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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. i never noticed...great one more thing to go batty about. I think Bill and Bob need to stop worrying about what Jeb is doing and start to worry for all of us instead as we all obsess over this.
  2. @icedown Neat! Ill keep an eye out! If i spot any more wonky happenings Ill keep you informed
  3. @icedown Any word as to why the sun is breaking the telescope even with that option toggled off?
  4. i have a few honestly, but, seeing just this first page the feelings of inadequacy are cropping up. BUT, like Jeb, I soldier on. Biggest Station, Single Launch: Kerbal Orbital Science Complex: On launch pad with launcher In orbit: Next, is the Goliath Class Shuttle, as above 2 pictures, one with Launcher and one alone in orbit: With Launcher: On orbit: And my largest ship, the Titan Class Interplanetary Transport with its launcher and on orbit doing a maneuver: With Launcher: On Orbit about to do a systems check:
  5. @GoSlash27 Just like with Spaced yall have more patience than I. As long as we all enjoy the game we are all doing it right right?
  6. You are the kinda person who scares the heebie jeebies outta me. How can you not use autopilot? How can you manually fly the same profile hundreds of thousands of times? How do you have saint like patience to manually babysit huge burns? You have more patience than I. Now, <runs off mid thought as impatience takes over again>
  7. @WildLynx I like the kis/kas idea but have a problem with it. Its good for small things but not so much so for landing gear. "Servicing" antennae or solar arrays is a cool mission idea, one I intend to use fully cuz hey EVA is FUN! Also its a neat RP idea But it shouldnt be expected of us, the players to fix what we are now facing.
  8. @swjr-swis Sing it! Sing it to the heavens brother! What he just said is unbridled truth. Squad listen to him as he is beyond correct. So much so as to be gospel.
  9. @Arsonide As per your request, here is the ALL STOCK parts shuttle displaying this behavior. http://www.filedropper.com/landinggeartestshuttle here are screen shots of it taken less than 5 minutes ago <as of this post>: I can upload my save if you really do need it, but, since I am not the only player being hit by yalls mechanic that may make for too much data <not a programmer so can only guess at that one>. BUT. here is a step by step on how to see what is in that picture: 1. Choose Landing Gear Test Shuttle and hit launch. 2. Attempt to deploy gear <action group, manual no difference honestly, both cause it> Again, this is a symptom of the attempt to prevent players from hot staging or deploying things inside fairings or cargo bays. Far as I can tell based on my experience and that being reported by others and roughly confirmed by @Red Iron Crown I think it was in a different thread of course, that this is the check that you guys put in place having seriously negative side effects. I have my Goliath Class Ship that is seeing this as well, but, its a mod part ship. Can upload if needed along with what mods are required to use it. Let me know.
  10. @Arsonide Heres the thing, its a so called feature that one of the dev members put in for who knows why. I even pmd you at your request a stock parts ship for the experimentals team to use to see why anything attached to a cargo bay refuses to work after launching for 113. As its a Squad added feature no log can be supplied as sadly its the game doing what yall programed it to do. to replicate, simple. Attach a part externally to a cargo bay. Launch. Try to deploy. Game will balk. When i get to my machine i will reupload the stock craft again
  11. I stay away from module manager as coding makes me extremely uncomfortable so such a patch isnt helpful. And ive seen no toggle anywhere to kill it
  12. @klgraham1013 lol. i just wish SOMEONE at squad @Claw or @KasperVld or @Arsonide or @NathanKell or @Porkjet or anyone else would just come out and say something on this. its not helping us, its hurting us to have this garbage in and they need to say something and not ignore it. clearly its not helping. clearly we are asking for it to be taken away. but all we get back, all ive gotten back is silence.
  13. @klgraham1013 1.2.FOUR? are you some sort of space time traveler like who coached wesley crusher in STTNG? but, in seriousness, shouldnt it be 1.2.ZERO or something like that for the next major update? But, ya, it needs to go. I just wish we could get a dev to reply here and tell us that its being taken away.
  14. @SQUAD please remove this "mechanic" we beg you.
  15. And you proved a point as to why even bother playing anything but sandbox. Career mode needs to be more, needs reason. All of which it lacks now.
  16. You cannot possibly plan or control every aspect of what multiplayer is. This is one game where Multiplayer is just a flat out bad idea. The game is too young. You can sabre rattle all you like, but, the fact remains, you cannot have factored in every single possibility no matter HOW slim of a chance it has at happening. I had a funky experience a few days ago with time warp and 2 vessels in a SINGLE player environ that showed me how bad it can be in a multiplayer environ. I set a ship to a reentry course via mechjeb and swapped to a different ship. The remote controlled ship on autopilot kicked on autowarp and I was stuck unable to ANYTHING while the other ship warped. What about mods? What about part count? Player count? Trolls? the list is as long and varied as there are stars in our known universe and beyond. When this game is 10 or 15 years old, then MAYBE multiplayer can be stock. But now? With soo many issues that NEED PRIORITY, like crashing, or the resurgence of this cannot deploy while stowed bs <as examples that are still priority> must be dealt with FIRST. Not to mention the risk to single player content. No, multiplayer isnt ready to be a thing yet. Not now, not in the near future. Sorry, but brutal truth is brutal truth.
