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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. Any fileshare site will work just upload to it then provide link
  2. I just hope it has a robotic arm. Yes i know of mods out there but they have parts ive 0 use for
  3. It's no fallacy. It's honest truth. It always starts small and seemingly innocuous but then ppl start begging for more. More they get, then with out ever noticing its become the core of the game. Edit: I'm all for FREE dlc like ARM, but paid additions to this game. No. No. NO!
  4. SRBs are a better bet over liquid for a boost stage. Plus some of those in the picture tipped past 1 kilo ton on the pad, especially that station. I got away with more power AND less parts on those ships with SRBs
  5. You sir are direly mistaken AND self entitled to think you know better than squad how this game should work. I numbered your list so you could FOLLOW MY WORDS so youd not be confused but my mistake you are confused anyway.
  6. i always clean my orbits up, and leave no debris in orbit OR on the ground. I do have max persistent debris set to 250, but, I never let it get even near that. The worst once was like 85-100 debris, but that was an intentional experiment to see something.
  7. hate to say it, its not gonna work. Its just gonna be too big for unity to handle, if it DOES work, its gonna be like a frame per DAY real time, but, best of luck!
  8. i did vote NO, but, that has a caveat on it. It honestly depends on what I am feeling. I have a pair of satellites still going about their business <they never had a purpose to begin with, seeing as they are in sandbox mode lol> that are in orbit around the sun. one is closer in and one that has a similar orbit to Kerbin. I may deorbit some of my stuff or "enable self destruct" on others if things get crowded, but, generally, not normally no.
  9. been there, but, I was sadly not so lucky, I drove head long into my station and watched it go off in several directions at once. was glorious and sad all at the same time. I will miss my first station from august XD
  10. um dude, 1, its a game. 2. its not FINISHED. We need some incentive to progress through that tree, and by and large, right now, the current system seems okay, heck, most like it, as someone below your initial post said: just play sandbox until career is finished. again, no its not a contrivance its just a mechanic they put into a GAME. just. a. game. it IS a goals tree buddy, the goal to get that next tier of goodies, to see it filled out. (renumbered by me, for clarification. sake) 1. an achievement to be had for sure, but, nothing more honestly. 2 through 11: all achievements. 12. resources, to be decided later by squad, once it was projected to be already in game by now, but was scrapped for later. 13. still can do this one in sandbox mode, and career mode. 14. achievements still. 15. KSP to stay KSP needs to keep its sense of wonder and merry little joyfulness, and its absurdly large and dangerous contraptions put together on the whims of us. 16. with out points even YOUR self suggested and may i say, self entitled suggestion, would require points as well. go ahead, take yourself out the door, I will hold it open for you, and when you feel you can come back, I will open it for you and show you to the briefing room myself. peace.
  11. with all you fine kerbonauts with all your imaginative rockets and missions, surely you guys have more near misses just as sure as our rockets always need moar boosters when even moar boosters are refused by good ol Bob Kerman
  12. Almost if not ALL my ships have SRBs on them. Easy to use cheap to boot. Easy dv imho. Sometimes they are the inly way for my stuff to even have a chance at orbit lol
  13. I about ripped out my hair testing a Duna Rover and its landing systems. The thing just wouldnt fly right at Kerbin. Took a while, but, I got a product I can be sure will work, sorta maybe? That is the Rover, and that tower? Why, that is the landing system, 12 parachutes, a small RCS system at the top, and that escape tower and the sepratrons? Why they lift the tower up and away so it doesnt fall down and splatter the rover! Neat Little system. Once I have the ship assembled and ready to go to Duna, I will post some updates Oh hehe, Mun and Minmus in either shot
  14. and whackjob is probably planning on landing an asteroid on every single planet and moon that will support a physical landing and then throwing an asteroid into Jool AND Kerbol! whatcha say Sir Whackjob, am I right?
  15. nice mission, beautiful ships! congrats to your intrepid team!
  16. Im looking very fwd to the nasa stuff, i want a robotic arm badly but infernal robotics doesnt agree with me very well lol
  17. Stupid question but i keep seeing mention of eva parachutes now and again. Where does one learn such sorcery
  18. odd bug to be honest. keep an eye out for it again as I am sure the devs want as much info as they can get
  19. well...um... i decided to make a science satellite in my sandbox save to work out the kinks and see if the idea would fly so to speak. WELL... um... It launched fine enough, even had enough spare fuel in the final stage of the lifter to place my satellite into a path direct for Duna. So far so good right? WELL... I kick the stage off and wave good bye. Part of my mission was to see if 1 single rapier had enough mmph to slow down an interplanetary ship. Well... heres what the specs were for the rapier and its fuel supply: 1 Rapier Engine and a HH-250-B Insulated Fuel Tank 2.5m X 3.0m. Well... turns out, that is NOT enough fuel to slow you down from a modest 950m/s initial speed if you add about 450m/s MORE to change how you enter orbit. Well, I start the burn and fire my RCS as well, I have 4 per RCS tank in the middle <see pics below>. All is fine until I slip and slap the space bar instead of the M key. So now, I have a RAPIER running by its self just pushing into me. I already knew from MJ that I was going to come up short on DV on the RAPIER alone, just not enough gas in the tank. SO, here I am runnin RCS and a rogue rapier. Rapier runs dry and I am left with RCS only. Thankfully I had something like 4000 or so units of propellant for them!!! Took a total of 3500 or so units to slow down and get into a 295km circular orbit. Take a look at some high light shots!
  20. MarcRan17: when running mods of any kind, when a glitch occurs, its customary to dump all the mods, start a fresh save <leaving your other games intact just not loading them> and make the ship again <if its from modded parts, then, get as close as you can stock and see if it occurs again, if not, you add in 1 mod, try again, if no duplication of the error, then add the 2nd mod and try again, you keep going like this until it happens again. Its just standard operational procedure for modded installs is all. Glad you did fix the issue tho.
  21. i play via steam, and never have had it bug on me, I double click jebs face, and away I go, after it loads itself, im off and splattering myself on KSC hehe
  22. the first thing everyone will recommend is: 1. remove all mods that are installed and see if it duplicates in 100% stock. 2. add each mod back 1 at a time, each time testing to see which mod if any cause it. 3. if it is a mod, check to see if it has a recent update, if so, down load it and roll from there. 4. if no update for said mod exists or is a .23 compatible mod, then, well, im at a loss, cuz i do not want to suggest you fully remove said mod if you enjoy playing with it, but, if its causing an issue and no fix is present, well, um that may be your only choice. 5. posting your save file of both crafts if no mods are present on those ships <cuz that may affect who can/cant help you> via say www.fileswap.com so those who can do the programmer thing can check it out, barring that, a copy/paste into the thread may be your only recourse IF the ships are modded and you still wish the use of the "offending" mod.
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