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Everything posted by lajoswinkler

  1. My suggestion for Tekto would be - less turbulence. It's a Titan analogue. There isn't much weather on Titan and it can't be. Copious amounts of fog only.
  2. There isn't such altitude. Hydrogen and helium don't ever become liquid in gas giants. They turn from gas into supercritical fluid. No phase boundary like with out water oceans. It just gets hotter and denser with more depth. Deep enough, the fluid gets more and more electrically conductive. Of course, that doesn't mean there aren't liquids in gas giants. For example, there could be neon virgas, just like there's sulfuric acid virgas on Venus.
  3. Here's a more detailed sight for central Europe which is more or less the same as the sight others will be able to see.
  4. OPM updates, so far, haven't made any problems with my installations. However, I'm always cautious with these things so I back up the installation. I've installed Sigma Binary, but I've yet have to check the behaviour of it.
  5. After the celebration has subsided, Wernher von Kerman ordered preparations for the scientific investigation of Plock-Karen system. A brand new large telescope will be launched into Kerbin's geostationary orbit to measure Karen's orbital period and to roughly determine the surface composition of both bodies.
  6. Indeed, amazing. I realized I haven't tweaked the shield while looking at the screenshots. It was a weird feeling because it must've been close to those 3000 K at one point. Taurus HCV apparently works for v.1.0.5, but it still tilts during aerodynamic load as if its mass isn't symmetrically distributed. Yes, that's the one. It's a target one can't tackle anymore without serious preparation because nowdays we have heat. Ablate is inside the zone where Kerbals and typical parts of the ship like tanks can survive. @danilon62 tried to make a manned rover for Ablate, but the thing was still overheating. Heat Control has finally updated, so v.1.0.5 offers an opportunity for this to finally happen, but Sentar Expansion isn't updated. I will inspect the mod first. Ablate needs to be concoured. Which one is that? Before (if ever) I head out to exotic systems, the stock system, OPM and Ablate need to be visited. It might seem like the Kron ships explored a lot of places, but that's just because the missions themselves are detailed, kind of massive and I'm stretching them like gum.
  7. So, still no news about this and v1.0.5? It's just a part mod. Those balls should still work. It's a great idea so go for it.
  8. Thank you, thank you. *royal wave* Now what? That's a good question. I'm not gonna do another mission for a while. Future targets are Plock-Karen, Ablate, Eve. Same ship could visit Plock-Karen, but not before probes do it. Ablate should be possible with the newest Heat Control mod, and Eve is easier nowdays, but the lander needs to be hauled there.
  9. As each Kerbal woke up, TAC's bug forced me to shove food and water into the ship via Hyper Edit. More than nine years accounted for an enormous amount of nutrients being memorized by the mod even with taking care of when to exit the game and load it again. After that, this is the sight they saw through the window. This is the trajectory the ship had before slight tweaking. I made some small changes because this periapsis was not enough and didn't even put the ship into orbit. Kerbals would've just slip out of the Kerbin system. So I've set the periapsis at 25 km and changed the inclination so that the capsule passes over KSC. These opportunities are rare, so I wanted to grab one by the gonads. Here's the ship impacting the atmosphere at 5277 m/s. As you can see, the critical part temperature wasn't 10,000 K as I've mentioned. I forgot to change it for Taurus HCV heatshield, but that didn't pose any problems. The shield stood throughout the reentry and lost around 60% of its ablating material. I doubt the crew would survive if there was a faulty stock shield on the bottom of the capsule. Shields should not heat up immediately. It takes time. Some parts, including the main axis LF tank, detonated almost immediately. This is the top speed. 5295 m/s as registered by the F3 window. That means tygoo7 wins. Congratulations. It took a considerable time for the capsule to lose all its kinetic energy. The crew experienced a peak of 12.2 G which lasted for about ten seconds. It's not like a 44 m/s burst from the built in monopropellant retrorockets made much difference, but anything was useful at this moment. Kron 5 went over the KSC and deployed its drogue chute inland, near the mountains. The crew is finally home after more than 12 years. Now, some of you might wonder why was the speed not considerably higher than encountered during reentry of Kron 4. It's because it relies heavily on the trajectory. A number of factors need to be taken into account, some of which are inclination, height of periapsis, position of periapsis. It's not just about the starting point. I honestly thought the speed will climb close to 6000 m/s, but I was wrong.
  10. Voting is closed. Here are the values you entered, ordered from the lowest to the highest value. Bev7787 - 7000 m/s DMSP - 6200 m/s Randazzo - 5800 m/s Elowiny - 5650 m/s tygoo7 - 5500 m/s Cydonian Monk, TaintedLion and Sanic have been disqualified because I can't take into account approximate speeds as they can overlap. I've ended the mission and will upload screenshots shortly. Stay tuned for more.
