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Everything posted by steuben

  1. Some error... much trial I've managed to iron out many of the little waves and line things up. and strip out much of that floating point cruft. But, I've reached the limit of what I can do in Excel, or at least do simply in Excel. mostly since I'm planning to smooth out nearly 800 of the 2x2 panels. Which means I'm probably going to have to change tools. I can glean a fair bit of info directly from the craft file. And I know some of the entries are ignorable, But, is there any available documentation for craft file format? There doesn't seem to be any on the wiki. But I could have missed it in my searches.
  2. TV Tropes peaked my interest. But a tech in the Russian space program putting a sensor in upside was the last straw for me to take the plunge.
  3. Sanity? This! Is! KSP! Can,t say I've done Kerbin. But I have put Eeloo on a sub orbital Kerbol path. My monitoring probes slagged pretty high up. But this is something that will bare replicating.
  4. short cracking open excel, or building a program, is there a way to get centimeter precision when placing parts? doing it by hand yields this kind of a spread: 14.54612 14.56279 14.57946 14.59613 14.6128 14.62947 14.64614 14.66281 14.67947 14.69614 14.71281 14.72948 14.74615 14.76282 especially when placing those structural panels end to end.
  5. in the career log section of the persistance.sfs you will want to either remove the related duna line or the whole flight.
  6. if you put this in their segment of the sfs CAREER_LOG { flight = 1 0 = Land,Kerbin 0 = Land,Pol 0 = Land,Bop 0 = Land,Tylo 0 = Land,Vall 0 = Land,Laythe 0 = Recover } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 1 } it will take them to 5 star status. and apparently landing on Jool is worth 14 xp points.
  7. I've done both. These days I'm nicer to my kerbals and don't like keeping them in something with the interior volume of an average home fridge for more than a week. So I tend not do to one big lifts for anything beyond Minmus. Yeah... nicer and I've learned how to dock things.
  8. Visual in stock. But a design that could plausibly be built in stock... assuming the kracken doesn't take an interest and use liquid helium, serious CPU overclocking, and some slight violations of physics on my computer.
  9. As I continue my slow and plodding adventures in the Kerbal Spaceship Modeling Program, I'm now turning toward building an orbital dry dock/shipyard. Most of what I'm finding is the nets of Star Trek or the few vague references of Star Wars yards. Some of the EU of Star Wars has some examples... but not much. Any other examples/suggestions that I can work from?
  10. KER appears to work, despite complaining on the loading screen that I should downgrade.
  11. The patcher worked with the last couple of versions. They probably set the flag ActLikeGoggles to true.
  12. Okay I can give. But it's time again to see how well I take. The usual invisible grammar, flow details, etc. I know the short bits of flashback, to Mrs. Direc, and Simplain io may need to restructure to clearly break them out of the flow.
  13. Chapter 1 Direc Kerman stood with a shovel in his hands. It was a real shovel, not one of the little gold plated ones usually used for ground breaking ceremonies. He looked over the slightly rolling land, the occasional tree and bush. Around him flashbulbs went off recording the moment. The dignitaries behind him stood with their frozen smiles waiting for him to put the shovel in the ground. “One last job,” he had told his wife when the offer came. “One last job and then I will retire.” Her response was a sniff and “You? Retire?” It was followed by the smile he always loved. He smiled. Succeed or fail, it would be his last job. After he accepted the position he asked one of his friends about the whole project, a serious no non-sense kerbal. “Wernher thinks he craps sunbeams,” Simplain said. “But…” He picked up his slide rule as he began to flip through the proposal. He precisely and rapidly flicked it back and forth in the one hand as he read. He scribbled some notes in the margins with the other hand. One third of the way through, he slowed down. Halfway through, he stopped. “Problem,” Direc asked. Simplain looked up, through the ceiling, focused on something far away. “No, beauty.” He shook his head serious and focused on the office. “Direc my teams are available if you need them.” Direc smirked. “Business reasons?” “Government money spends quite well, as you well know,” Simplain said. “But, this,” he tapped the still open proposal. “This holds the promise of some new answers, and many interesting questions.” Direc looked down at the shovel. The flashing of the cameras slowed to a stop. All the talk, all the paper, all the dreaming, focused on him, on one action, on the very tip of the shovel. He chuckled. He considered what would happen if he did not put the shovel in. He drove the shovel into the ground. He saw out of the corner of his eye a flag kerbal waving frantically. The workers in their equipment ignored him. The cameras started flashing again. He turned the shovel a quarter turn and drove it in again. It clanged against a stone in the soil. He turned the shovel a quarter turn again, and drove it in a third time. He lifted a clump of soil and grass out of the ground. The diesel engines of the earth moving equipment roared to life. He tossed the clump off the shovel. As the clump hit the ground the equipment moved into action Chapter 2 Gus Kerman watched the three trainers approach. Even at a distance he could tell who flying one of the planes. The first six kerbalnauts were arriving. He wondered who had drawn the short straw to fly the front seat with Jebediah. The planes flew by and circled back around. Two broke off and began approach to the runway. The third circled lazily overhead. As the two planes approached one of the two planes rolled onto its starboard wing. The other plane remained flat and level. It touched down in a perfect 3 point landing. “Looks like Valentina gets first smoke on this one,” Gus thought, one of the non-vulgar terms for the first landing on a runway. “Or first dust at least.” He watched the plane taxi down the gravel strip to the hanger. He looked back at the other plane as the engine powered back up to full. It turned into a steep corkscrew climb towards the third plane. Together the two planes approached the runway. One of the planes lined up starboard and aft of the other. They both touched down at the same time. Gus climbed into the jeep and drove towards he hanger. He pulled up as the last engine wound down. He got out and walked over to the flight suited kerbals. “Welcome to the Kerbal Space Center,” he said. “I’m Gus Kerman, head of operations. I’ll introduce you to the rest of the heads later. Right now there is the introductory briefing in forty-five in mission control. There’s showers and food in the Astronaut Complex." He gestured to an idling truck in front of the hanger. “She’ll run you around.” The six picked up their duffel bags and walked to the truck. “Jebediah,” Gus called after them.” Jebediah turned around, “yeah?” “You’re going to be flying further into the stamp than you can imagine. So you don’t need to push my airframes.” “I don’t know. I can imagine pretty far.” “You’ll be there, and further.”
