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Everything posted by steuben

  1. Assuming windows, robocopy might be you best bet. Assuming the command prompt sees the usb key. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/robocopy
  2. "We built this city" by Starship and "Catchy Song" by Dillion Francis.... they seem to be fighting it out. Marconi plays the mamba, This song's gonna get stuck inside yo', We built this city on such a catchy song. Hey at least it's not Baby Shark.
  3. first: to the folks at Take Two, et al. three words "licensing revenue = money". Okay technically that's four but roll with me here. The money may not be great, but it has the potential to be nice long tail money, especially since publishing costs have dropped to almost incremental production costs, on the lower end. Yeah... I keep pounding that drum. second: interested. But I'd need a scope statement, 'Verse Bible, and deadlines... even though they sound nice as they fly past. third: a suggestion about scope. Perhaps, instead an anthology book series. Similar to Tor's "There Will Be War" Series or Baen's Annual Collections. My reflex would be to chuck a quick post in the thread with a link.
  4. It is the answer to a question about Jeb's ... masculinity, with a fair bit of license with translation as kerbal and human physiology are different. Well it was originally about masculinity. Over the course of time it changed to refer to how badbutt [language - ed.] an action is, regardless of gender.
  5. Yes, many pans, zooms, and ... whatever the third similar cinematic technique is. I have yet to decide if it is a signature stype born of the necessity of the limitations of the game or a choice. As for Jeb, the phrase translated out of kerbish is "Chrome steel and coconuts"
  6. Usually it is the C: drive. For that just open File explorer and see which one is C: and note the size. And as described it sounds like the ssd is your boot drive. Note that's usually. I've seen, and done accidentally, other configurations. The firm check is to open the case, after unplugging it of course, and disconnect one of the two hard drives. With that hard drive still unplugged turn it back on again, and see if it boots up. If it does the drive that's connected is your boot drive. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40335/how-to-tell-which-disk-windows-used-to-boot will give you the answer as well without having to open the case. There's a bunch of other ways, but you're digging deeper in to the mechanics.
  7. To expand on Harry Rhodan's answer above. You'll want to get at least two, a ssd for your primary/boot drive and a high volume-lower spin drive for your bulk storage. You drop your os(es) and apps on the ssd, then use the other drive for short-term and reference storage. Unless you have a physical volume, connections, and/or cash limit then just get the biggest drive you can afford... though checking one of my sources they have a 960Gb ssd for 150 $cad and 3Tb for 70$cad. Dang prices have come down. That's all assuming you only have one drive in that box already.
  8. I found one years ago doing research on an idea for story that I had. The verse hasn't gone anywhere, and i think i lost the sowftare... however i did just find these http://www.orbitsimulator.com/ http://www.gravitation3d.com/ The problem is the search space has a fair bit of false positive results. Kerbart, rolling your own is pretty heavy lifting both code wise and math wise.
  9. to paraphrase a unix koan. "To know there are many solutions, you must first know there are many solutions."
  10. Kind of a silly question: in <insert long highly detailed and esoteric question about the deep canon lore of KSP> without invoking "A Wizard Did It" and bearing in mind I have already explained about the wig. Kind of a more on topic question: what does the community manager do? Cause you know... merchandizing </yiddish accent>
  11. I get this too every once in a while on recovery missions. Usually with a kerbal on a mk1 crew cabin.
  12. Not in stock KSP. You have a few of options that i can quickly see for the design that you want. 1. hunt around for a mod that will do what you want... suggestions though will be coming shortly. 2. get really good a docking. you will need to fit some batteries, RCS, and a probe core to your antenna arm. undock it from it's launch position, and then dock it on the side. I don't recommend it. 3. take the concept of aerodynamics. put it in a pretty little box and through the box out he window. strap some more boosters and reaction wheels and call it a launch.
