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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. I think it should look realistic AND not realistic, and as far as complexity? I think there should be the ability to go as complex as a PLAYER wants it to be or to be as docile as they want. NOW, let me explain the first part hehe. I think it should look as realistic as possible WHEN and ONLY when: Real World Organizations such as NASA <A.R.M.> are giving SQUAD permission to use the likeness of their tech, which is how I think it SHOULD be, but, it should also NOT be realistic when we are using parts that are NOT based <appearance sake at least> on NASA or ESA or JAXA for example.
  2. my tech tree was unlocked COMPLETELY a day perhaps TWO after .22 came out, so, it did NOT exist when I burned through the tree using this beast and several of its kin: This thing was capable of 2-3k in science when used as intended.
  3. 1. Mods: I am unsure if this is support, as it is more of a question prior to ARM being given to us, so, please, feel free to relocate this to SUPPORT if this belongs there. 2. Just a quick question to ANYONE who knows this one. Okay, here is the question. When ARM comes out, I want to rename my current SANDBOX and CAREER modes with their current name and: PRE ARM added to them. Will this break my saves if I try to do this, or should the game be able to cope if I do this and then load as normal?
  4. and if that thing was near the FRONT of the tree, then sure it would be more useful.
  5. when it comes to getting my xp i want it as quickly and efficiently as I can, and sadly, send mission, burn 2 goo cans 2 mat bays on either holding 1 set of data each OR transmitting them, is inefficient, when I should be able to use the goo, after all I am not doing ANYTHING OTHER THAN LOOKING AT IT, as often as I need. I mean heck, do you toss your tv out after watching 1 show or 1 movie to get a new one? NO. Why? because its financially INEFFICIENT for you, and wholly flawed to toss something after viewing it ONCE. IMHO it should be the same for viewing goo or materials. @FEichinger: I sincerely HOPE they make it so we dont need a NEW save to make them appear, because its gonna be the first update since what .21 to break a save file after an update? it may not be .24, but, its a large enough change to be an update itself i think.
  6. I just got CONFIRMATION from Scott Manley during his ONGOING STREAM that we DO NEED A NEW SAVE Why should you want efficiency? Because it makes things quicker AND easier. Now I have a bad headache, my career mode was wasted it seems. >:-(
  7. transfer ships and missions already underway with extreme caution. I had help moving a station that was in orbit from my SANDBOX to CAREER and it caused: 1. the MET of the station that as far as the sandbox was concerned had been in orbit 1 day and change, when planted into CAREER? 10 years and change, the kicker? Career mode was only 4 YEARS and change in game time. 2. the orbits <if in orbit> are very very likely to be MIRROR COPIES. I had my station <SB or Sandbox> in an orbit from SW HEADED NE, when transplanted into <CM or Careermode> it was now from the NW into the SE. 3. became absolutely DELETE, MODIFICATION VIA SAVE and CRASH PROOF. I forcibly deorbited this nightmare and aside from losing the extended solar panels this nightmare BOUNCED for several kilometers before stopping and being otherwise UNDAMAGED. be very cautious if you intend such a transfer.
  8. 1. I do. 2. You should too. 3. I am a veteran of the king of all grind games, Final Fantasy XI, where the ONLY way to level up was to grind monster after monster after monster and god forbid you die, because then you LOSE xp and potentially your LEVEL. So, given that I hate grinding, the faster I can punch out my science boxes the better. I want to pack as much science into a single bloody mission as I can, and back in .22 I did. As to whomever said I can get as many science points by editing a save file, ya right. I know just enough about coding to A. return Jeb, Bill and Bob back to life, and that I can even screw THAT up if I am not careful enough. No, its either be able to hunt these buggers down in my current career mode or a career mode ending headache. Do I sound whiney? Probably, but, I honestly think that since they have managed to make each update <since I came here back at .21> NOT break the saves from the prior version <holds true from my POV from .21 into .22 and then into .23> that, there is 0 reason they cannot have these buggers spawn INTO current saves that it should be possible now. Id request <knowing that our beloved devs do read this, that if one of them sees this, please clear up this mess, do we need new saves to see the asteroids with ARM or not.> Id ask those who have already had a chance to play with ARM to answer, but I think they are bound by NDA's atm.
  9. Autopilot is autopilot is autopilot end of bloody story.
  10. According to Felipe the asteroids appear only near kerbin. Check scott manleys interview with him if you think im wrong
  11. As a staunch advocate of mechjeb i honestly feel 0% LESS accomplished by using an autopilot. Why? Simple: 1: i am an rc pilot and would love some automation in the experience. 2: i have flown a Cessna and autopilot was useful. 3: i have probably 2-3000 hours or more on flight sims and have flown transoceanic and even on a sim autopilot is a major asset. That said to those who naysay it: bugger off as your way aint our way as ours aint yours.
  12. sod off. i do not need an irritant like you to get me any more buggered up than I already am, so again, kindly turn around and sod off.
