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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. My question is this, is there a non dev build mechjeb operational yet for .23? Also any new installs for the following: Romfarers lazor docking cam Novapunch pack Procedural fairings Be kind in your replies pls I'm doing this atm from an iPhone so I can't fully research it
  2. i think i will wait to even LOAD my game until the mods are updated, most if not all my ships I use now are modded. Romfarers Lazor Docking Cam, MechJeb, NovaPunch 2, Proc Fairings are my 4 mods, and I would rather not break something in my save files. A few days or so will see a fix for em i wager. I know, some of my mods according to prior pages are working, but, I would rather them all be GREEN
  3. I sometimes intentionally enter a retrograde orbit for kicks. But, if you wish to be in the same direction as the body your in orbit of, just point pro-grade and burn. eventually you will stop all motion and then start to accelerate back into a 'normal' orbit. have fun!
  4. probably the same as posting screen shots from the non steam variant: F1 to capture the picture, then go to any free picture hosting site. this is in response to vanamondes request for ArdeaHerodias
  5. 1. Mechjeb is an awesome mod that gives players a HUGE wealth of information on their craft. Weight, dV stats, and so on. MJ is more than autopilot. Also, MJ is a wonderful tool for when you have 10+ minute burns that you would have to otherwise babysit the entire time. 2. Novapunch is a wicked mod as it gives you MORE parts to work with. If you want to limit yourself Tufom, that is your deal, but, those 2 mods you directly named are personal staples in my game because they, for me, add both more options to build with and fly with, and a wealth of information that makes doing things that much easier. Also, to be 100% fair, MJ is also one helluva teaching tool. It taught me how to properly rendezvous and dock a space craft. W/out it, the below station would NOT have been possible:
  6. I doubt the OP knows anything of programming, otherwise he would not make such grandiose claims. This game looks simple but it isnt. I have a feeling there is a ton going on in the code to make this work right. Just because some dev houses make huge leaps in a patch does not mean Squad must. Also kerp in mind we are in an ALPHA state. Not BETA not a full product. Also they are under no obligation what so ever to give us a 1.0 product.
  7. Then maybe the save is broke? When i alter state it fixes him....
  8. well, when I was doing the career mode, I used this badboy as my science work horse. based off the stock lander can, but 100% unmanned. All it could not do was: EVA reports and take soil samples. Crew reports and all science module work was possible with this thing. A true, Multi-purpose, Multi-Environmental Science Laboratory Jebediah was soo proud! Loadout: more batteries than it needed. 6 1x6 solar panels, 4 goo cans, 6 each thermometer, gravioli, atmospheric box, seismic sensor, 1 materials bay, and that new avionics module that used to be useless in .21 and back. only problem with it was the lack of a descent stage, so it had to land on the cruise stage and literally leap of faith it the last few meters to the ground in no atmosphere. in atmosphere, it has several novapunch pack chutes under the avionics package.
  9. I had a pure srb one with more than 500 srb's iirc
  10. Why not have cme's? I think theyd be that much more better! If nasa has to contend with solar weather we should too
  11. I think its a good idea! would add that much more to the sense of accomplishment when you do something cool. also, it would also add a wealth of science gathering ability in career mode!
  12. Mine has to be either getting a manned mission to and from Moho or putting this one satellite into an orbit at just the right spot around Kerbin that it got kicked into a trailing orbit by the Mun. Also proud of having sent either a kerbal or something Jeb built to every single SOI in KSP
  13. and career mode turns into sandbox mode once you unlock either A. all the parts YOU normally use or B. the entire tech tree, which sometimes is needed to achieve A. either way, career turns to sandbox, which needs to address the potential for endgame content. Should also note, that ENDGAME does not need to mean what it sounds like. It COULD mean: Well, now KSP Player, you have finished the tech tree, and gathered all you have desired in terms of information about your home system, lets see what that final frontier beyond your star system has to offer! just a thought
  14. jeebus that is BIG, just how much above where the camera cuts it off does it go? <bows down to Whackjob>
  15. <blinks> wow, this threads still alive, more impressively, we all seem to be calm and frighteningly rational in our arguments! Way to go all of us! No really!!
  16. it is NOT an operational reactor, and any reaction we can do, is not sustainable at this time, so, no, we cannot do fusion reaction in any meaningful way. I stand by what I have said.
  17. she may not be as epic as most of these stations, but, she has served my Kerbals for almost 9 years in game, and is possibly about to go into stand by mode and send her crew home.
  18. well, right now, we are incapable of FUSION only able to do FISSION. It is a clean energy, but, the risks associated with it are usually unacceptable. Just look at Chernobyl and 3 mile Island and that one reactor in Japan that suffered that Tsunami a while ago. There is also the matter of spent fuel rods and other nuclear waste that is not so friendly, and some of which, in the wrong hands become a dirty bomb iirc.
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