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Everything posted by Ignath

  1. Not only that @regex but they had a sale scheduled for 1.1 release on STEAM as well. Couldn't push that back after it was set in stone I'd assume.
  2. Proot happily (at least I'd assume he's happy to get donations) accepts donations for his work. There is a donate button which leads to Paypal in the OP from which you can send him funds to get whatever it is he would need, be it Bengay, ice-packs, energy drinks, coffee, pay rent, internet, etc...
  3. This was posted way back in 2014 when they supported x64 the first time, but it still works in STEAM launch options:
  4. Thanks Beetlecat, that is exactly what happened to me as well. x64 used to be the top option with x32 as the bottom option, but I had some issues with internal files on STEAM, did a "Verify integrity of game cache"; STEAM re-downloaded 6 files and then the x64 option was moved to the bottm and the x32 became the default. Personally, I liked it better w/x64 as default, but w/e.
  5. If you launch directly from STEAM (click the "Play" button), a small window should pop up asking if you want to launch KSP or KSP x64 version. Just select the x64 and click ok and it'll launch.
  6. @John FX Most of the extensive list of items you posted are enhancements directly related to the update from Unity 4 to Unity 5, if they're not bug fixes (which is what you were originally complaining about, lack of bug fixes). Wheels and Landing Gear are a prime example. The implementation they used back in Unity 4 no longer worked on Unity 5, so they were forced to update. Your post proves my point that a majority of this was due to the upgrade from U4 to U5 and most of these aren't "new" features. Either way, this is totally OT of the original post, so I won't be responding again as I don't want the thread to be locked unnecessarily. If you wish to continue the discussion, feel free to PM me.
  7. What "new" things did they add this time? Only things I can think of are the following: Added an official mods (Asteroid Day, minus the telescope) parts to the game (I would imagine contracts, etc... will stay with the mod) Part Search Orbital Line display (really goes with the U4 to U5 update below, but figure I'd include it, just to increase the size of this list) KSPedia Vessel Cutaways Besides these, pretty much everything else that is "new" has to do with: Update from U4 to U5 (not really anything "new" here...just a COMPLETE engine update) Seems to me that they didn't really add much of anything "new" this go-around, and that perhaps the update from U4 to U5 was a bit more in-depth and complicated than they expected it to be. The update touched almost every system in every corner of the game...this will obviously induce many more bugs. Also, I think the quantity of bugs that you see on the tracker is so high because there was a whole other section of users who got to try their hand in helping SQUAD find bugs. It certainly doesn't mean that they'll get them all cleaned up in 1 release cycle, nor does it mean that there are really 1229 distinct (read not duplicate) bugs open in the tracker right now. Be patient, bug squashing is happening and has happened throughout the process of moving to 1.1. I'm sure there will be a hotfix at some point (perhaps even today) to fix some of the largest glaring issues (like this text issue). Also, SQUAD didn't introduce a whole lot of "new" stuff this go-around (in fact, they even cut some things [stock AntennaRange/RemoteTech functionality for example] to avoid the additional bugs/testing), most of these bugs are due to U4 to U5 switch and they'll get cleared up with time. Again, to reiterate my point from the first page of the discussion: 'bug fixing/testing is done not in a vacuum but with schedules, time constraints, workloads and many other variables in mind" In this case, it sure looks like SQUAD was hamstrung with a STEAM release of 1.1 on Tuesday. Unfortunately, that was probably due to something they set up with STEAM a while in advance, and were unable to change that (the big 40% off sale for 1.1 release). This caused them to not be able to continue the pre-release further, stamp a 1.1 release version and push it out. So, in closing, we got what we got in 1.1 because of schedules, time constraints, workloads and other variables that forced SQUAD to have to release a buggy product on Tuesday, instead of doing what you've asked (sort out the long list of bugs still open on the tracker).
  8. Thanks! I had fixed it myself by doing the same thing, but figured I'd let you know that I grabbed it from CKAN as that was likely the issue.
  9. @Valerian I downloaded PlanetShine from CKAN and am having the missing PS icon in the toolbar as well (just as a confirmation of Berlins statement).
  10. As happens EVERY release with small bugs and UI issues, this was mentioned TIME AND TIME AGAIN to SQUAD from pre-release testers. There are multiple bug reports on the issue and this was one of the items that was posted in the @NathanKell thread a couple days ago asking about the most serious bugs still remaining. Pre-releases and bug fixing/testing is done not in a vacuum but with schedules, time constraints, workloads and many other variables in mind. SQUAD chooses the bugs that they think are most important to fix before release and we, as testers, users and customers of theirs, have to deal with those decisions. In this particular case, I think the choice to focus on wheels and landing gear (so they're at least semi-functional to mostly functional for the 1.1 release) was a much better decision than worrying about the text...and trust me, even in the most recent pre-release builds, the landing gear and wheels were NOT working. So, to sum up...in this case your choice was between fuzzy text or not being able to land airplanes, spaceplanes or rockets with landing gear. I think SQUAD probably chose wisely this time. I would guess the text issues (if enough throw a stink about them) will be fixed in a patch for 1.1
  11. Too late now when the announcement is already up on STEAM with a discount attached.
  12. I know it's OT and such, but I have the same issue with Google's Chrome browser as well.
  13. @linuxgurugamer It also allows you to move the navball around the UI (left to right on the bottom of the screen). That, moreso than the scaling, was what I personally used this mod for; that and the ghosted nodes that were made available before SQUAD added the extra nodes to the navball.
  14. I wanna see the pics that are on that dudes camera now!
  15. I assume he means washed off. "Some of the soot was washed off, not sure how bad that could be taking into account it was washed off by seawater"
  16. Elsbeth III, F9-23, and the other assorted support ships returned to Port Canaveral early this AM (Eastern Time). A couple images: http://imgur.com/4njELVY http://imgur.com/qIe1DNd
  17. I think he later revised the statement to June or July. He stated that the May date may have been a bit too ambitious as far as flight re-certification, etc...
  18. @linuxgurugamer I have a very small bug to report with the 1.1 pre-release version. It doesn't handle the UI scaling very well. On my 1920x1080 resolution, if I scale the UI down at all, the icons / numbers remain in their original positions so they're offset from the "button" they are supposed to be sitting inside.
  19. @Kerbart, you might want to check the Month and Day today...
  20. You are most welcome @parv kerman
  21. KerbalKon is a yearly "convention" that the devs have done a few years in a row now...not sure if they have one planned for this year or not, however. They usually stream live on Twitch for most of the day, play KSP, show off upcoming content, visit with fans & answer questions, etc... Here is the forum post for KerbalKon 2013:
  22. Completely understandable...anything coming from a moderator just HAS to be a SQUAD-based announcement, right?!? /end sarcasm
  23. Would it be presumptuous to assume suspect or posit STEAM users will get their hands on a "prerelease" testing version of 1.1 this week or next? Usually (judging by releases since .21 when I started following/playing KSP) the media team streams start the weekend before "release" (or STEAM "prerelease" testing perhaps in this case).
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