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Everything posted by steuben

  1. No one, like never, is a word used more frequently than wisely. An aborted test is not a result for or against a position. It is an empty result. My question remains.
  2. You sure it's KSP and not the mods? Try it with stock and report back the numbers. You've got 130 mods there so I wonder if they aren't magnifying any gains you might be getting.
  3. for as long as [expunged for obvious reasons, -ed.], [expunged. that's an old school technique, -ed.], or it successors exist.
  4. It depends on your total payload mass, and what speed you get at the bottom of your orbit. You are after TWR here, rather than efficient burns. It should probably work with either. The poodle gives ~10TWR, with 2.2 km/s dv, and the terrier ~2.8 TWR with 2.8 km/s dv. When strapped to the bottom of the 10 m shield and a X200-8.
  5. Don't orbit... well the orbit isn't going to be your primary goal. Just a means to an ends. I haven't done this kind of contract from orbit, usually from the surface. But, my back of the envelope mission profile would be: 1. get into a nice orbit, a nice sub-Ike one. 2. lower periapsis to about the mid point of the altitude bracket. in this case about 35km 3. burn to raise speed and keep periapsis constant 3.a if you get up to speed and are not in the altitude bracket, reduce the throttle to maintain speed. Don't forget to change to surface vs orbit speed. 4. if you are not in the speed bracket, Burn _hard_ when you are in altitude bracket. (Note: getting to Duna is left as an exercise for the reader.) You'll want to use LFO for this rather than NERVs or Dawns. Then once complete either watch the fireworks or slowdown for recovery.
  6. WoH is definitely worth a watch. Just not starting at midnight, like I first did. Elevator pitch, "A slacker finds redemption by becoming the world's first astronaut in the midst a cold war between two nations." It is a beautiful film with solid mechanical design with NASA support. To chase the comedy route you would have to follow the pattern of the Python movies "Life of Brian" and "Holy Grail" rather than The Three Stooges. What works in the short fifteen minute block seldom works when stretched to the two hour length.
  7. There is pro-grade fan-fic out there. And then there is the... other end of the scale which gives fan-fic its reputation. Sturgeon's Law and editors exist for a reason. No need; and I agree with KSK, to add such is easy, and wouldn't generate the best possible product. I'm not saying it wouldn't work and that you wouldn't get a good product. But, sometimes you need to follow a different route to craft a great product. Probably an Epic scale slice of life plot would suit KSP better.
  8. Probably. Usually at one of those big boardroom throw ideas at the wall and see what sticks brainstorming meetings. Why, the last leaked memo I saw the movie plot would be where Gus [redacted. spoilers - ed. ] and then the ship [redacted. rule of cool doesn't override physics this much. -ed.] and the goo [no... this was going to be a family movie - ed.] in a complete and utter cliché storm. As for it being the wrong stuff. Time for a history search little mayfly. If you look at film of the very early American, Soviet, and German rocketry programs, you will see the same failures as you see in KSP. And there is little arguing that those three programs and some good stuff, and much right stuff.
  9. i do it regularly. but the first part cannot leave the vab/sph until after the contract is accepted.
  10. Part of the fun for such projects is spreadsheet work, <forceful bro voice>Cause. Spreadsheets. Are. The. Bomb. Yeahh!!</forceful bro voice> I know that reusable lifters are kind of the cool thing. They have their place. But, you may want to look at your tonnes to orbit and compare the cost of a single shot lifter versus relative to your reusables. IRL there are other factors that change some of the costs for each design philosophy, but they are poorly modeled in KSP. If you want to get really ambitious you can add a third axis of game time to fly it. What's the mass of the modules that you are lifting? I've used four mammoths, but I think I was lifting around two hundred tons.
  11. I'm going to second The Truth. With a plugging of
  12. Ah, come on. You've got to give a better answer then that. Something about unable to confirm or deny, a whole bunch of redactions and expunges, and to refer to Division Six.
  13. What kind of transition(s) should I be using here? Right now I'm laying the images side by side on the editing sequence. I had thought of doing a wipe for each orbital track... which might be a lot of work but may be worth it. Any suggestions?
