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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. Any problems with dV calculation? I now Squad made changes to how stoc calculates dV (made the variable a double vs float)
  2. Well, there was no guarantee that the updated JSI addressed the wheels, specifically... I'm not surprised tho... Stock wheel behaviour has always been an enigma... KSP Wheels and Foundries mods have shown that... I'm not surprised that LGG might not want to try to address wheels in KSP... Anytime I see discussion of wheels in KSP. I wouldnt be surprised if everyone who has ever attempted to fix/get them working correctly, is now bald.... I've heard poking KSP wheels is quite the hair-pulling exercise in futility... But for whatever else JSI does for ERS, its best to use the new JSI anyway... vOv
  3. Holy cow... this is awesome.... SO, that info/grid UI in top left....thats part of this mod?
  4. Should be, as long as you use the proper versions of the dependies for 1.10.1 Also mae sure to use the updated version of Kosmodrome from JadeOfMaar, which I lined to on this page, up above, on Aug 4th, and not the one lined in the OP
  5. or, since you already use Blender, just try using Taniwha's Blender Import Tool, and just completely *eliminate* using Unity and PartTools *AT ALL*, in your workflow... vOv I know (other than IVAs), *my* making/dabbling with part models has been *soooo* much easier and enjoyable without Unity/PT in my workflow
  6. I'm wondering if the issue is because PW was built using *modified* (vOv) FAR .dlls, that *are* in the source zip, but not the release zip... so the PW .dll in the release may be needing those *modified* FAR .dlls, and NOT the .dlls in FAR itself? vOv IMHO, that would be one reason why I *hate* that some devs pacage modified stuff from other mods... and I really dont lie when ANY mod, includes ANY copies of a dependency or recommended mod, when that mod is already available seperately... yeah, it maes it easier to install, but maes the download/.zip size of the mod needlessly bigger, can cause conflicts lie this (especially if modified), plus requires the mod to be seperately and needlessly updated just becuase the external mod updated...
  7. ahh.. ok... mebbe thats why PW by itself seemed to work for me: I tried both the mod from both the release pacage on SD, *and* then the one extracted from the source zip on Github. When I installed the one from the source zip, I *removed* everythiing but the Wingstuff and Scale dlls... meaning i removed the included FAR .dlls I first suspected there was an issue with the new build/package
  8. YES. ...at least TAC does... dont remember about PWB It treats docked craft as one vessell... if you do NOT want to transfer across docing ports, crossfeed slider/setting on docking ports is observed. (only need one side or the other to toggle, with docked ports)
  9. What functionality? The difference between TAC & PWB, is TAC is *part centric*... lie, you can move fuel between parts, lock parts so they stay empty or full, or whatever amount you want... you can set parts to be "neutral", ie resources flow in/out, lie normal, if TAC wasnt installed... You can set them to only transfer *out*, or only *in*... when you transfer using TAC, your CoM can and will shift around willy-nilly.... PWB on the other hand, is like, *CoM* centric... it pretty much moves resources around your craft, and you have control over setting it up... but it seems to focus on moving things around based on where CoM *should* be, or where you want it to be... This might favor aircraft and especially spaceplanes... They sorta do the same thing, but TAC IIRC, doesnt really automatically balance or focus on your craft's CoM by shifting mass around... it *could* be used that way, I suppose... Where as PWB is primarily shifting resources around to *specifically* keep your CoM balanced, or in a location you specifically want... Not sure I explained that accurately or clearly... Its been quite awhile since i actually *played* KSP and used them, for much moar than quic testing while doing something else... Hopefully, if I'm off, someone else will pipe up and correct me. vOv
  10. Oooo.. I forgot Ship Manifest I have mostly used and preferred TAC FB and PWB... I would have suggested GPO Speed Pump, also, but it loos like it died with the 1.8+ Unity/NET change And yes, at least TAC FB can transfer across docking ports/craft, or not... you may have to manually toggle lock/in/out on specific parts... I cant remember... but then you should aldo be using the crossfeed enable/disable on docing ports, IIRC
