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Everything posted by Dispatcher

  1. This. Of course, another video of C57D, set to SwellMusik, is out there and some might find it more entertaining.
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myst_(series) The above links to an interesting entry about the franchise. I was aware of Ubisoft's involvement but I didn't recall that Presto Studios was also in the mix. Looks like III and IV are so old that Ubisoft's site shows no results for them when searched. One would think that porting an old title to more current OSes would be a way to make some decent money with little overhead; most resources could still be focused on new products. I have very little esteem for developers like Ubisoft and, for example, EA. But assuming that Cyan can do a better job of managing their business regarding Obduction and future offerings, I look forward to it's games.
  3. That's strange. You mean Cyan's website and links are old? One would think that an active site like Cyan's would keep up to date. Here it is: http://cyan.com/games/ I've always enjoyed the "series". Lately I've played "realMyst: Masterpiece Edition". Here is what Cyan is working on now; supposedly due out at the end of this year: http://obduction.com You might want to see if the onsite links work (I didn't check them). Good luck!
  4. Extendable radiators are definitely intended for non-atmospheric deployment and use. When I test launched them deployed, they broke into many small falling parts.
  5. Good stuff, everyone! I've enjoyed the thread. The most difficult spaceplane I ever made in terms of getting to orbit (and back) was a rocket-only plane. This was several KSP versions ago and was before we got the Rapier. After much experimentation I ended up using IIRC 3 aerospikes. Obviously adding air breathers to a spaceplane makes it much easier to get into orbit. Version 1.0.4 ensures good results with the Rapier. I comparison tested all engines and graphed the results (see sig line). However, these are vertically launched and not piloted in order to keep results more consistent. The Rapier Mix flight required that the mode change automatically. I'm sure that the already good altitude result would have been better by manual switching. I recall the ship flamed out and coasted several seconds before auto-switching to closed cycle, so manual switching is best, per earlier posts.
  6. Go ahead and use "lifting body" fuel tanks; but do so as parts of a spaceplane. The forums are rife with people who excel in shipping fuel to orbit. You might even consider going "above and beyond" and send up a spaceplane capable of shipping fuel to Duna. I don't have those skills, but I'm pretty sure others here do. Good luck! PS-- have a look at this graph to see my vertical launch flight results of maxing out mass and altitude with 40% propellant mass ratio craft. Of course if you isolate your fuel cargo so it can't be used by engines, it will count as "dry mass". http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/127487-Engine-test-graph-KSP-v-1-0-4
  7. Gonna have hot dogs, burgers, "root beer" floats (ice cream floating in a soda); watching fireworks displays from roof. Watched movies earlier of depictions of events leading to the founding of this nation. I hope people of all nations will look forward to similar such celebrations in their own countries.
  8. Nice job. Happy 4th of July!
  9. You are the producer/ director of your video. KSP is copyright by Squad. The music you use is copyright the respective musicians. This is the correct forum to post regarding the topic of a holiday.
  10. From the sound of things, among my choices would be the Skipper. However, depending on your mission objectives and ship design, you might want to consider the Mainsail or radial mounted Aerospikes. In previous KSP versions, I always used the LV-N (Nerv). I have yet to attempt an interplanetary mission to evaluate the changes in version 1.0.4. Good luck!
  11. Don't pay attention to the episode numbers. This next video is: Hang to Dry. Followed by: Game of Death.
  12. This is what the effect is. Watch about 9:30 in to see the effect. Watch all prior to see the navball and other instruments. Watch after the effect to see the ... real effects. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZuEfnTKNKY Too bad the one who "captured" the video and audio cut the bottom to achieve a widescreen format and muddled the audio.
  13. I always attribute it to Pilot error, then realize that I was the pilot.
  14. What I've done for my friends who also have iMacs is to get them set up on Steam. I then gift them with games each year for an internationally celebrated religious holiday. Once they accept the gift, Steam loads it and all one needs to do is hit the Play button from within Steam. I prefer Steam simply because I can gift games to different friends and family who use different OSes (some use Windows and one Linux). I choose games which run on at least Windows and Mac, so that the person can enjoy the gift regardless of platform used. Edit: I forgot, you can also click on the Launchpad (usually found on the Dock row at the bottom or side of the screen), scroll until you get the right page, and click on the KSP icon (a shortcut).
  15. I've never heard of a strictly religious education (at least in modern times), unless you mean being cloistered in a monastery or nunnery or the like. I would strongly discourage any education which only focuses on one or a few disciplines, whether it be sports/ physical ed, arts, sciences, business or finance, medicine, law enforcement, politics, military, etc. We are discussing pre-college, so variety ought to be encouraged; including philosophy and religion. The broader the education, the more the mind has to evaluate and compare. Edit: from Wikipedia; this may not be totally in harmony with my view, but its interesting: 'Etymologically, the word "education" is derived from the Latin Ä“ducÄÂtiÃ…Â ("A breeding, a bringing up, a rearing") from Ä“dÅ«cÃ…Â ("I educate, I train") which is related to the homonym Ä“dÅ«cÃ…Â ("I lead forth, I take out; I raise up, I erect") from Ä“- ("from, out of") and dÅ«cÃ…Â ("I lead, I conduct").'
  16. Finally got my graph up of stock engines tested under KSP v. 1.0.4: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/127487-Engine-test-graph-KSP-v-1-0-4 See how your favorite engines performed!
  17. Hey, You may have seen my earlier graphs and charts. This is a graph of test results from version 1.0.4. https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/437/19343018161_9723f9f846_o.png I don't know of a way of fairly comparing LFO engines with SRB engines, so I did what I think is the next best thing. The chart from which I based this graph actually has results of 3 tests. Only the 60% payload test is graphed. The other two tests: one was of efficiency and used one small Oscar B tank for LFO engines and the fuel mass of a Sepratron (or as close as I could get with the larger) for SRBs. On the other hand I maxed out the load using fuel tanks for the LFOs and the SRBs were full of propellant, for the "90% propellant" test. So for the "40% propellant" test which is graphed, I drained the SRBs of half their propellant. Recall that an empty fuel tank has roughly 10% of the mass of a full one, so the empty tank mass is counted as part of the "dry" payload mass. The percentages may be technically crude, but in practical terms it was easier to do this than go into the config files and change them. These were single stage tests with a starting atmospheric dV of from 1 to 1.04 due to practical variation. The air breathers did spool up before lifting off.
  18. I think that one factor is the reduction of rain forests, etc. Since plant life inspires CO2, it seems to me that more plant mass would lead to a reduction in CO2.
  19. I've been under the impression that the Society is more a social thing rather than people actually believing such things. I've never known anyone who has indicated to me that the Earth is flat, or that they know someone who thinks such.
  20. I have friends who were homeschooled. While the family is religious (Christian), the Bible was not part of the "school" curriculum; the subjects were typical of what is taught in public schools. In fact, their view is that truth is truth; there cannot be a conflict between a true principle as taught either by science or religion. But the focus in this case was learning at individual paces and older kids helping to teach the younger ones. It worked out for them and socially they are as well adjusted as people who went to public schools (take that any way you want to). Oh, they are internet savvy and I think that proper homeschooling ought to incorporate some online coursework or assignments. I suppose the attitudes and views of the parents is a major factor in successful homeschooling.
  21. Would make a cool game for iPad, iPhone, other pads & phones.
  22. Of course, we still use the "nation" component of an address; in this case "USA".
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