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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. @Snark Says he believes that Non-Lua mods will be allowed, just like they are now.
  2. The resource and mining system is getting an overhaul. I can't find the post that said it, but iirc, that's what they said. Colonies will most likely have more than one resource to gather. My guess: Ore - For processing into Metal Oxygen - Made from either breaking CO2 or H2O Hydrogen, Methane, Xenon/Argon, Kerosene - All for fuel Nitrogen/Helium - For RCS and or Cooling systems Uranium - For Orion Drive of course. Helium-3 - for Fusion drives and Daedalus Biomatter - For making trees and other oxygen creating habitats Deuterium and tritium - for turning D and T into He-3 or He-4 And then for refiners we'll have: Water splitter - To split water into Hydrogen and Oxygen, which can go on to make fuel Ore refiner - For turning Ore into Metal for rockets and parts Nuclear Reactor - For processing the uranium into nukes for Orion Drives Fusion reactor - For processing fusion fuel Green house - For using biomatter to create trees and other plants
  3. Could you still ask what mods will be allowed and how mods will be handled? Will it be any and all mods allowed or are they putting a requirement on mods such as the aforementioned LUA files.
  4. Multiple bases will be needed to sustain a colony imo. I heard something about the resource system is getting revamped, so if you land in an area with only 3 out of 5 resources needed, you will need to go setup mining outposts where those remaining 2 resources are, and then setup trade routes between the two bases. Guilty.
  5. They've already said that multiple builds in the VAB/SPH are possible. You can build three seperate rockets in the VAB at the same time then connect them.
  6. Oh, ask about mods, are they lua only or will non lua Moda be allowed. @Snark
  7. @Shadowmage did you see the 1.8 KSP loading? An upgrade to unity 2019 and DX11 plus some other underlying core programming.
  8. When is the actual release month, March (like it's been rumored), April, May or June?
  9. But we see clouds in the screenshot? At least from orbit. Edit: check my other post out. You can just make our clouds over the ocean.
  10. Well they can be one self sufficient from a not reliant on Kerbin sort of way in that they can mine their own resources, but you're going to probably need at least 2 or 3 bases seeing as resources are getting an overhaul. So you might have to do some trading between colonies.
  11. I was thinking more like the Falcon 9 mechanical fairing concept where both halves would move to open up before closing up around the satellite. Or the Saturn I/V old Fairing where the four petals opened on hinges.
  12. I feel like this needs to be discussed. I remember lots of talk about the fairing system when they redid it. I feel we need the old modular hard fairings back. Why? Recoverability. I want to be able to get 100% of my money back, and fairings do cost a pretty penny. But I know people kind of like the procedural fairings, so I say we keep them, but also add back the modular fairs, and also add mechanical fairings (What SpaceX has planned for the cargo version of the BFR, and formally ITX, and formally formally a Falcon 9 Satellite recovery/deorbiter.
  13. A simple MM file will fix that. And Squad has said there will be no need for Module Manager anymore, but I feel like there will be if the game doesn't allow mods to overwrite natively.
  14. Yes, give the kerbals more nukes, that's always a good idea! XD They've said no magic tech or no tech we can't realistically get to soon. Both those are severely decades possibly century or two away. We believe it is. I would like to see more variation in SRBs, and maybe different fuel type of SRBS such as aluminum oxide and graphene oxide foam https://phys.org/news/2019-04-hybrid-energy-method-fuel-future.html Graphene foam can delivery a lot of power at a net-gain weight to thrust ratio. Super power SRBs for first stages like an Ares I derivative
  15. Colonies do become self-sufficient at some point. You'll need to setup mining operations probably and have lots of factories in order to do so, but you can have one colony standing alone. With that being said, they did mention that resource generation has been overhauled IIRC, so I would imagine that one colony, while doable, would be difficult to maintain. Mining trucks would have to probably go thousands of KMs to reach the resources, spend all day mining, then haul the load back. It would be better to setup several colonies and establish trade routes between them. We get a shot of a new truck in KSP 2's trailer, and it was hauling a container. Maybe it was on its way to another colony or a mining outpost?
  16. Okay, but from the sounds of it tritium has a very slow decay rate. If we need a fast source of He-3 there's only really two options. D+D Fusion or Jupiter/Saturn diving. Of course, in Kerbal space program the only way to get He-3 would probably be Jool and any other gas giant. I doubt they will add seawater converters into the game. Though... the modding community could do that. And actually, there is a third way. Solar Space Station. Solar Winds carry He-3. Having a space station around the sun would allow it to collect He-3, but you would need to have it survive large amounts of heat.
  17. I read that He-3 + D produces regular Helium, and we want to keep the He-3 for the fusion engines, so you don't want He-3 + D, unless you are using it in the engine than that's fine. Also, seawater? What?
  18. No, I just found out you can produce He-3 through fusion reactors, deuterium fusion reactors would produce He-3.
  19. I think the best way to mine Helium without using probes or spacecraft is to setup an array of Fusion Reactors designed to fuse Hydrogen into Helium, then the helium get refined into Helium-3.
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