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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. So, had to do a few changes. For one, the size was increased to be more accurate. Challenger is closer to 5m KSP after some investigation, and Node 1 is 3.75m KSP. Secondly, the S0 truss was too small, so had to upgrade it to the regular S0. Still not right, but we don't have ETS Truss units in Habtech or any mod for that matter, so have to make do. Thirdly, I originally built the station upside down. This is the right orientation. Yes, the Solar Truss is "Hung" from the station and not "Resting" on top.
  2. So... Apparently, the Challenger module is 10m in diameter, making it 6.25m in KSP... I guess this is my fault for assuming the size of the docking port and eye balling it... So apparently the CADS on Freedom is like... 1.875 or even 2.5 in KSP, at least to me they seem like they'd be that size... *le sigh* According to this picture, the Node should be 3.75m (KSP), same as the modules... *Aggravation sounds* With E of Pi being essentially gone from the community, there's no real way to ask what size the modules actually are. The only size mentioned is for Challenger, the core module, and it's the size of an S-II tank basically. 10m wide, 32m long, base to tip. So, a shorter fatter Skylab in a sense... but the S-II won't fit inside the H03 fairings, so either the BDB team made the H03 fairings smaller than they should be, or ETS's Challenger's dimensions are wrong... Or I'm wrong... thinking about it, the 10m wide, 32m long section could be the fairing itself. Yeah, I think that's it. I still made Challenger and Node 1 too small though... Going off this picture, Apollo Blk IV module is 2.5m, KSP. Node 2, which it is docked to, looks to be wider than Apollo, so it's probably 3.75m (Or 3.125, but we don't have 3.125 station parts anywhere, so defaulting to 3.75m)... Challenger is definitely wider than Node 2, so it's either 4.375 (Nothing in game), 5m (Most likely since it has to fit in the fairing), or 5.625 (Not in game) Then there's the tunnel between Challenger and Node 1. It's either 1.875 or 2.5... I can't tell. *Copies another image to paint.net and does line comparison* Inconclusive... So, just have to eyeball it... and after doing so, I'm confident the tunnel is 1.875m in diameter... Sorry everyone for the rant, I just noticed my mistake and was a little... heated about it. Going to fix everything and cheat the new station up... *Grumbles*
  3. Irl freedom is pretty much in Habtech. There's no missing parts as far as I'm aware. ETS is the only things missing. And yes, this is ETS Freedom, so rocket launches, not shuttle.
  4. P1 Truss attached to Freedom. Yes. The entire thing is the P1 truss. The ETS Freedom Truss has only 5 parts to it. S0, which is (supposed) to launch with Challenger. P1, S1, P2, S2. Also, ignore the solar panel clipping the radiator... I... didn't realize these were non-closing solar panels when I chose them... problem is they are the closest panels I have to the depictions... also, ignore the fact that S0 changed shape and size... (The small one wasn't going to work out...) Also, for those wondering, yes, the station is oriented correctly. The solar truss is "hung" from the station like this. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Edit: Cheated a new station up with Benjee's Tantares Solar Panel, so no more clipping.
  5. August 4th, 2029 Visitors Welcome PMA-1 and PMA-2 Flown by SLS Block 2 Cargo Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet SLS launches Aardvark Orion (Subject to change) with PMA one and two to the Mun.
  6. Is it possible to get 1.875 end caps for all parts? Edit: Also closed off end caps, like for PMM Leonardo.
  7. Not really... we're missing the Solar truss for ETS Freedom, which is a lot smaller than ISS solar truss. Benjee says he has no interest in making the truss as well. We'll have to use the oversized ISS truss.... unless some mod that already has ETS stuff makes the truss themselves... *wink wink nudge nudge* I kid, of course. But yeah, the 3.75 parts allow to kitbash Challenger and the 3.75m Kibo and 3.75m centerfuge.
  8. Check out my thread for the story of MSISS: Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Btw, Pappy, I didn't do this out of spite, just so you know lol. I genuinely decided to use C-8B because it just looks better IMO. Also, @Pappystein in regards to your imgur problem, Imgur has a limit of 20MB. So, anything larger will get converted into a JPG to downsize it. Two solutions. Take the supersized screenshot and edit the resolution size until it's under 20MB, or don't use supersized resolution images. I would go with the latter. You have a pretty large resolution to begin with. The real problem you have is just the compression artifacts that Steam's screenshot system creates. Using the uncompressed KSP screenshot versions will be just fine. 3,840 x 1600 is more than good resolution for screenshots.