  14. Careful grasshopper </chopsocky accent>. To answer the question, yes and all the way to what was posted at the time. As for suggested reading, "The first five pages" by noah lukeman and "self-editing for fiction writers" by renni browne and dave king might be a place to start. Though if you go to the relevant section of your public library or book store you might find a few other books. As for 11pm, either local or relative, it isn't the best excuse. Click save and then look at it the next day. This isn't a term paper, or a newspaper deadline. An extra day or two won't break things, and may make things. So this is where I'm going to ask, what is your writing process? For example, mine is I chew on various scenes and concepts. Write a draft in a notebook using a pencil. Transcribe it MS Word, making corrections for flow, gross grammar, and details. Run it through Word a couple of times to clear the spelling, grammar, and other such issues. The last step is to post it in the forums. Other people will have a different process, even allowing for similar medium.
  15. A bit of column A an bit of column B. Much of what I've been taught on the subject is basically introduction to the story as soon as possible. The setup has to be a barebones as possible. The more you can work into the introduction the better. Most of it coming from people who buy and sell books to get them into print. I'll dig around in my library to see what I can find on that. Too much background in the introduction, or just a plain Infodump, will turn readers off, unless you are really, really good. Hunt up "Rolling Hot" by David Drake. It is an example of a novel with pretty much no introduction to the setting. But the relevant background is slowly trickled in as required, mostly as Dilating Doors. Though twenty years on I'm still trying to interpret the ending.
  16. A few of mine, Eagle - transport craft for the Turtle class of surface miner Turtle - surface miner Eagle's Nest - orbital support station for the Eagle class of vessel Gull - low altitude satellite air-space launcher Basket - general name for tourist rated vessels Sow - surface to space fuel transport (Minmus rated) Piglet - surface fuel transport vessel Linebacker - orbital fuel transport vessl Mole - surface to orbit mining vessel (Minmus rated) Rig - orbital fuel refinery Most the names come through shape of the vessel, depending on how I squint my eyes, the Turtle, Linebacker, Gull. Or how vessel relate to each other, Turtle -> Eagle, Sow -> Piglet. Of course Ralph, George, Tom, Dick, Harry, and Up-Goer, work as well.
  17. For the latest landing gears are there any guidelines for use? For example 3 tonnes per LY-10. 30 tonnes per LY-99 XL. How to prevent blow outs on take-off? Nearly every time I rotate for take off I blow out the back set of gears. I'm currently blowing out 8 LY-10s on rotation. (the heaviest gear is have unlocked).
  18. I'm curious about it... how big is the sfs you're feeding into it?
  19. - to change mode on the panthers or rapiers - toggle engines <-- usually by set for space planes air breathers off - toggle panels - toggle drill deployment - toggle drilling and isru
  20. ZooNamedGames, 8. TV Tropes will ruin your life. But tropes are tools. 3. You may need to phrase it then. It feels like you have two completing descriptions of the same action. They aren't mutually exclusive but they don't complement each other well. 4. http://oai.dtic.mil/oai/oai?verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=ADA365888 will be a valuable reference in this context
  21. I know you don't want grammar, so I'm not going to comment on the details. Besides, I suck at grammar. My suggestion is to feed the text into Word, or software of preference, and pay attention to the green and blue lines. notes as I go along: - change female kerbal to kerbalina - 4gs isn't trivial, even if you haven't been in microgravity for any time. - "Then my eyes rolled back into my head, and I fell asleep." <-- not sure about this line. sounds closer to her passing out rather than falling asleep. - leaving the crash site... this one sums to zero. first I think it goes against much of standard RL training to leave the crash site if you aren't in immediate danger and have a reasonable expectation of rescue. but, she's also really cracked her head so while she's functional she's not thinking perfectly clearly. You may want to dig up some of the US military survival guides, it will help with some smaller details. - mmm grits. and as a side note don't pack grits in your carry-on. you'll get searched by every airport security stop between departure and arrival. - don't use a quarter word when three dime words will do... and oddly the other way around as well. but I think you should be using simpler words. Jabe has walked by 2 signs of available help, the cows and the dog, by the time she's reached the cabin and hasn't followed them. So she's not thinking clearly. The text should try and reflect that. notes after finishing. - you may want to think about and layout Jabe's general frame of mind. given point 4 above she's making a couple of odd decisions given the amount of training that she's had for what would be an elite pilot IRL. Though depending on your interpretation of kerbal mentality it maybe correct. - you may also want to wander around a dangerous website... TV Tropes.
  22. try a fresh install rename your ksp directory, for example "kerbal space program _1" install 1.1.2 again reinstall mods, if applicable copy over save directory.
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