the Mod(ule) or more in kOS? Thanks
  10. Greetings fellow Kerbals! I'm burning through the sky yeah! Two hundred degrees, That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit I do not know if this is just a rant or a question... I was just fiddling with my kOS scripts, which are mostly adapted from the mission toolkit (http://kos.wikia.com/wiki/Mission_toolkit_v3 ... yes I have tried for a long time... this one are just much better than mine). It brings me to the conclusion that our atmosphere is still a little bit ... soupy or just hot .. I got the most dV left at the end (100k AP/PE 0.35% discrepancy) when I targeted the end of the grav-turn at 28km (below that point things getting too hot there) .. which feels nice, but it looks horrible during ascent. I have tried to change many parameters during the ascent, but all parameters which provides an ascent, which doesn't looks like a torch being shot in the sky, left me with less dV and less discrepancy to the targeted AP/PE in space.. So do I have just to accept it, that our atmosphere is something special, or are the visuals just to important? (here some original lyrics.... )
  11. how I switch the telnet setting to IP v4? mine is listening on v6 only
  12. "Smells like teen spirit" (my first self bought MC) is now in the Radio defined as "Classic Rock" PS: And I have still the Music from Bouble Bobble in my ears
  13. I have the feeling that ESA is dooing it the Kerbal way " The thrusters were confirmed to have been briefly activated although it seems likely that they switched off sooner than expected, at an altitude that is still to be determined. " (from http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Space_Science/ExoMars/Schiaparelli_descent_data_decoding_underway ) Quickload! Quickload!
  14. maybe this is something for you: http://trinusvr.com/
  15. usualy have small keyboards on laptops some function key to emulate the numeric block. search for it. or there are other possibilities like this:
  16. Is there any chance that the mission flag generator will be resurrected someday?
  17. Hi all, when has TIME:CLOCK changed from HH:MM:SS to HH:MM:SS,sssssssssssss? is there any possibility to round this to HH:MM:SS,ss ? (or just HH:MM:SS) ? I've used one of my favorite mission screen monitor and I see that the time is complete messy
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