  13. still one heck of a grind now in .23. I tried a new career save when .23 came out to see how it changed from how I did it, and it well, nearly had me tearing my hair out it was soo inefficient. The days of massive science probes like this: where I can send maybe 2-3 of them out into the void to hit a few planets and get 2-3k in science PER vessel are gone, and that drop in efficiency makes me want to avoid new career saves like the plague.
  14. its not that I am attached to my save, its that, the grind for science points was frustratingly boring the FIRST time around. I do not want to have to do that again. Can I? Yes. Do I want to? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Why? Because they broke the mass repeating ability of science. I cannot do 1 mission with 2-3 goo cans 2-3 materials bay and tour the solar system for profit. Now, its: use it, transmit and its done OR use it, save it and its dead weight STILL, just with 1 round of science on it. No, as much as I hate grinding my way through XP or in this case SCIENCE, I want efficiency not forced repeat trips.
  15. With the edition of larger more potent engines, your concerns would seem valid, if not for the precise factor of kerballing something together. I found, and this is NO joke, that with access to the 5m stuff from NovaPunch, I thought: Hey, SSTO stuff is in my grasp. NOPE. I found that with bigger engines came bigger rockets came the need to asparagus stuff STILL. want proof? this is a 3.75m heavy lifter I dubbed the Okto Heavy Lifter. Why Okto? No clue, but hey why not right? Point is, its a 3.75m core with 6 2.5m 4 engine Asparagus <thats 4 PER booster> secondly, I am wholly excited AND disappointed by what I have seen thus far with ARM. no robotic arm? come on guys, give us one already, mods are nice, but, it would be nice to NOT have to build some frankenstein arm. ALSO, It upsets me that from what I heard, we gotta start a NEW game to get the asteroids? wtf? then why do ANYTHING in science right now? Whats the point? I have had my tech tree maxed out since 2-3 DAYS after .22 gave us science, and now you tell me I gotta do it all over again? um NO. someone figure out how to plug nasa INTO current game saves please, and THEN post a thread about it please.
  16. Well first thought is: this post im quoting is almost word for word that of the op which seems questionable to me. 2nd is to each his or her own on how to play. Third autopilot namely mechjeb is NOT automatic easy mode.
  17. I still hope they give us a robotic arm
  18. To be blunt? Its not exactly cooperative at times, as in i can place telescopic arm C then set B on it but A utterly refuses to sit. Also it feels more blunt object than fine scalpel. These are a few of my issues but suffice to say im not fond of it Then why are they adding parts larger than 2.5m when novapunch has 3+-5m covered?
  19. anyone know if there is a ROBOTIC arm as part of ARM to go with the "claw"? yes, I know there is infernal robotics, yes I have used it, and I detest it, which is why I hope to Jebediah that ARM has well a robotic arm in it like canadarm for example. yes, I am also aware of another mod that has the canadarm, but that mod requires IR and again, I detest IR.
  20. What I am saying is this: microtransactions that provide any kind of in game advantage <new engines, bigger more powerful SRB's or something of that kind, that also locks out mods> is where things go bad fast. I am perfectly fine with paying for COSMETICS, hell, you should see some of my characters from back when I played Star Trek Online, I paid for a LOT of cosmetics, Deanna Troi and Seven of Nines outfits for my female toon for one, tribbles, other sorts of NON GAME AFFECTING nonsense I paid for, but the INSTANT anything hints at game affecting <aside from prettiness> THAT is where the slope starts. IF squad started adding in new mission packs and asked for donations, I would be all over that like white on rice. One game I was looking forward too MechWarrior Online < I am a HUGE battletech fan> started out where victory was 100% skill based, now? well, lets just say I have not played MWO in about a year its gotten so bad. as to must PAY for DLC for KSP? I am not sure how I would react to it, they are a small company to be sure, but, it all depends on how much I am being asked to spend for the DLC. BUT, it can go wrong in a big way, especially if they said: In order to play multiplayer <something I am hesitant on in the first place with KSP> I MUST have X DLC, then, at that point, I wave good bye to a game I love and find something else to play. This will hold true even if I do not participate in any multiplayer aspects of this game. That sir or ma'am will be the straw that breaks this camels back. I bought a game that has some exclusive in game stuff that will decidedly affect my game experience, but, provides me 0 advantage over others. 1 item helps me ONLY through level 10, the others are cosmetic items and a few assorted mounts, but given that traveling is this game I speak of, is readily available and 100% simple, AND people get mounts any way, its not game breaking advantageous for me lol. just makes me look well, slightly different hehe
  21. Any fileshare site will work just upload to it then provide link
  22. I just hope it has a robotic arm. Yes i know of mods out there but they have parts ive 0 use for
  23. It's no fallacy. It's honest truth. It always starts small and seemingly innocuous but then ppl start begging for more. More they get, then with out ever noticing its become the core of the game. Edit: I'm all for FREE dlc like ARM, but paid additions to this game. No. No. NO!
  24. SRBs are a better bet over liquid for a boost stage. Plus some of those in the picture tipped past 1 kilo ton on the pad, especially that station. I got away with more power AND less parts on those ships with SRBs
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