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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. There's quite a lot of differences; you can see many of them in the trailer video. Default EVE adds very basic clouds to Kerbin/Eve/Laythe, and Spectra adds clouds to Kerbin/Eve/Laythe, as well as clouds on Duna and a suite of other enhancements to every single planetary body stretching far beyond just clouds. In a nutshell, Default eve adds: Cloud layers to all atmospheric bodies Spectra adds: More detailed and optimized cloud layers to all atmospheric bodies Auroras to all atmospheric bodies Glowing bioluminescence on Laythe Geysers on Minmus and Eeloo Fog on Minmus and Pol Dust storms on Duna Ablative solar effects to Moho A new sunflare A new skybox (though I may remove it in the future, I've been using a different one myself recently) A vibrant scifi color pallet to atmospheric effects Custom ocean and atmospheres for Scatterer mod Custom planet terrain textures for Kopernicus mod (Though Kopernicus isn't currently updated for 1.9 so this feature doesn't work in 1.9 saves)
  2. Hey! Yes this is a bug, although it isn't fixable because of how EVE handles cloud layers. You are just about the highest cloud layer, and the layers are what is creating that abrupt line across the horizon. You could theoretically lessen it by increasing the number of cloud particles, although this TANKS your FPS. Take if from the guy who has a 1080Ti, it isn't good. Also, if you want your posts to be a bit more readable, I suggest adding a line break after your images so that the text is on a line of its own instead of wrapping around. Helps to read
  3. The stock textures on Kerbin are pretty fantastic now being totally honest, same with the Mun and Minmus. I'm debating removing the Kerbin/Mün/Minmus/revamped bodies kopernicus textures with an update when it's released for 1.9. I sadly can't post pictures of it right now because I'm out of town you can see a few snippets of the changes in the trailer though. Ike has a nice shot near the beginning when the Kerbal is floating towards the capsule, and you get a good shot of Pol and Vall in it too. My favorite planet by a landslide is Vall.
  4. It looks like he's using the new 1.9 terrain shaders My terrain changes aren't actually in 1.9 yet! Kopernicus is the mod that changes mountain/grass, and because it is not added to 1.9 yet there are no changes to the default terrain. Both of your guys games are using the stock games terrain but with different settings
  5. Hello and thank you for your complement! It seems you aren't the only one who has problems with the sunflare not working. I'm still not sure what the cause of the issue is though, as I have never been able to reproduce it on my end; I haven't had any issues with it. Its definitely something with Scatterer though since Spectra uses scatterer's sunflare code but adds new textures and a new config. Just to be sure it is my sunflare that you are seeing, could you post a picture of it?
  6. Thank you! Glad to hear Ah gotcha. Good to know its working for you know Scatterer does throw errors on occasion though that's a scatterer issue and not Spectra it doesn't cause any harm though so I just ignore them.
  7. Could you post me a picture of what Laythe looks like in your game? If Laythe has glowing clouds at night like in my trailer then Spectra should be installed correctly. If not, then there's definitely something wrong. I also think you might be a bit confused in saying "the sunflare and atmospheric planet are still dominated by Scatterer and EVE". Scatterer is the mod that adds both the sunflare and atmospheres and EVE is the mod that adds cloud textures. Spectra simply adds extra config files and textures to modify the default scatterer settings and clouds to look more detailed and colorful. Think of Scatterer and EVE as a sort of template, and Spectra fills it out with config files and textures to add more detail and color. When you say "AVP" do you mean Astronomer's Visual Pack? I'm afraid Spectra and AVP are incompatible. For that matter, speaking generally, all cloudpacks are incompatible. You won't be able to run AVP and Spectra at the same time, likewise SVE and AVP, or Sci-fi and AVP. If you try doing this you are trying to make KSP load duplicate atmospheres and clouds for every planet, as well as particles, sun flare, surface objects, textures, the list goes on... needless to say this is very bad and causes both lag and bugs and You can run AVP, or Spectra, or SVE, but not at the same time Nope, install order does not matter
  8. To remove the skybox you can open up GameData/TextureReplacer/Default and remove the six 'galaxytex' .dds textures
  9. All good. You aren't the only one to run into this problem. I'm not sure what's causing it either but the Sunflare does seem to randomly stop working. It seems to be tied to Scatterer, but that's all I know
  10. Thank you for the complement! Are you using Scatterer or running without it by chance? Scatterer adds a new sunflare, but other than that I didn't change the sun at all to my knowledge.
