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    I Am Broken
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    Waiting at the other side of the Rainbow Bridge
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    I miss my beloved kitty.

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  1. @boriz im being told link is invalid 051202012025
  2. @boriz if im seeing it right, my guess is C as it looks like its centered on the nav ball. If i was flying instrument only using the nav ball id see C as target direction. But thats only a guess w/out more context. 045002012025
  3. Ok, this I feel warrants its own post I am doing my science save and just did my first interplanetary mission to duna! Did not think i could get there on such limited tech <limited compared to sandbox, not one node over 550 science is unlocked. I have 1 or 2 at 550 at BEST right now. I give you the DOSSP Mission, or Duna Orbital Science Scanner Platform. On its way! This lifter was uh over built, carrying two of those boosters nearly into orbit lol. Gotta say, I am pleased so far with this thing. Something did disappoint me after arrival into a steady polar orbit however. Ill get to that in a moment tho. Hello Duna my old friend, I see you there! Capture underway! Over 6000km above Duna. Next stop, about 300ish KM. Stable Orbit achieved. This is just prior to kicking the lower stage off. Polar Orbit? Check. Between 35km and 1500km? Check. More comfortable with out that bulky <lol> lower stage? Check. Science and resource scans runs? Check. Enough dV to deorbit when desired? Check. DOSSP on station, doing its thing. Now, for the disappointing thing? Well, its a few things. One, I forgot a materials science device, so, yeah. Renders the docking port on this thing kinda pointless. Did I think this qualified for lower over Duna rather than high over Duna? Yup. Is it? Nope. So, no new magnetometer scan or pressure or temperature scans. Did those just prior to initial capture burn. Did the goo at this altitude and was still considered to be high over Duna. Oh well. Future missions will take care of that! 023102012025
  4. I forgot to add this image to my post where I docked to the asteroid the other day. This was the ultimate money shot, a successful rendezvous and docking mostly by hand for the first time <mechjeb has been my go to autopilot since I took up ksp in 2013, still is, still advocate its use> but, this made me proud: Like I said in that post, this things now in a stable orbit, highly elliptical and eccentric, but stable nevertheless. 001802012025
  5. Ah. 045001312025 also how is my post in cyrillic in your quote of me? Just curious 045101312025
  6. Ok maybe i should already know this but while watching the critical role charity one shot live stream a thought hit me. In each of my saves, my prime save, my return to play test save and now my science save ive never seen more than 1 comet show up. I got to wondering is 1 the max number of comets per save or is it possible to have more than 1 appear? 235201302025
  7. I respect the effort that went into it but i miss the old banner. But our tastes are our own of course. Too me it just feels too busy. But my minds always at mach 100 so im nuts maybe. 203101302025
  8. @Eclipse 32 covered the basics, but you can launch a sentinel telescope up to actively scan for more. It wont auto track them or anything but it should reveal more. I forget which way it needs to point for best results, but it should give good science on the first scan. I think after that it passively reveals them. Fun fact it was part of a micro free add on with NASA actually working with SQUAD years ago before the Asteroid Redirect Mission was canceled. It added 2-3 parts. The sentinel telescope, a probe body and maybe a few parts. Cant recall them all. Im sure a post or three mention it in the archives. 165501302025 @Kimera Industries and those curious 170601302025
  9. Ok stupid question. I was doing a mission earlier where I wanted to reach a different biome on kerbin for a science run. While i was going into orbit to reach the biome ive done all the eva in space science i can do for now. So eva in orbit was not required. In the VAB i stripped the EVA packs out of the inventories. To my shock at launch when i checked to see something there they were. Is it even possible to NOT have the EVA RCS MMUs with you if have no need for them? 055601302025
  10. So here I am playing science and looking for a way to unlock about 1300ish science for some larger batteries, probe cores and other assorted things when I see something in the tracking station that grabbed my eye. I had an asteroid or something danger close to to Kerbin on a collision course. Well, that stopped me dead in my tracks because I had to redirect the asteroid. At this point I lack the rendezvous/docking portions of mechjeb's control and to date I had never really manually docked by hand. Docking is WHY I got mechjeb so many years ago, and why i still advocate for players to use it to this day. Yes, there are videos and tutorials aplenty on the subject, but, I promise there are players like me, that no matter how many videos or manuals or tutorials on a subject you read/watch you just cant pick up the skill. So, thats why I got mechjeb. It showed how MY rockets flew. What I never figured was that I was slowly absorbing what it was doing with what I built, showing me, teaching me how my craft that are birthed from my mind fly in KSP. ANYWAY long way of saying that, when it mattered just now, I was able to get into the asteroids plane and get myself a 4km encounter. That was as close as as I could wrangle with a maneuver node. When I got with in that 4km I was able to brute force my way into a good position. I actually <dont shame me for this, i am bloody proud of myself!