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Everything posted by GoldForest

  1. That's strange... I'll try re-downloading the latest commit tomorrow. Edit: Ah, I think I know what's wrong. The node thinks it's on the bare housing when it's not. I'll test this tomorrow. It's a common B9 bug where the nodes will be in places pf other part switches. I've even got the bug where all nodes for all switches appear. Idk why I didn't assume it was that at the time. Again, I'll test this later
  2. @Rodger The interstage node for the LR-91 is too low. Also, is the 1206F decoupler being worked on?
  3. I know this is two photos, but the say you have it on a 100% black background for both, makes it look like you're deploying two rovers at once.
  4. @Pappystein UA1206F variant · CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau@0aef0dd · GitHub I'm sure you saw this, but you got your wish.
  5. @CobaltWolf Will you be making a texture switch for the external fuel tanks to make them silver with the black stripes like in that photo of the White X-15 photo?
  6. It's a reference to Dylansemrau's mod Chrayol Design Org. - ISRO Mod, which adds India's rockets. The Chrayol has a red and white paint scheme. Looks great! Great job as always! And wait... White Ablator? Really?
  7. Nice job making sure the boosters were attached to the skirt and interstage. I wonder if irl the boosters would have gave enough rigidity to the Atlas to be viable. Also, that pour skirt during booster sep... Also also, no insulation Centaur... cursed.
  8. You can report your own thread IIRC. Or you can ping/DM one of the mods.
  9. True, but those updates are mixed in with each other most of the time, so you got to take the half-done parts with the "For playing" commits. Besides, lets me play with the shiny new parts and comment on things you need to improve on them, even though you probably already did that. Note: I don't comment on parts unless it's a major bug that should be fixed ASAP. I'm just joking around with the comment.
  10. Taco is using one of the NF docking ports. I was just wondering why they didn't use the actual S-II docking ports, and they just forgot about it. Give it time, Rodger has to create whole new configs for the parts, and it can be a lengthy process making sure you get everything correct. Seems they are doing the most difficult parts first, i.e. the engines since they have so many part switches to them. The Tanks should come next. Also @Rodger, The interstage seems to start on No fairing, just the decoupler, but the model displays the Titan II interstage.
  11. Well, Radial Docking Port Adapter. You'll need to put Apollo ports on it. It also comes in different sizes.
  12. America transporting Buran? Was Mirya not available? Or did the CIA steal it?
  13. Titan launching X-20 Dyna-soar. Also, PSA. The reconfiguration of Titan parts has broken Pappystein's hypergolic patch. ATM, the LR-87 engines do not accept Hypergolic fuel, but the LR91 still does... for now. Check your fuel tanks and make sure they have the appropriate fuel! Or delete the patch from the extras folder for the time being. I doubt we'll see an update to the Hypergolic patch until all this reconfiguration is done with, but feel free to prove me wrong Pappy. Full album (It's a biggen.): Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  14. Interstellar Fuel Switch IIRC has a water switch. There's also tons of life support mods that add water.
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