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Everything posted by WinkAllKerb''

  1. http://www.gta.gov.zw/ (( .... .gov.zw wut ?)) interesting
  2. banido <div id="inner-editor"></div> 52/5000 Para digitar uma chave, então esta tecla digitada chegou até nós
  3. born then if not die [insert] daily every µsecond loop loop go to school [insert eventually, replace school per other of your kinds that surround you] learn alphabet(s) and language insert very very very slowly let simmer don't use language, else you get lag fest on some internet place just for a few words from a random languages dictionnaries [in/out] eventually reproduce or adopt some child .... 'sigh'
  4. same here, the telescope is sleeping since 25 years in the cellar ... paris and fogs and street light ... staring at the moon miss me so much
  5. when weirdly my fb wall don't get as much port allocation as markounet wall ^^ 'sigh' oops, britney you come here ... xDr
  6. may be we should dig up that thread from long ago about appollo notice on e bay ^^ this one was fun also ^^
  7. oh why not i m around @Gianni1122 next because king of the heel heal ill hill & etc.
  8. ohhhhh ssc nice find ^^ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSC
  9. cstaway: a film about a way to cst https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CST (disambiguation)
  10. not much to say, first two millisecond she appear in the video, she render emotionially like that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candide in a few year she may render emotionnaly like that https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brave_New_World it all depend what happen randomly in her life not really worth the watch after it's first 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000001 second appearance, to me at least, and this is a very personnal feeling about what she try to talk about @Jonfliesgoats but candide is what you were arguing with elthy about i a few threads lately ... right ?
  11. the "conception" "autistic fiber spectrum person" have of insult is not yours. §
  12. due to my current daily concern, i do not care at all about shenanigan, i won't argue endlessly on that ferret
  13. i guess the most fun and ironic is that historically the previous boss of the enterprise i was workin in that had the military market when my elder taught me the surveyor work when i was out of school was named "J...... Furher" ... and this guy had the mururoa land surveying market after each essay over the land per civilian ... amusing isn't it ... dunno but true ...
  14. you l get red hire on crowns, read ailleurs on your ownn and a bazilliono more disambiguation @Vexx
  15. yup or ajin or akira or x men magneto & prof xavier metaphor could fit as well ... 'some other metaphor may fit as well' notice this/thoose reference(s) are fiction(s) but they are somehow inspired by something may be ; may be (( (( blablabla secret agencies, mafia, exchange market balance, and weather.com ? stupid.is.just.stupid.org )) ))
  16. i use an osciloscope du don't care about the matrix, you can find in many weird place, brains (ant, elelephant, bird whatever), electronics, may be even trees some osciloscope you can find in some very weird place that can more or less deal with the cookie there ways
  17. don't argue just feel the click, don't whine afterward
  18. search?q=are+they+even+realize+they+argue+with+someone+that+just+wait+for+it%27s+time+to+come+because+each+time+it+happened+before+this+being+is+still+around+for+now+and+until+further+notice+why+here,+because+here

    feel free to delete this comment whenever ric, just letting you and the mod team know, shenanigan and excrements poster bored level max

    1. WinkAllKerb''


      also it's about closing eye doing a very large end move en finnaly clicking on simple english ... bored very bored


  19. image are real , you can see them ... interpretation of image are another concern wich fall in shamanism - 50 000, cult place - ???? now, school all the crappy stuff and bloodbath around religion in history book and crusade also remind that prehistoric don't use internet ... and school allow to build stuff loccally in the whole not locally, undereducated population don't help at all ... now if you ask me a country list of less educated people ratio ... ask UTF-8#q=who%20there%20leader%20and%20what%20do%20they%20expect (blabla politics i don't care either)
  20. i do never get why people ask if thing are real or not, as long i you write thing, well they are real, word are real and the caracter we use to write word are real as well
  21. yawning loudly insert https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Peek (noTice that i clicked and the meta left language link eyes closed ... that's simple english)
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