  14. What if the "Tales of the Groundbound" was a TV series? What would the soundtrack consist of? Alas, I am no where near creative or skilled enough to compose and conduct enough music for the task. Fortunately, there are those who have made some. Volume 1 1. Opening Theme (Dauntless by Audiomachine) 2. Ending Theme (Men of Honour by Two Steps From Hell) 3. KSC Theme (Big Country by Audiomachine) 4. Halls of Research (Proud Heritage by Epic Score) 5. To the Launchpad (War is Coming By Epic Score) 6. Return to Kerbin (Prevail by Audiomachine) 7. Signal Lost (Black Sunrise by Audiomachine) 8. The Reels (Run from Brain Powerd OST) 9. Acrobatics (Winterspell by Two Steps From Hell) 10. Countdown and Launch (A Bit(e) of Hope from Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust) 11. Building the Birds (Throw off the Bowlines by James Paget) 12. Flight In, RTB (This Is Our Land by Epic Score) 13. SaR Flight (From Beneath the Rubble by Audiomachine) 14. Riding a Dragon Down (Ocean Princess by Thomas Bergersen) 15. Press Presentation (Never Give Up On Your Dream by Two Steps From Hell) 16. Casey, We Have A Problem (Durant is Dead from The Black Hole) Distributed by K-Tel Records, available at all major retailers.
  15. Depending on how you define free. Ado[Redacted, for reasons of highly questionable legality. Aside from them being very old. -ed. ]ring. I know you said free, but if you are going to be doing this frequently you may want to break down and buy something. If you rummage around you can find an older version of the various heavy weights for cheap. One of my usual sources (The Trailing Edge)has the CorelDRAW X6 Graphics Suite Home and Student for 100$ CAD. And a new version of PaintShop Pro is on sale for 60$ CAD, usually 100$ CAD. There are free trials available for both. But, you will probably want to try out several to get a feel for what works for you. Me, for my various works I work in Paintshop Pro. Been using it for years. I wasn't willing to deal with the learning curve of Adobe Photoshop, and GIMP wasn't available for Windows at the time. <audio effect: old timey AM radio>Who knows what lies beneath the redacts of Steuben? The Editor knows!<thunder sound effect></audio effect>
  16. Quick answer: treat it like you are trying to intercept and orbit Minmus. Longer answer: My usual approach: craft: a one seater with a mk1 can, okto, X200-8 tank, a Mk 16 chute, a couple of mk2-R, and a terrier. Power, reaction wheels, comms, and lifter are left as an exercise for the reader. Mission Plan: Launch to around 100-120 km. Match inclination Burn to first approximation intercept. Usually ends up being around 15 km or so Coast for a while Burn for second approximation intercept. Usually ends up around 1 km or so Get close Burn to kill relative velocity and get very close. Transfer Kerbal Burn for sub-orbital orbit.
  17. You're strapped to the top of something made of tinfoil and plastic straws, bolted to the top of something that has the energy of a low yield nuclear weapon, and the cup holder is broken. Everything was made and assembled by the lowest bidder. Going somewhere that is by definition and practice hostile to life. And in theory probably coming back, assuming nothing goes wrong. What's to not love, enjoy, and look forward to on the trip? That, and Jeb's a complete and utter nutter.
  18. 2. My preference is text chat. I probably won't be able to watch. But, I have always found it easier to chew through a text after action vs audio. And the voice to text softwares have gotten fairly good these days. They can transcribe my French fairly well, and I speak comme un renard russe (moderne, pas napoléonien). J'aspire à la vache espagnole. That being said, I'm willing to bow to the preference of the experts/hosts. 3. a couple of core topics with suggestion towards... "technical" level, to start and then go with the flow. If you can pre-post the topics some seed questions from the galleries can be chucked into the hat. 4. Wish I knew some. I should probably go digging for a writer's group out my way. The inter-webs and books can only get you so far, before your mental echo-chamber starts to dominate.
  19. I write futzing amazing fanfic in any 'verse that I hang out in. [Yeah, after I've spent five hours a page on it. -ed.]
  20. Three words: Value Bundle, [emphasis redacted -ed.] I might consider buying another copy of KSP if it came with the DLCs, and was cheaper then buying all three separately. Oh and merch... can't forget about the merch... a figure with the new tron line suit that glows.
  21. Suggested reading: "The Reaches Trilogy" By David Drake.
  22. The legs are fine. It's the ground that's broken.
  23. KSP the lounge chair. Some of those chairs in the astronaut complex look like they might be comfortable. Might be good for gaming, depends on how you game.
  24. Unfortunately it won't be. The current profit model for video games relies on two and a half things. 1. DLC 2. a. Micro-transactions 2. b. Subscriptions Yeah that's three items. But micro-transactions and subscriptions each count as three quarters of an item. So two and a half. Until a different model can be developed, *couch* merchandizing *couch*, we're stuck with it.
  25. The game assigns engine air to engine one until all its needs are met. Then starts assigning to engine two, and so on. It looks like at 11km there's not enough air coming in to run both engines at the same time. I don't think the G50 is designed for that particular operating envelope. I strapped on four Ramp intakes for the same intake area and it did a better job at keeping both engines lit. I think there is a mod for equal air distribution... but I couldn't tell you what it is.
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