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About AlamoVampire

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  • About me
    I Am Broken
  • Location
    Waiting at the other side of the Rainbow Bridge
  • Interests
    I miss my beloved kitty.

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  1. My area is mostly cloudy too. But dont feel bad for me. I was going to miss it any way clouds or not. I tore my throat up at renfaire last weekend and have spent the last few days with a nasty cough. Im worn out from coughing and hacking stuff up from allergies and just want to sleep. Im trading even a chance at seeing a lunar eclipse for rest and a chance to go to renfaire again this weekend. Im sure someone will live stream it and you can catch it that way. 231903132025
  2. New day two new spam calls 830… 102203132025 831… 104403132025 832… 110903132025 833… 111303132025 834… 140003132025 835… 140803132025 836… 144403132025 837… 144603132025 838… 155503132025 839… 161703132025 840… 163503132025 841… 173403132025 13…
  3. Yell ———end play end play end play——— 60.59107° N, 1.11927° W ———end verification NOT PART OF PLAY end verification——— 000303132025
  4. Gotcha. Didnt see it. I figured you added something just couldnt see it. Leave it to my eyes to glitch. ——— 163703122025 ——— end commercial break lol———
  5. So I was standing on the main deck of Dove Enigma getting ready to go start unlocking Colonia Engineers when an in game ad (hocking stuff for in game companies like Saud Kreuger or Lakon or Falcon DeLacy. I hear the ad start then hear what sounds like: Live it. Salty. <my mind stalls on salty> Definitely Salty. Id laugh but i want my throat to not hurt. I know i heard it wrong and it had to be an ad for Saud Kreuger but still. Funny. 163503122025
  6. Im still not blue name fonted… <taps foot> thats a ban. 162603122025
  7. Sir Deddly was listening to an interesting song about quantum entanglement when, suddenly, an enormously talented alien potato, named Chip, came knocking vigorously at the door. Salutations were said, and then Chip proceeded to demi-compose lyrics while an opera Cat sat on string instruments, purring at poignant instrumental pieces. This lead to some UFOs abducting forum Administrators who had decided to attend rehearsals for the recital of Vogon poetry. Rescued by Pickles the Hungarian, they fought Vogon red tape in order of Moderator hierarchy. Those that didn’t had to battle twenty-million bureaucrats for sinning against the allegiance principal. "Don't Ever Eat Yellow Submarines.” The Phillies ——— <still unclear as to what change cold made… no bolds present in his post> 162503122025
  8. Sir Deddly was listening to an interesting song about quantum entanglement when, suddenly, an enormously talented alien potato, named Chip, came knocking vigorously at the door. Salutations were said, and then Chip proceeded to demi-compose lyrics while an opera Cat sat on string instruments, purring at poignant instrumental pieces. This lead to some UFOs abducting forum Administrators who had decided to attend rehearsals for the recital of Vogon poetry. Rescued by Pickles the Hungarian, they fought Vogon red tape in order of Moderator hierarchy. Those that didn’t had to battle twenty-million bureaucrats for sinning against the allegiance principal. "Don't Ever Eat Yellow Submarines, indigestion.” The Phillies ———below is an an explanation only for what was done by me in my non play and play——— i am not adding anything other than one word that got somehow clipped out. I am simply repairing. That omission by accidental clip out was getting under my skin. Somehow the word SIR got clipped off. I have restored it. 113603122025 113803122025
  9. Floor 5899: a magical dispensary that scans you and gives you a pill that fixes what ails you. Sore throat? Fixed! Cough? Fixed! Cold, Flu, or Plague? Fixed! 113203122025
  10. My throat hurts. I ban you to try to make my throat not hurt. (My throat really does hurt lol) 112903122025
  11. I wake up snd find three spam calls… 822… 112503122025 823… 140603122025 824… 141103122025 824… 142803122025 825… 144203122025 826… 152503122025 827… 153403122025 828… 161003122025 10….
  12. Quite the opposite. Using different words to convey the same point actually. Its a rules grey area. Id much rather be direct and to the point rather than go around the block to make it. However given just how fast it can go from a well intentioned peaceful discussion to a rabid fist fight so to speak, it is wiser to slightly blur the point and stay within the rules. But you seem to think im as dumb as half the country or am i reading you wrong? 112003122025
  13. Rap isnt music. Its an insult to ones hearing. TUBM knows what vehicle this is and what show its from: WITHOUT GOOGLE OR ANY SEARCH ENGINE! 214003112025 214103112025
  14. I just got the stupidest scam email yet. It was claiming my cable company is having issues processing payment yadda yadda. Its a scam. But what made me laugh was this: norpepply(dot)us at blah. I dont know if i should pity the scammer or mock them. But it hurt laughing at this idiocy. Ehy hurt? My throat is sore from renfaire. Screaming for 2 days and being in cold weather hurt my throat. No regrets tho! 182703112025
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