> was able to manually rendezvous AND dock with a class D asteroid!!! I have it on a 35 dayish orbit with a PE of about 250km from the direct collision course it WAS on. I also saw the comet Ive been tracking while launching! This is the risen from the ashes of my test save, if only in name, Capture 2 launching for the class D asteroid. See that? The comet is down near Moho's orbit at the moment and gave me quite the shock when I saw it. I WILL chase that bugger down one day. One day! about 60m to go! Even now, I am grinning thinking about this moment! Just a beauty shot here. The money shot of all money shots for me, my first manual docking! Yea, I know, been playing since 0.21 back in 2013. I cant dock to save my life in a sandbox save, but, when the chips are down, the cards dealt and a space boulder is looking to punch a planet and ive minimal tech I pull this off?? Ill buy that for a dollar! I am proud. And having said that, I am now sad This a moment that id love to share with my momma, but I cant. God this moment went from sweet to bitter sweet in a nanosecond. Sorry to end this triumph on a sad note. 050201302025
  11. Depends on the tech level of the parts and stage of your tech tree. At some point it should be a fairly decent outpost for you. But again, its tech level dependent id say. Best of luck! 184801292025
  12. Gotcha. Ill correct it when i launch a new version when i unlock the ra-100 relays. Appreciate the clarity! 043001292025
  13. This is just part of what Ive done today in KSP. More to do, but, this is some of it Mission on approach to a landed Probe at the Mun, this mission delivered some ground science station stuff to the Mun. More will be deployed soon. Bob being a goofball while deploying those solar arrays. No RCS pack because hey that stuff takes up space right? Mission mostly complete, just gotta get back home! The start of what I thought was a typical re-entry. The lower half of the lander races out ahead of the capsule. Watching the lower half of the lander start to climb out of the atmosphere. This was around 35-37km above the deck. It was at this point I was wondering why descent was taking soo long. Turns out, i came in about as shallow as you could possibly come in <even with PE at about 40km prior to entry interface> and wound up taking a solid 3 minutes or so to re-enter fully. I had FULL ablator on the heatshield prior to re-entry. Finally after I was nearing the end of shock heating: I couldnt help but giggle from the moment I took the picture above this one until shortly after splash down about 45 seconds later. What a ride. 234401282025 ok, i feel stupid for asking this, considering I am successfully uploading images and linking them, but, I am having to "copy image address" and use the insert image from URL thing on the bottom right of the editor. Where on imgur is the BBCode thing?? Am I just bad at imgur now or what? 234601282025 Ok, barring my imgur question, which if anyone knows why I am not seeing the BBCode thing please tell me , I am going to add some new mission stuff here, because Id rather just edit the post rather than make a full new one if that makes sense, especially since no one has posted in the 3-4 hours since this post. Onto the updates then! My on going science station on the Mun. Anyone know how to silence the alerts from the station? Im fine with it passively collecting science, but, do I need it to tell me its gathered like 18 science every time? Just work quietly and I will be ok lol. Here is my PAAS mission going up. Polar Active Anomalous Scanner <say it like this: Paws <like a kitties paw or a puppies paw > And here IS PAAS having done an orbital survey of Kerbin at 1300Km 1300km Polar Orbit. 030501292025
  14. Doing a mun mission for some science and had a close encounter with my first com sat quite on accident. When I went to double check what the pink box I saw closing in on me was, I spotted something that kinda irked me. First, the encounter! This encounter was NOT planned. Just happened by accident! Ok, onto the thing that irked me. Game is paused as I write this, because I am that frustrated and want to see if this happens to us all or if I some how screwed up. You see my mission in progress, and the com sat I have in orbit of the Mun. But, look towards Kerbin, you see that white ring of 4 comm sats? That is SUPPOSED to be in geostationary orbit. I put them up in a rectangle formation <was the best I could do given the tech at the time> and KEO2 and KEO3 have closed in on each other. 1 and 2 are on the far side, 3 leads 4. 3 and 4 were about as far from each other as 1 and 2, but somehow this happened... I am going to tear them down when I unlock the RA-100's so its not a big issue at this time, but, did I do something wrong? I dont recall this issue in my prime save, but, there I think I have a pair or trio of RA-100s in polar orbit as well. But, this happen to you guys? 195401282025
  15. did some more missions to both the mun and to minmus for some science. I am slowly unlocking the tech tree, but something just irritated me to no end. WHEN did the monolith by the KSC lose its own biome status???? I swear it was considered its own biome for science purposes. I just flung Bob at it with a light scanner arm and to my utter irritation after spending far too long trying to fling a rocket at it found that i cannot scan it, and being right NEXT to it is considered the shores???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? An hour of effort for NOTHING gained at that stupid monolith. 054001282025
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