  11. Huh... I just installed MJ and v0.401, and the game loads fine for me... vOv Granted, B9 PW is definately broken and not woring in this install https://imgur.com/a/AQEE9an Ahhh.... ok.... So, I first was installing PW from the *source* zip... and it loads fine, both w/wo MJ or FAR installed... However, since PW itself wasnt woring for me, I tried installing PW from the *release* zip on SD... And now my game hangs on load, saying thw WingStuff.dll is not compat with this vers of KSP... Sooo... idk why there are other dlls (FAR), in the source zip, but not the release zip... also, I notice there is a hotfix *3* on the mater, that mebbe didnt get released.. vOv Since PW doesnt seem to load by itself, on a fresh install, and poing around a little, I would tend to say there may be a build issue with v0.401 itself vOv Also, I notice in the .version file, the last, closing bracket is missing a line return... not a big deal, other than triggering my OCD
  12. @eberkain @Acvila Have you tried this fork, to see if it has the same MJ/FAR issue? vOv https://spacedock.info/mod/2525/B9 Procedural Wings Modified Continued Hehe... ninja'd by Kerburettor Btw, the one I lined above, is a *continuation* and updated version based on CarnationRed's fork... .... Oi... soooo many forks of this mod to keep trac of.... lol
  13. @Xavier513 do you happen to have a compiled dll of this?... I would be ineterested in testing it...
  14. I dont now if theres a specific fix for your issue in this, but you could try reading this thread and maybe replacing the JSI Utilities dependency for ERS with LGGs update... vOv
  15. Well, Taniwha's Blender .mu Import/Export Addon not only works for models, it can also do .craft file import. I'm not sure if it can export them after modification, or whatever, but might be worth looking into. Also, the thread title hasnt been updated, but it *IS* updated/working with Blender 2.83/2.9+ ... He has been doing regular updates for quite awhile now.
  16. Hmmm... unsupported on *Windows*...?? this latest release wont affect Linux/Mac users, will it?
  17. @MoneyBags First things first... waht version of KSP are you on? Do you have the proper fork of Kop? there are three: one for KSP 1.8.1, one for 1.9.1, and one for 1.10.1 Also, what are you using Kopernicus *for*/trying to accomplish? A screenshot of the contenets of GameData folder might help to verify eberything is installed correctly. Also, logs might be helpful... vOv https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/
  18. Just use Taniwha's Blender Tool plugin, and there will be no need to include Unity or KSP Part Tools in your wor flow at ALL.
  19. Nice, cuz some of us cant even run Scatterer in a bare, stoc install, on our potato computers.
  20. Yes.... and there are several mods out there that do, or at least have partially gotten, fish, birds, and a cat, into the game....
  21. Flart, Thanx for the interest in This mod I've actually been poking this again, this past week. I'm trying to mae some small cosmetic improvements. Also, been trying it out in JNSQ and JadeOfMaar's JNSQ bases stuff. I might make another version of the tower for use in scaled up systems. I'm not sure I lie the light pattern and beam angles/spread, even when the towers are scaled up.. so i Might make a version that just brighter, and better angled source lights. Also been researching street lamps and searchlight-type lights to add to the mod. If I get either of the two things done above, and it seems ready for a solid release, i will be adding a SpaceDoc listing, and then adding it to CKAN as well. I should probably also mae a new release thread on the forum, too... vOv I also need to mae sure there will be no conflict with the version of this mod, that is pacaged and ships *deep* within Galileo's Planet Pack. @shoe7ess, would you mind if i included your alternate texture in my release? I'm looking at making changes to the current texture, so i would have to mebbe tweak yours too, but I would definately credit you with it. Also, if you dont mind, I could include your instructions on how people could add moar textures of their own, if they wish... vOv
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