  11. The default KSC buildings are uneditable. You can add new things via the GUI, however.
  12. Spectra doesn't change any aero fx so you can totally use reentry particle effects, I use it myself. Odd... Around the mün eh? That's definitely strange. I think I have that issue on my end as well now that you mention it but I have no clue what the cause is either.
  13. Not easily you can disable the event by opening up the EVE main config located inside GameData/Spectra/Spectra_Configs, locating the lines for Jool, and setting UVNoise to zero. To get bands that move individually, I'm afraid I would have to create three entirely new cloud layers and fine tune their color and speed to look like the above, and that's not something I want to do considering I wouldn't use it myself. Plus, more cloud layers equals more lag, so I stuck with one layer and UVNoise I hope that explains it a bit. I'll not sure exactly what might be causing that sorry. I appreciate high fps too so I'm sorry to hear you're having an issues. Do you have Aerodynamic effects enabled? They tend to eat a TON of frames when the game tries to render reentry or mach effects, so I play with it disabled and use reentry particle effects instead. Could you open settings and set Aerodynamic effects to minimal and see if this fixed your frame drops? It's a stock problem but that doesn't mean I can't help.
  14. The reason CKAN doesn't install the parent mods automatically is because if they were marked as required, then CKAN would mark Spectra as 'unsupported' until all of the parent mods were updated to the current version. Its kind of silly but I made all of the parent mods suggestions, since you don't necessarily need every single one (For example you don't have to install Scatterer if you want to save on some FPS, or you don't have to install Kopernicus if you don't want the surface texture changes).
  15. That is as intended; Spectra doesn't add any rings around Jool. I used uvnoise to make the clouds shimmer to simulate them moving. I'm not a fan of Jool having rings since it doesn't in the stock game That looks normal to me. Eve doesn't have a lot of yellow clouds depending on where you land or your altitude.
  16. I'm afraid there is not. I don't know. I haven't seen this issue before, and you are the only one who has ever had this problem. The only planet with ill-effects is Duna, which usually is a sign of tampering with EVE.
  17. You shouldn't need to remove save files. Duna doesn't look quite right in your images though; if you watch the trailer video you'll see that finna is supposed to have a blush purple time to it
  18. Replace it just in case. Also check for a folder in GameData called Boulder CO and make sure you remove that too if it's there. Last time I checked AVP's config files were a mess so there could be lingering files. I'd remove and reinstall any mod that is related to EVE
  19. Wait, do you have AVP installed at the same time? AVP and Spectra are not compatible, you can only use one EVE cloud pack at a time If you did open the GUI, delete the Spectra folder and replace it. I did some modulemanager edits in the EVE configs, and opening the gui can remove them and break the cloud effects. This is the cause of Blue-duna. Could you take a picture of Duna just so I can see what it looks like on your end?
  20. Are you installing manually or using CKAN? Also, can you try removing scatterer and seeing what happens? It sometimes caused issues too.
  21. From my understanding the static objects unload past a certain distance so I don't think so sadly
  22. I'm not sure which I ended up using but I assume the original. Try downloading it and if it doesn't work user the experimental version.
  23. Ah I see. These are the directions to add reflections to other parts. I hope that helps, it's a bit complex
  24. Sorry but no. ReStock adds new part models and it would be difficult to add the new models, I haven't done much with WindowShine lately so I don't have too much interest to add extra to it sorry I'm not sure I follow. Do you mean new parts or do you mean the buildings in the KSC?
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