  17. I would like to ask all of you on this forum something. Who here has been impacted by this "mechanic" that is supposed to "help" us? What I am specifically asking is this: 1. Have you been impacted by this so called mechanic? 2. How did it impact you? Positively? Negatively? 3. Can you share more on number two, namely specifics, screen shots are welcome if you have any. For me, I have been impacted several ways and none of it was positive in the slightest. The nature of my experiences with this so called "helping hand mechanic" put missions in jeopardy. The first was when it refused to allow solar panels to deploy. They were the 1x6 SHIELDED solar panels affixed to the OUTSIDE of the shuttle as seen in the picture: As you see above, that thing is CLEARLY on the OUTSIDE and it is "stowed" in its own box and should deploy normally as intended, but, this "helping hand mechanic" refuses to let it do so. Running out of power is a minimal risk sure, but, a risk that is exacerbated by this pointless mechanic. Next is a prime example of pure and pointlessly putting a vessel into jeopardy. The next 2 shots show that while attached to the launch clamps everything works, but, disengage them and fly up 30 feet and the vessel refuses to let the gear deploy. On the pad? Sure, they work. Next: Launch and the game refuses: Stowed nose wheel eh? Ya, no KSP its not. I want to point out something very important. This shuttle was designed in KSP 1.0.4. Its seen here sans launcher for clarity of its ventral side and landing gear. The shuttle its self is UNALTERED beyond removal of Launcher and is EXACTLY as built pre-1.1.X. Also, between the first shot where you see its nose gear operating as one expects and where you see the game crabbing? 20 seconds. When this mechanic first showed up, we all know how that went, suddenly doing faithful Soyuz style missions became a thing of the past as the game refused to let us hot stage and for what? No really good reason was given. Then they "fixed" it, but clearly did not, as now, its affecting things like solar panels <that one was back in December 2015> or communication dishes <other players> or in my case now, landing gear. I am sorry, but, having to open a cargo bay in ATMOSPHERE just to deploy the gear is unacceptable. It is beyond unsafe. So, with that, I leave this here for all of you to chime in.
  18. Career mode currently is utter garbage. It is barely a back of a napkin sketch of an idea. It has no story. It has no linear quality. It hands contracts out that make no logical sense, namely it thinks because you made it to the Mun you can make Duna or eve, which if you just made the Mun the others are well beyond scope. It has no reason to care about your kerbals let alone a reason WHY you do the contracts. Once the novelty fades, which it does faster than a photon of light screaming into a black hole, it becomes a pointless grindy click fest. Career needs a huge rework, and the op is pointing in the right direction.
  19. @cfds The horrible part is Goliath is pretty much grounded until they fix this mechanic. Opening the cargo bay in ATMOSPHERE with or without payload is not an option. I should NEVER HAVE TO OPEN THE CARGO BAY IN ATMOSPHERE to deploy the gear. I am sorry devs but its clear this "mechanic" is not helping, but instead its harmful and has to go.
  20. MechJeb: Superior to the information only KER as MJ can FLY, so its a must in my book. NovaPunch: Good parts pack. Procedural Fairings: <the "stock fairings" are a joke in my book. not friendly, not friendly to duplication or even replication, where Proc Fairings, well, ARE>
  21. i feel ya The whole mechanic of "Cant deploy while stowed" is STILL NOT REMOVED. Its grounded my Goliath Class Shuttle as its unsafe to fly it as it requires deploying my cargo doors IN ATMOSPHERE just to "convince" it that a wheel that is OUTSIDE isnt "stowed".
  22. Ok, so, this threads sat dormant for 10 days now, and in the interim 1.1.3 has come out. To my abject HORROR this issue is NOT resolved. SO, to @Claw @KasperVld or whomever else on the squad staff can answer this: Why is this mechanic STILL here? I thought you guys dumped it? This mechanic has made the use of certain craft more complicated than need be. Take my Goliath Class Shuttle way back in the OP for example. For the gear to work now while I am landing, which used to be rather straight forward, now, I have to hope it holds steady while I fiddle with opening the CARGO BAY just to deploy landing gear! This craft worked perfectly PRE 1.1 now, it does not and the only change made to the craft between 1.0.4 and now? payload. a stupid docking adapter for a picture was added to the cargo bay. The nose wheel has not moved or been otherwise altered since the vessel came to its current <payload not withstanding> configuration back in 1.0.4 and now, once its off the launch clamps the game declares the wheel blocked and forces steps that are beyond absurd just to make the nose wheel work. Can you please just remove this mechanic from the game or at least give an option to shut it down? I honestly respect the intentional idea that was on paper for this, but, in practice? I can not find a reason for it. Prevent people from breaking ships by accidentally staging? This isnt a valid option in my opinion because where is the lesson in having the game say: "NOPE bad idea, lets not do that." I feel this goes against the very essence of the game, I really do, because as far as I knew and have known since .21 some years ago now, the point of this game is ridiculous explosions and situations that arise by player driven mistake or poor planning or over sight or something. Taking away learning chances is a mistake in my book. I know I am some lowly digit on the forums, but, this mechanic really needs to go, it really does.
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