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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. https://imgur.com/GHpn21r and waiting for a long long long long time
  2. the matter is not to go faster than light, it's to live longer than a photon to see if there is something faster or slower
  3. feel free to pm a mod to see this post see log
  4. "let's not send any weapon to space, but you know when the population gonna rise upthere in a long long long time, it may happen that for some weird reason a being construct one to take over others being" "stream watcher x2 never heard"
  5. will you ever stop ... 'sigh' in/out
  6. since a few days i have a quasi perma vaccum cleaner sound when awake in my head .... a tad bit annoyin ... like if treble tinnitus weren't enough ... now come the vaccum cleaner sound top of them ... keep smile they said ... yup ... may be
  7. witch and sorceress like to evade tax as well you know, that's early hormonale nature that tend to stick waiter, there a "time for everyone to be telepaticly linked on birth" in no one soup
  8. "why do i work for them" - someone- nice question and thks for asking
  9. being able not to be in everyone mind worldwide and having to sort everyone thought [insert proximity & far far away variable=focus %%]
  10. sila nunam planet star black hole etc. are system linked to each others after all
  11. vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nmH_WCh68Q music : https://youtu.be/VzALZjoIx0g?t=1m42s badum tshh thks autoplay the same day i posted the other one and post-ited that in a corner of my messy mind until now, you tube ai is inspired as well it seem but you tube ai seem a bit sad nope ?
  12. can we start a freud the proud, jung the mystic thread arround here and discuss about random there sparse their view are ? psycho is that even a neuro thing ?
  13. relax, it take time, the longer is sort of proportionnal to the previous i guess it's a bit unclear and not sure thing gonna fix by themselves, and stay as random as they were before and then, but we all gonna remind
  14. "to talk with everyone on earth there no time or specific hour of the day and night" might inspire anyone, i don't remind one, but i know there's many
  15. i m right now attempting not to cries, but well ... i guess my adress is easily findable from my fb profile and name, it's not like if i try to hide, while some do
  16. awesome amazing great ++ +++ ^+++
  17. crossed some teenagers road this evening, guess witch ? and what ape 'n' head
  18. [random number of thing to do] i was wondering if the prerequisite to be a porn actor/treess producer else was 1- have a lot of money at first 2- break a bank pre 3- having fun with weapon and hitman 47 3- else post 3- no even sin king about it, i mean grabbing the boss chair, oh peops go kill your boss leave the farmer alone
  19. LayZPornoGirl is that your mate ? or your working hard while she have some fun with 10 but ya ? just curious no offense intended

  20. well notice that i attempt avoiding writing to long stuff, plus i m bad at focusing ... i was better with that younger, focusing something, now brain just run in all direction always, and can't barely stop the science and spaceflight subforum always bein weird because equation and money and shadowy stuff for the general public involved, and focus time spent to achieve something so whatever you focus in your life, it doesn't allow you to think about something else linked to it so the more you focus something the more you're gonna do some mistake for something else focus make you miss lot of stuff and vice versa not really focus anithing is a focus in itself, you focus to not focus
  21. 1/2 bump with a small update, because
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