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Everything posted by steuben

  1. - blowing off the airstream shells on a satellite during launch. - a gliding fly of a large lander bus... especially from IVA
  2. Just reverse the polarity and route the forward warp couplings through the deflector dish. That should impede the baryon flow enough that the tachyon field will rephrase the hype to a measureable scale.
  3. It depends on how early in the career. Another option that I have I have played with in the past is a single use lander bus. Strap three or four landers to a core with enough dv to get it to Mun or Minmus. Each lander has enough dv to get itself down, back up, and home to Kerbin. It's probably the middle ground between several single lander missions, and a multi-trip lander. You won't need the docking port, but you are trading up in terms of the total mass needed. The thing is the materials lab and goo are almost single use. so you will need one set, for each biome. I usually visit with a pair of each. So you might need multiple landers for a good science yield.
  4. Editing the persistance file is black magic. You might be better off using hyperedit. But, INC is the value you want to play with. But for bonus points you could build a tug a pull it into the right orbit.
  5. KER will help you with this. budget about 4.6 km/s dv to get it there, maybe more if you are going to be rendezvousing with anything. But my launch profile is basically up and turn left. 2 x jumbo 64 16 x t800 1 x mailsail 4 x reliant 4 x hydraulic detachment manifold 4 x tailfin 4 x ftx-2 1 x advanced reaction wheel, large 1 x rc-l01 1 x z-4k 1 x rockomax Yeilds about 4.6 km/s dv in vacuum. there is a little bit left over when I put a couple of test loads up. There is room for optimization in there, and it will depend on what parts you have available to play with, and the design of your station. But... have I been playing at the large end of the scale so long to find 15 tons to be small?
  6. Within the stock game no, I can't answer about mods. But they are still contrained by the basic game engine. If you feel like serious black magic you can try hacking the craft file... but results will range from invalid craft file to kraken bait in the SPH/VAB
  7. I'm going to wait until the last minute, strap my self in to a EAS-1 on a couple of dozen kickbacks and enjoy the speed.
  8. I don't. Stars are mind failingly huge... no they are eldritchly huge. and kerbol is small as such things go.
  9. On one hand: Bugs and balance. Features. Content. Those three things are zero sum in terms of resources. To add to one you've got to take from the other. It doesn't help that when you add to one you add to the needs of the others while decreasing the resources available. Ain't feedback a wonderful thing. On the other hand: We have the fora. Regardless of how they allocate those resources people will complain. add more content and some features, fix the bugs and balance before adding new things. features and bugs, the game is stale nothing new has been added. Balance things equally, things aren't happening fast enough. Ain't fandom a wonderful thing. The gripping hand: We're all Monday morning quarterbacking here. Fun ain't it
  10. pics of some of your attempts might help nail down where the problem is.
  11. shh... don't talk about it. it's like hun'in' deer... in a quantum state... with... yeah that one got away from me. but the more you talk about it the long it will take.
  12. the file is SubassemblyCategories.cfg found in %KSP%/gamedata/sqaud not sure how the file is built though. but that would be the place to start.
  13. She's pure stock. I'll probably end up welding the modules which will bring the part count down to the mid to low triple digits.
  14. Managed to get KVV and KSP64 to work long enough to generate my blueprint. 39 modules to that thing. I know I'm going to have to wait for 1.1 before I can float it up using any means. Part count 6654, 4590 without struts, before vessels are docked to it.
  15. Alas it is either intelligent or dumb about it. The struts still got drawn. I had to strip them out completely. Excel does wonders when you ask it nicely. Wonder what it will do with my station designs. I guess when taking struts out takes out 200 parts on a module it is a bit over built.
  16. copy the whole ksp folder to somewhere else, or when 1.1 hits rename the whole ksp folder and install 1.1.
  17. I'm doing my usual open all the hatches of KSP upend a bag of spanners and see what comes flying out in a cloud of smoke. How does well, if at all does, KSP handle parts that are listed in the .craft file but aren't linked? My specific example if a section for part = strutConnector_4294555514 exists in the file but the associated link = strutConnector_4294555514 does not. Does KSP preserve these parts on a resave through the SPH/VAB?
  18. looking at these samples, I'm going to have to try it. it might make my smaller SSTO designs work better, or look cooler. Cooler though is better.
  19. this will get book marked at home. rep to the coder on this one... who ever it is and is on the forum. it is a good supplement to the subway map.
  20. That's one of the best things about this game. Existing parts used in different, unusual, and kind of neat ways.
  21. You can't shut off a SRB once started. You can adjust the amount of fuel and thrust in a SRB in the VAB/SPH. But when it comes to last boost to orbit and position you're better of with LFO or mono engines. Unless you are far better at orbit planning than I am.
  22. The career will be the frame work that the story gets hung off of. The first time a tourist goes up that's a story. The tenth time it's shipping news. Opposition is easy. It is the ones that are orthogonal to each other, that's where the real action lies. All about the Goo. They know it is non-Newtonian, and some figure it is non-Euclidian and non-Einsteinian. Why else would it be the first bit of real science that has to be done? Though it is mostly a MacGuffin and me working a game play mechanic into the story. I'm aiming for West Wing on this one. Cut the boring bits and cram exposition in when they're walking down the halls.
  23. I've thinking about the YAML problem. Doing a quick survey it looks like most of the stories here seem to focus on the man in the can. I've been sketching a series trying to focus on the ground bound folks Walt, Mortimer, Linus, the Calculator Corp (Linus thinks they're scary, lead by Katherine Kerman), and a few others against my current career profile. I think most of the conflict will be between personalities, Mort against the general wackiness, Linus against the Corp, Gus against Jeb. Any traps I should be thinking of? I know the three guys at a desk discussing spreadsheets and TPS reports is boring doesn't make for good drama.
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