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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. That's why I said maybe. I know it's up to the developer and I thank that they did that, even though I was one or two versions too late to get it myself.
  2. All planets and moons are going to be in KSP 2, the kerborler system isnt changing at all. Just a face lift. As for parts, KSP 1 parts will be in KSP 2. They just said not ALL the KSP 1 parts will make it in at launch. They might add KSP 1 parts as free dlc down the line. So everything, most likely no. Most things will be in the game. And a lot of the other features you mentioned are actually going to be in game or they will see about bringing them. Clouds: Nate said they are working on it. Life support: May actually be in the game, Nate danced around the question. Replacing Liquid Fuel: Again, Nate danced around this one so maybe. Acceleration based trajectory planning: Nate said there are tools in KSP 2 to help you plan and execute burns. No details, but he said they did have tools for us.
  3. Would be the same. The Mun and Minmus would both get their He-3 from the solar winds.
  4. If it was made by Squad, maybe. But KSP 2 is a completely new game from a completely different company.
  5. Deductive reasoning. Fusion drives use Helium 3. Only place to really get Helium 3 are gas giants. Jool is the only gas giant in the Kerbin system. Therefore, we can safely assume Jool will be the only source of fuel in the Kerbin system for fusion fuel.
  6. Sorry to reply so late to this, but I found evidence that T2's Fiscal year is indeed March 31st, and I thought people needed to see this. https://ir.take2games.com/news-releases/news-release-details/take-two-interactive-software-inc-reports-strong-results-11?field_nir_news_date_value So the rumor about T2 wanting KSP 2 out before fiscal year... may not be rumor after all. And if this is the case, I can see Early Access coming out to increase profits for the corporate overlords.
  7. No, I just feel like impulse engines should be in the game, and I also feel that it should be faster at acceleration than Daedalus or most engines. And I do know there's not a speed limit, the speed limits I mentioned are just for frame of reference.
  8. Impulse engines have a high thrust to weight ratio and their speed is fast. In Star Trek they are limited to 5% of C, but I feel that in KSP if the Daedalus drive is 12% of C than impulse engines should do around 20% of C, way faster too. Daedalus 4 years to reach max speed, impulse would be a few weeks to months.
  9. Kerbin wouldnt be a good place to launch interstellar craft. Jool would be best. Not only because it has the fuel, but because you could get a massive slingshot around the sun.
  10. Not that far to go. It's currently 21st. Which it showed numbers of how many times its been wishlisted.
  11. Just thought of something that KSP needs. Longer tanks. We've heard about the 2 new sizes, though we don't know what they are, but I feel we also need longer tanks, I mean, we have a super double length 5m tank, so why not super double length other tanks? And longer struts. I think we should have at least twice the length of some tanks now: FL-T1600 FL-TX3600 S3-28800 Jumbo-128 Triple length wouldn't be too bad either. FL-T2400 FL-TX5400 S3-43200 Jumbo-192
  12. https://store.steampowered.com/search/?ignore_preferences=1&os=win&filter=popularwishlist Whoo!
  13. I don't understand how "You can't have something above another thing" is still a limitation today... but okay then.
  14. Well, multiplayer added to a 8 year old game is one thing, multiplayer added in from the beginning is another. Also KSP 1 isn't built for multiplayer arguably. KSP 2 will be. So I can see why the change of face there. As for voxel terrain, if the game had something that would benefit from it, I could see it maybe being a feature, but as it stands, I see no use for it in KSP 2. And you're welcome. Which is funny because in the trailer on Duna, you can clear see overhanging cliffs. You can see overhanging cliffs on the new Ice Planet/moon as well. As for no caves, I can't see them not adding caves, especially to planets or moons with water. Caves are just natural thing to find where water is present. I also can't see why they wouldn't put in some pre-modeled caves into some of the planets. We have ravines don't we?
  15. In my opinion, no. Too many cons. Resource Hog A lot of random voxel deformation is unreliable, not doing what you want. Textures don't look good, especially when it's done next to a non-voxel terrain Not enough argument to justify its use, seeing as random caves and holes scattered around the ice planet would serve the purpose just as well as you drilling them in would. Magic tech that deploys your ship under the ice would be okay in the situation as well, such as the drill goes down and you get a mini VAB which you build the submarine drone from and then it deploys it in the water just outside the drill bit. But again, all this is just my opinion.
  16. IDK anything about PQS or PQS+. All I know is voxel terrain is a resource hog and arguably shouldn't be in KSP 1 or KSP 2, just my opinion.
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