  11. I could fire towards Kerbin, but that would only complicate things. It's relatively easy to escape the stellar gravity well fast enough, but returning to one specific point in it, fast, is a problem that makes KSP scratch its head. It shows as fluttering rendezvous points on the orbital line. Also, I need to point out that I'm not ok with heat shields detonating before their ablator is gone which happens when they touch the atmospheric edge at high speed; their temperature jumps up. It's an unrealistic, silly bug. From now on I'll edit their configuration files, setting their maximum temperature to 10000 K which is higher than reasonably achieveable.
  12. Sretna vam svima Nova godina! BTW https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zNBUJ8MNEG4E.kBQnLYmnLKVI
  13. There are certain things that can be called genetic memory, but actual memory, as in fantasy movies and games, no. Absolutely not.
  14. Reactor pile, which is the center of every fission reactor whether it's a graphite block or pressure vessel, is a system of closely spaced fissionable material immersed in moderator and permeated by stuff that eats neutrons called control rods. Depending on the configuration of the control rods, the pile can be more or less radioactive. It's important to keep the area of criticality symmetrical. It's really a job for a computer. Waste is not made out of krypton-92 and barium-141 because those are first daughter products of the fission and they decay rapidly. In general, high level waste, which is the one we're discussing, is almost all of the starting uranium dioxide fuel (which is why it's not waste itself) intimately permeated by compounds made of a lot of other product elements. There's iodine-131, iodine-129, plutonium isotopes, caesium-137, strontium-90, europium-155, americium-241, samarium-151, tin-121m, krypton-85, cadmium-133m, ....... And each of these has its own daughter nuclides, some of which have very short half lives, which is what makes them very radioactive. You can see it's very complex. It's basically insane.
  15. No. Star Wars is fantasy, not science fiction. It's just situated on another planet.
  16. It's time to wrap this up. Time for Kerbals to go to bed for almost nine years. The ship did a retro burn and has put itself on a direct collision course with Kerbin. You know your job. Guess the reentry speed. Of course, I will try, if circumstances require, to slow down because I've got almost 4.5 km/s of delta v left, but I'll smack the ship into Kerbin first, probably at 40 km periapsis. Whoever gets the closest to the experimental value, gets the opportunity to name the lander for the other mission, which will probably be Plock-Karen one.
  17. Isn't Powder Toy the direct successor of that one? I remember PT from a long time ago.
  18. Why would the shield explode before its ablating material is lost? Do you guys know how shield work? The rammed air in front of them radiatively heats them up and they sublimate away. The greater the heat radiated onto them, the higher the ablating rate is. The heat is not causing its temperature to rise, but is instead spent on sublimation. Tolerating what happens in KSP is like saying that if you heat a cup of water fast enough, it would just get broken to its subatomic particles instead of first turning into gas. A cup of water will remain at the same temperature while it's boiling (100 °C) because the heat we supply is spent on changing its phase. It's very similar with heat shields. That's how they keep the vessel from heating up. I'd be ok with the KSP shields, in the event of a wild reentry, losing ablator very fast and then exploding, but I'm sometimes seeing them detonate with basically all of the ablator still on them. It's stupid and unrealistic.
  19. Yes, first pass on Kerbin. I don't come in too steep cause I can return from Duna in a single reentry procedure, but I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about doing that with Eve and doing it in a single pass. Or doing it with gas giants in Outer Planets Mod. It should be possible because that's what people did in real life. Soviets smacked their probes right into Venus and they survived. Probes were thrown into Jupiter and Titan at incredible speeds, they survived. There is absolutely no reason for the heatshield to explode before it loses its ablator. I mean, it's fairly easy to change the max temp value in the config file, but I'm just saying it would be better if it behaved that way by itself.
  20. return the permanent anonymous option so that users don't have to turn it on every time they log in
  21. Why is the destruction temperature of stock heatshields set so low? IMO, it should be a lot higher, so high it's not realistically achievable unless you approach at speeds over at least 10 km/s. Let the high temperatures destroy the ablator at exponentially higher rate as the temperature climbs, but the shield should not detonate before its ablator is depleted. Sometimes the reentry is so intense at the very begining of it so that the ablator is still almost 100% because the other factors (pressure, drag, etc.) are low, but the maximum temperature is exceeded in a fraction of a second so the thing just gets instantly destroyed, followed by whatever it was shielding. It presents a very annoying problem when you launch probes into Eve, just to mention a common example. Soviet Venera probes did not circularize their orbits. It was always a direct interplanetary collision. After all, a heatshield is nothing but a passive piece of equipment made out of a refractory material with a temperature probe here and there.
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