  9. July 16th, 2029 Sunset on a Titan Core Module Flown by Saturn VIIIB (8B) Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Kennedy Space Center, Launch Complex 39A, July 16th, 2029, 09:00 AM local time. Crowds gathered around the stands as well as outside the complex. Boats got as close as they could without violating the range safety zone. No one wanted to be the one to scrub this launch. This launch was special. 60 years ago, Kerbals once launched from this historic site on a journey to the Mun. Now, they were going back, to stay this time. The world governments came together to make the Munar Supersized International Space Station project, and this was the first module. Supermodule 3, built specifically for Munar orbit. This behemoth of a space station was the third module produced by the Supermodule team. They went with a more conservative design for number 3, going back to Supermodule 1 in core aspects, but with upgrades to allow it to function in Munar Polar Orbit. 32 minutes away from launch, the nations of the world watched the live broadcast on KerTube, K.com, anywhere that had a live stream up and running. The crowd grew quiet as the KASA Director came to deliver some words to the public. "My fellow Kamericans and people of the world. Today marks a wonderous day. Today, we go back to the Mun. Today, we choose to stay at the Mun. Today, we honor those that went before us. I'll paraphrase the words of a Kerbal long gone. We choose to go to the Mun. We choose to go to the Mun and do the other things in this decade, not because they are easy, but because they are hard." The director took a pause. "Hard. Indeed, it is hard. We remember the crew of Kapollo One. We remember the disaster that struck SISS one. We remember all the brave Kosmonauts of the Krussian Federation. We remember the animals that were lost in the pursuit to prove that we can conquer space. We remember." He took another pause. "I want to thank everyone who has made this program possible. From the engineers of the Kapollo program to the astronauts that flew on these mighty rockets. The rocket you see on the pad is the last of the ole titans. Saturn Eight B. Saved from the scrapheap and upgraded specifically for this mission. She is the last of her kind. The last of an era. For this special launch, we've decided to do something a little different. We'll be playing a song for this launch. You will be the only one to hear it for obvious reasons. All teams, verify procedures and statues. At T-minus seven minutes, we will proceed with the final status check." It seemed like forever, but seven minutes finally rolled around. The team did a go no go poll. Everyone waited with bated breath as they went through the list. Go after Go came, then the final one from the launch director. "You have permission to launch." Cheers roared around the world. The launch would proceed barring any complications. Now was the waiting game for the final minutes. At 2 minutes to go, the speakers blared to life with a song. There were a mix of laughs and cheers as people realized what song it was. At twenty seconds to go, the music was turned down, but not stopped. "Fifteen... fourteen... thirteen... twelve... eleven... ten... nine... eight... seven... six... Go for main engine start... three... two... one." "It's the final countdown." Went off in the song as the 8 mighty F-1Bs roared to life. "Clock is running.... we have liftoff at thirty-two minutes passed the hour! Saturn eight has cleared the tower, beginning roll and pitch program!" Cheers and cries erupted around the world as the mighty Saturn 8 began to slowly lift into the air, gaining momentum. Few minutes later, staging occurred, the 12 J-2S's roared to life. Staging of stage two occurred shortly after. The S-IVF with 2 J-2A-2s would burn direct for the Mun. After burn out, the waiting game began. For four days MSISS would coast to the Mun. After performing an inclination change after entering the Mun's SOI, MSISS performed orbital insertion burn, ending it at 17:21 UTC. "Ladies and gentlemen... we're in orbit around the mun." The call went out across the globe, met with cheers, applause and cries. This marked the beginning of a new era in space flight. A permanent Kerbal presence around the Mun.
  10. Hmmm. Decisions. Decisions. Do I got with the Saturn V or the Saturn C-8B... Both can get SISS into a Polar Munar Orbit.
  11. @Pappystein I tested it, it can get SISS (Supersized ISS) into a Polar Munar Orbit. Also, FINALLY. This payload taxes the first stage. It's TWR at launch is under 1.2, and it doesn't reach space before the 1st stage runs out of fuel. It's finally a sensible launch vehicle.
  12. Yes, I'm back at this. Sorry for the hiatus again. Supermodule troubles took away my drive to do this project, but after Benjee's return to Habtech and the new 5m parts, I've decided to come back to it. I might even return to SISS 2, using the new 5m parts instead of Supermodule.
  13. Don't tempt me to switch to C-8B... I will. Lol. Yep, stretched S-IC with 6 F-1As tho, might switch those to Bs. Stage 1. They light with the center stage. Mhm. The max stretched S-IVF (I think it's F) And yep, new habtech parts. I needed a short nose cone and most fairings are quite longer than I need. As for why not encase the entire thing, the irl super module was shown to fly exposed like the Russian stations, so I decided to fly it that way as well. Nope. The S-IVF is the tug in itself.
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