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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. Hmmm. Any plans to bring the X-20 into BDB in a future update? I know Well has a mod for it, but I would love to see what a full fledged BDB X-20 would be like.
  2. @CobaltWolf So, just read your tweets. Saw you mentioned nuclear Orion. Are you actually considering it?
  3. Delta Update when? ./joking Hmmm. Are there any other concepts for the Thor/Delta family besides the Double Barrel Delta II and the Delta II MDD Barbarian? And obviously besides the ridiculous stuff with Delta IV like the 6 boosters strapped to the core or the enlarged CCBs that some of which reach SLS/Ares V levels of size... what the heck were the ULA/Boeing designers thinking with the Paris 7 launcher?
  4. Atlas... uh... something. AR-1's replace the RD-180s, and a 4 engine centaur III for the second stage. Full American. Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  5. Decided to make a color scheme based off the Statue of Liberty color... I don't think it's very vibrant. Used this: Taubmans Statue of Liberty / T12 50.C8 / #a1c7b6 Hex Color Code, RGB and Paints (encycolorpedia.com) Also, the CCB can be used for SSTO purposes... huh.
  6. Ah, I see it now. Thanks. I even counted the brackets like twice before hand lol. I guess I should tab my code over so I can see more clearly.
  7. Verdigris (Very Oxidized/Pinta Copper) Atlas V launching a G-1 upper stage (Uses Titan IV second stage). Like how the exhaust goes from yellow to green to blue-ish brown(?). Full album: Imgur: The magic of the Internet Also, @Rodger Could I maybe get your help with something? I made a second texture for the Atlas V, and it's not showing up in game. I looked at the KSP log and it says the texture was loaded, but it doesn't show up in game. There's no errors pertaining to the texture. I can provide the logs if need be.
  8. Interesting. So they would cool the engine using the fuel or oxidizer, then dump them back into the thrust chamber, like the shuttle I'm assuming? Or is the dumping more like the F-1 and it happens at or near the end of the bell?
  9. A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. I like the stabilizing structural fins, for lack of a better word.
  10. 204 MB?! And like 90% of it is a two error repeated to infinity. Idk what mod is complaining about the bones problem. Should probably update whatever adds that. Also might want to reinstall or even update VesselVeiwer.
  11. Nice! I would recommend using more of a shuttle entry profile though. No more than 25 degrees nose up and lower the nose to about 10 degrees once most of reentry is done. 40 is a little extreme, not to mention the lift you'll get off it!
  12. Quadrant 1 is to the right of the ladder if you're facing the front side of the LM, where the rover goes. It then goes counterclockwise around the corners. The Descent stage has a B9 switch to open up Q1 to insert the rover. Q1 is the only quadrant that opens up, so it's not that hard to find. ANd what do you mean the parts don't line up? Do you have pictures of this?
  13. https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=32675.0;attach=585531 Here it is. It's a downloadable PDF just so you know.
  14. 90 is a little low, that's just basically 5km away from the atmosphere. I never shoot for anything lower than 100km. Your PVG settings can also play a role. You can try shooting for a 75m/s gravity turn start speed and a 0.4 degree per second turn.
  15. I guess I should have just waited a day, huh? Also, drop tank agena with a centaur control probe... kinda cursed... I love it and hate it at the same time. You said you're only doing the engine mount and not the LNG stage right?
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