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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. Shrapnel absorbent armor you say... I've been experimenting with that too. Has anyone ever tried using the giganto-wheels as armor? My tests have shown not too shabby.
  2. Well I hope you all enjoy a good classic campfire run on... do read! I've had the pleasure to tell this around numerous campfires. First time I've shared it online! Enjoy! The Bacon Tree You see this one time my friends and I were camping off in the woods. After hiking in and setting up camp, I decided to go for a walk by myself as they finished setting up the tents. As I walked around trees and through ferns, I noticed that the surrounding forest was beginning to grow less dense. After five minutes the dense forest was completely gone and I found myself in a clearing. And right in the middle was a peculiar tree... As I got closer I noticed that hanging off of each branch where there would usually be leaves, was bacon. Bacon for crying out loud! I ran back to camp and grabbed my friends to tell them we didn't need to cook dinner tonight. We would be eating bacon! After much consolation and begging, I finally succeeded in getting everyone to come with me. We came to the clearing again and sure enough, there was the bacon tree. Glistening in the sun... We stood around the bacon tree... mouths watering! I reached up towards a branch and pluck! I grabbed a piece of genuine pork bacon off the branch. The change was immediate. Suddenly the tree started shaking! And waving! And battering us with its branches! It was like the wamping willow! Right at that moment I realized... It wasn't a bacon tree, it was a HAM-BUSH!!!!
  3. I'll probably be ready for a fight by next weekend. It'd be a battle between two fighters, a carrier, and a "frigate" on each side. Probably around Minmus because I really want to start a dessert line . PROBABLY! *Crosses fingers* Rules for proposed battle: - Synced orbit 3K away (enemy decides if he wants inner/outer orbit) - Trade off firing missiles - One missile per turn or one fighter armament per turn (Unless this is OP - depends on fighters ) - All fighters must return to carrier before next turn - Carrier must be unarmed. Only armored (as f***). - Whoever "kills" all enemy craft first wins. Are these rules good enough, or is there a list of set rules I haven't seen?
  4. New builder coming in... Cue mysterious picture... Oh and Megalodon, I've found that any design of ship with an elliptical hull will break in half when hit face on. Even your Victory class .
  5. I just had an awesome game idea. SUMO! Whatever team deorbits/sends the enemies orbit out of Gillys SOI wins!
  6. After running a couple of tests on my ship vs. your victory class, I see the major difference between your rocket and mine. I was trying to keep my armor as far from the core as possible for efficient spread. You kept your armor close to the interior - making your rocket much harder to hit dead on. Missiles glance off yours as oppose to mine where they almost always hit flat on. I'm still getting the hang of KSP physics in this sense.
  7. The big hole is pretty well covered up from my initial tests. I can definitely do better though. This thing is more of a prototype. Thanks! Building for external armor is far different from external aesthetics. A true Kerbal has to learn the ways of both...
  8. Well there are ups and downs of both.. Living on Laythe would make it trivial to visit any of the other moons of Jool, but it would mean going anywhere else would be more difficult. And then there's the long debated radioactivity of Laythe's surface... What happened to that thread anyways? Anyhow, It'd be kinda cool if someone made a mod that swapped Kerbin and Laythe.
  9. So on a scale of bad to badder, how would you rate my first battleship?
  10. Trust me. It would look A LOT more messy it he took out the core. Unless he didn't crew the three command pods in the interior, that ship is still alive. I can practically see the core from one of those pictures. Can you send me the persistent pls? It looks pretty too . Oh and Megalodon, Your Victory rocket has "invalid parts" on it so I can't load it. What mod parts do you have on it? And I guess here's one more question. Can you chose which direction the enemy attacks you from? Because I designed that to be equally strong from all angles. I would change that in a heart beat if I could decide which end the enemy attacks from.
  11. XD nope that's the back of the ship XDD. I see that you destroyed just about all the missiles on board. I clustered everything too close together. A few lucky shots and most of the interior is gone. Was the ship still "alive" after your assault?
  12. I would say that to make a successful challenge, it must have simple rules, and be entertaining. Plain as that. Difficulty usually isn't a part of the question in challenges as people usually know how to make something hard. This one is crazy hard to do, but it still stands as an example of a good challenge imho: I made this jewel a while back based off WhackJob's challenge in the "Kerbin Cup" that Rowsdower had going a few months ago, but it was so difficult that no one took it on. Assemble Arkingthaad ULTRA-lite. The rules are plain and simple. Build this monstrosity - you may use any technique (ALT-F12 excluded), any mod (Besides Hyperedit), and any means necessary to accomplish this. Currently it looks like this: Download the persistence HERE. The save file should still work. Winners are calculated are counted by amount of in-game time used. Stock players have their own category, and Hyperedit users have their own too.
  13. Well, I'm off to bed. If anyone wants to do a 1v1 against my "Medicine" for a green run, I'd be more than happy. Probably around Minmus because that's close? Last time I tried using Hyperedit for editing a video, I irreparably broke KSP three times. I had to re-install . No problem though as I can easily back up everything and I'm also getting a better PC by next weekend.
  14. Or you know just... wheels... XD jk those are AWESOME! Spartwo as to your comment about not using squishy parts, This thing can practically take a round THROUGH it and it flies fine. I have a strange feeling this thing could fall from orbit and remain "alive" according to the rules on page one. Know the enemy like the target you've practiced on eh? Well how about the target unorthodox that the enemy doesn't know where to aim . Okay all blabbering aside, this is the absolute first warship/weaponized outer-atmosphere ANYTHING I've built. If someone wants to pump a few rounds into it and just tell me if it's garbage, or workable, here's the craft file. Just launch it on the runway and fire a few rounds into it. OH make sure that only the three COMMAND PODS are manned. Not the Cupola or cockpit. https://www.dropbox.com/s/g81l4nobglapntx/Medicine%20Mk1.craft?dl=0
  15. Is it okay if my first battleship looks like a giant gray pill*? *It's nigh-invincible What direction is up you ask? Well why on earth would I tell YOU?!?!?!! I think I'm going to design a new one in the shape of a sphere.
  16. What are the size rules/tonnage for each ship class?
  17. Quick question. Do I need to make a launcher? Or do I need to Hyperedit into orbit? Both are fine.
  18. Ty! I'll be looking at those. My first design exploded with a direct hit to the hull. Fuel tank.
  19. I just downloaded the "Curtana-Dreadnought" which I think was made by Megaladon. 900+ parts. From first looks I note that you literally need to supply the fuel to get to wherever it is you are going. Pretty awesome. And now I know where to aim at...
  20. Yeah so I'm building a battleship. Based off all the rule on the first page. How would I get in on this?
  21. Gorgeous. Thank you so much! I'll be using this in my ending episode of Inquiry!
  22. Hm... I've been looking at Blue's hidden adapter stages and with the add of offset, they could be simplified even more. Time to experiment!
  23. I think you skipped over my image . I listed three and wanted you to have your pick of which one you wanted to make. These are all fantastic. This is "Inquiry". The Mothership of a where I go to Dunas surface for 3 years and return. If you decide to improve this screenshot, best of wishes. Happy new years too!
  24. ~*Happy new years!*~ I spent the early evening experimenting with new plane designs and making music for this project, went to a short party with a few school friends, and then spent the new years with my family and my girlfriend (Who I need to convince to make a rocket in KSP >. What'd you do for the new year? And do you have any new years Kerbal resolutions? I promise to never leave any kerbals stranded *alone* in the year 2015.
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