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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. They could have a magic Drill which teleports the submarine drone under the ice, or there could be caves scattered all about.
  2. No Man Sky doesn't have to deal with a thousand part craft. lol Let's get KSP 2 running well under load before tackling big projects like voxel terrain.
  3. I doubt KSP will ever get voxel terrain. Too much of a resource hog. The best we'll get is pre-rendered deformation. Example: A drill goes into the ground and creates a mound around the drill. Drill comes out, that mound of dirt disappears.
  4. I wish. I want at least warp 1 drives. But we'll have to leave it to modders because, "Magic tech" or "too far into the future." One thing I would like to see that is actually being worked on right now and is theoretically possible: Impulse Engines. It's basically an array of fusion reactors hooked up to a magnetic nozzle which directs the energy. https://www.cnet.com/news/star-trek-fusion-impulse-engine-in-the-works/
  5. Psst... KSP 2 isnt a AAA game, it's still an indie game, it just has a AAA Owner. Take-Two - AAA Owner Private Division - AAA Owner's "Indie" publisher. Star Theory - Indie Devs
  6. I think 2 stations per planet is good. 1 in an equatorial orbit for easy launchings 1 in polar orbit for ease of access to anywhere on the planet, especially for SSTOs.
  7. True, but the question was about changing a Kerbal's name so I didn't think of that option.
  8. Anybody thinking about a solar station? The challenge would be keeping it from overheating. Lots of heat shields and radiators and radiation shielding if they add that which I feel they are since Nate avoided the question about radiation with the Orion Drive.
  9. Well, they did say that it was an Orbital Colony, and I didn't see any docking ports anywhere.
  10. XD I'm guessing you're going to install infernal robotics as well and make the semi-robotic F-14s? Moving a orbital shipyard is going to take a lot of fuel and time. Are you up for the challenge?
  11. Is this a question for KSP 1 or KSP 2? If KSP 1, yes, you have to go into the save game file and change it there. If KSP 2, we don't know.
  12. "Multiple." Though, I suspect it's 3 to 5. Rask and Rusk, all I'm going to say...
  13. An analogue of PC might already be in game. I'm more wondering if modders will put in a solar system relative to Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy or Andromeda Galaxy. Of course, Warp Drive is needed to make the trip to either of these places. Even with the improvements they are claiming, your computer is going to cry.
  14. Me personally: Deep Space 9 - Star Trek -kind of like the shape and would position it between solar systems or on the edge of a solar system, to use as a pit stop. Orbital Defence Mac Cannon - Halo -Not so much for the gun, but more just to have something from Halo Space Dock - Star Trek -Idk, those giant lamp looking stations look neat. Orbital Construction Yard - Star Trek -Star Trek construction yards always seemed right to me. Giant hanger like structure. Spaghetti Station - Nothing -Let's be honest... all our Stations will end up like this at one point.
  15. Yeah, the Colony VAB is called the Colonial VAB, but the space station is just called Orbital VAB, which again doesn't work.
  16. They'll probably add some drilling mechanic to get under the ice.
  17. Nate did mention he wants the game to have updates down the line, hopefully in the next ten years he'll still be working on it. I think it was in DasValdez's interview he said it, don't recall.
  18. I wonder if they'll make a planet or moon like the one around Jupiter/Saturn where it's a shell of ice and underneath is a nitrogen ocean.
  19. When asked about Underwater Exploration, Nate said you'll have to get out there and see. Which means that they have something planned. So, they have said something about underwater features. It's not far fetched to say underwater colonies are a possibility.
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