  13. Was digging around looking for parts for my next file box project when I saw this fellow, https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/B250-MINING-EXPERT which has a whopping eighteen PCIe x1 ports, retailing for around 50 $cad. With a low end processor and a smattering of ram for 200- 300 $cad. My question to the local hive-mind is this: does anybody have any experience with this motherboard and sata controller cards, either directly or other wise. I know the manual says as long as the card is PCIe rated it should be no problem. But, my plan is to take it outside of designed use, and that is where the problems fun and excitement always begin. I figure get one of the motherboards, fill it up with these SYBA 4 port sata controller cards, hard drives, and then oh say mirror the internet. As for why so much storage, I grew up in the days of 170 kb floppy disks and 300 baud modems. Data transfer was dear, when you got a byte in, you copied it and hoarded it.
  14. *shakes the magic feedback eight ball* Analysis Uncertain *frowns and shrugs* Well make of that what you will. Not sure if it will take another chapter and/or a few more read throughes. But... - I agree with KSK, not using the O-4 is a good move. - Zigbald's reaction to the kraken needs to be foreshadowed bit. The report from control should have twigged something for him. Especially considering his reaction to Rayby's standing face to face with it. - Zigbald the grumpy old vet, sounds like Kup from the only Transformers movie. Ahh the era of the 22 minute toy commercial. Anyways, Kup isn't so much a character to copy as one to analyze as a prototype. - for the Kraken, back to the only Transformers movie. Unicron and listen to Orson Welles delivery of his lines, though the mixologist certainly helped. You' have either some eldritch creature,or a simple space-squid with delusions of grandeur, talking to an ant. - technical detail, comms delay. depending on orbital position there will be between three to five minutes delay one way between Jool and Kerbin. you seem to have it writen as near real time.
  15. a bug. any mods installed? #autoloc is the reference marker, variable name, within the information file that indicates what the localization text for that button, part, or information is. For example, #autoLOC_501637 is defined as Rockomax Conglomerate. My relfex is that if you are seeing the #autoloc the actual text for it has not been specified somewhere.
  16. I don't know how, I don't know where, but I have to futzing [language please... but yeah I agree - ed.] steal that line. https://project-apollo.net/mos/
  17. The bell series it does a kt to 1000 km, more to a lower orbit.
  18. 1kt wet weight on the pad or 1kt cargo weight to orbit?
  19. As I go along about a half dozen times and then once per science sstation.
  20. Go where the stories take you. I still wander back to the previous 'verse that i used to write in. Sometimes you need to take a break, that's why if you look at the big authors, after they have sit their stride, you will see some stuff that isn't like the others. Different characters, different tone, standalone verse.
  21. Down this road lies the rabbit hole of deep world building. But... in my headcanon the dominant language of science is not the same as the language of the folks that are running the program. <Historical notes> for example science and engineering programs in prewar North America had required courses in German. Similar for pre-Victorian science you had to learn Latin and greek. </Historical notes> So, in that language it is the Sun, similar the Mün. For my little green-ish men, it is Kerbol and either Mun, Mün, or Moon depending on their accent. Though writing, or talking, in a formal technical context they will use Sun when talking about the central star. But they use sun instead of kerbol, note the lower case k, for the generic object.
  22. It's a concession to the en-us and similar keyboards that are generally available. You type Mun... or you can go M, copy and paste ü, n... or you can type M, alt-129, n... or if you have one of those new fangled cellular telephony machines, which I don't, you can press and hold u until the ü appears as an option. ü is part of the ascii definition.
  23. Yes, some of the early panning shots were felt long. Perhaps either shortened or additional exposition added in those scenes. You should run the text through a solid English grammar checker, after running it through translate software of choice. Some of it was more off than not, which does distract from watching it.
  24. To summon the Kraken <cues thunder> muaha ha ha ha. Actually I'm interested the station keeping mechanisms you have on board. Over 1200 kilometers of parts are going to be fun to keep in position.
  25. In game the canon name for the star that Kerbin orbits is merely The Sun. Kerbol is a fanon name.
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