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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. Its too blunt. I think something like the carbon carbon nose the shuttle had would be nice
  2. This. @StarStryder Or it teaches you to check staging, to be vigilant in checking that.
  3. love the mod, i really do! was stoked to see it was revived, but, I have a dilly of a question. in its config on the space center screen, I unchecked the box for enabling sun damage to the telescopes, and yet they still take sun damage. why is this?
  4. Sadly, thats a thin excuse for such a terrible move on Squads part. Half the fun of this game is blowing things up in very unplanned ways or making mistakes like in your example of opening chutes in a fairing. I am a very BIG proponent of educational moments, and the check that blocks such moments from happening is disturbing. Worse yet when such a check utterly borks a craft because of something that is clearly in the OPEN being stopped as if its in a cargo bay. As a fun example, my Goliath Class Shuttle. I will show you 2 pictures, time interval between them is less than 20 seconds of real time. No reverts or anything of the like either. on the launch pad, the gear, all 3 rear AND the nose work. 20 seconds later and about 30 feet of flight show you that the game suddenly thinks a wheel that WORKED less than 20 seconds prior is NOW blocked. On pad: 20 seconds and 30 feet MAX: bad mechanic is bad mechanic, and i think its extended to our poor OP here.
  5. ive yet to check here in 1.1.3 but, in 1.1.2 i got the shock of a life time so to speak, I was landing my Goliath class shuttle and to my abject horror a NOSE WHEEL ON THE OUTSIDE of the ship was refusing to open all on account of a mechanic not one person wanted, that silly cannot deploy while stowed, the thing that makes soyuz style hot staging impossible, or makes com gear not operational because it came up in a cargo bay, or in my case, nose gear that in 1.0.4 worked fine, but now, <as of 112> doesnt. Sounds like an extension of the issue honestly
  6. unattended encounters are sadly, possible. I have a satellite between duna and kerbin, or rather, thats the orbit I left it in when I launched it. I pretty much forgot about it for a while. Went to plan a mission <unrelated to the one left between kerbin and duna> to Jool and noticed that the orbit of said satellite was now going between Eve, Kerbin AND Duna... Gravity assists are nice I suppose. The bad part of all this? The orbit is Kerbin crossing, so, its not an IF that bird hits Kerbin, its a WHEN lol.
  7. I just have to say and ask: The majority of this game happens in construction (VAB/SPH) or in space. So again why does any of this even matter? No really, why are people so in a twist whether the horizon curves (while not in space) or not? I have played since .21 came out and the only time this came close to mattering? When I noticed planets looked a bit egg like. A quick flick of some monitor and game settings fixed it. So, again why does it matter at all?
  8. Ive been toying with the "new" cacteye telescope mod, and well, its fun! Jool, Laythe and two other moons, Bop and Pol maybe? Not sure, resolution w/out DoE is what it is lol. Jool, Laythe and Bop? not sure what moon is trying to eclipse Laythe honestly. ALL pictures taken from 350km ABOVE KERBIN! Eeloo, and just wow, thats some range on that telescope!
  9. thats absolutely adorable, and I agree his name MUST be added! My kitty Lia tries to play too, but, thankfully shes not flown anything yet lol.
  10. Why cant we just be happy making wacky things and going places that we cant in real life? I mean really why are we getting so bent out of shape on this? Remember KSP =\= 100% Realistic and Im just fine with that.
  11. @Jack Wolfe Cool! What mods are being used? I couldnt tell if the grid fins are hand made or mod part
  12. @Jack Wolfe sweet vessel, those grid fins near the bottom?
  13. @thereaverofdarkness2 with regards to your opening post of this thread, your pictures look to be fisheye lenses which heavily distort things, which has been covered by folks posting ahead of me. But, I like to restate the obvious. As far as things looking "very very wrong" in game as far as 3d modeling goes, I really do not see what you are seeing. To me, when I have a kerbal on the ground in EVA at the KSC things look as I would expect them to in real life as far as curvature of the horizon goes or how the horizon line is off in the distance. I think things look fine the way they are, after all kerbals are tiny little guys and the game is from their perspective so to speak. Just my thoughts of course. Results will inevitably vary.
  14. i dont alt-tab anymore in ksp as it tends to make it crash. This is also why i use mechjeb. I input a maneuver and hit execute. If its a long burn? I just let mj do its thing while i walk off to get a snack or watch tv or something. I come back and pick back up where mj left off.
  15. <sniffles> but at least it has the courage to try waaaaaaaaaaaahhh <sobs> but for real tho, it beats baby sitting long burns and does its thing to mitigate tedium.
  16. Sounds great! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
  17. @Pine Now that you mention it, the "live footage" feel sounds cool, so ya I think for effect some lines may help hehe. As far as Jeb on the nose, he should stay on the nose as I think is very Jeb to bug Bob from the nose As to special details maybe have Bob be faintly visible? But for can you make the EVA suit orange since that is Jeb on the nose
  18. I use the superior information mod: Mechjeb. Why? It can fly. KER cant. So, I can play without KER
  19. Id like to toss my hat into the ring on this I am sorry for the wavy lines of this. The original screen shot was lost by forgetfulness when I was trying to fix the crashing issue KSP was having between 1.1.0 and 1.1.2 and I lost about 400 screen shots. Thankfully I had this one on my phone <which is why the odd lines, and the red squiggle near the nose. Silly iphones camera CCD was hit by a green visible beam laser and well, the CCD got damaged lol>. If you need a more clear image I can try to redo the mission this was and get a cleaner shot if needed. No rush
  20. See, this point right here is why I think KSP =/= Multiplayer. Yes, I play MP games like FFXIV ARR or MWO and thats what they are for multiplayer. BUT, when you have a game that gets cranky when you have too many parts on just YOUR ship or too many mods what do people think is going to happen when you put say just 5 people <just being conservative/kind to the idea> in a single location, and each are running <again staying SMALL for kindness sake> ships with say 120 parts and say use parts from KW, Novapunch <and this is just assuming people are running the same MODS for this example> whats going to happen to the potato machines? Melt? Crash? Lag? Oh sure the high end 4000 buck machines will take it in stride and think a gnat possibly buzzed by, but the lesser rigs will think who just put an elephant in the bed? Add in the fact that Player A uses set A of mods, Player B uses a different set, Set B and Player C well, you see where I am going right? What happens when those 3 players suddenly try to dock at the same station? I know my copy of KSP pitched a fit at me for trying to load a save that had an outdated version of KSP once, I cant imagine the storm it would cast when YOU try to load mods I do not run into my area or me into yours. This doesnt even cover Trolls. Just because someone thinks it cant or wont happen or has such a small chance of happening or even thinks they have ways to prevent it, does not mean its not possible. Heck, Yellowstone Super Volcano has NOT erupted in the WHOLE of human history, but, its possible. I just foresee so many possibilities for how this can go wrong in so many ways that, frankly, it shouldnt be even on the radar. Not now. Maybe when KSP is 10 years old, but not now, not in the next year or few years.
  21. I don't think life support should EVER be stock. Same with multiplayer. KSP just is NOT SUITED for either as anything but mods IMHO. grid fins, are a part. Would be easy enough I reckon for them thar fins at be made stock. Yessir I reckon that indeed.
  22. .21 had just released and just hit steam. I saw it, thought it looked neat and it was off to the races
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