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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. Running w/ a borderless window will fix this problem. It isn't an option in-game but you can create a shortcut w/ it. In the field "C:\users\username\desktop\KSP_win\KSPx64.exe" add in [ -popupwindow] directly after the quotation mark with a space in between. This function screws up changing controller axis but that's the only issue I've seen with it.
  2. I've witnessed this myself at the main menu. It was pretty and I thought it was a compatibility issue but didn't put much thought into it.
  3. I've actually been tempted to buy myself an xbox release for the purpose of streaming and bug testing! Entered in the off chance that I don't have to buy - Early congrats to the lucky winners
  4. I've always been a fan of the stock Winter Owl flag (and the trivia behind the name, and their in-game parts ): It was based off the name of an old YouTuber who made many videos on Kerbal. I have a number of custom classic-space flags that use my icon instead of the classic space rocket though that I use as well.
  5. Really though... I swear I visit this place every half hour...
  6. And in time you might even reach my cringe-worthy number of posts! ... Quoting Hotel California... "Relax, " said the night man, "We are programmed to receive. You can check-out any time you like, But you can never leave! "
  7. Yeah... I don't know how Ven's pack handles anything sadly... you'd have to take it up with him to get reflections if they don't work here.
  8. It should fix everything with the Win 64-bit release but I can't say anything for Open GL OS X (Filthy mac! jk).
  9. - I wish I knew why. Or how to fix that - There are new shaders though releasing in TextureReplacer sometime that should fix just about every current issue with WindowShine with part highlighting and cabin lights soon(tm).
  10. Is Ven's pack working properly for you? WindowShine and Ven's revamp have been said to not work in the past. - If you only want the solar panel reflections, open up the WindowShine.cfg file that comes in the compatability pack download, delete everything in it, and than paste in this: @PART[solarPanels1] { %MODULE[TRReflection] { %name = TRReflection %shader = Reflective/Bumped Diffuse %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 2 %meshes = basepanel panel1 panel2 panel3 panel4 panel5 } } @PART[solarPanels2] { %MODULE[TRReflection] { %name = TRReflection %shader = Reflective/Bumped Diffuse %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 2 %meshes = panel3 panel04 panel05 panel06 panel07 panel08 } } @PART[solarPanels3] { %MODULE[TRReflection] { %name = TRReflection %shader = Reflective/Bumped Diffuse %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 2 %meshes = basepanel panel1 panel2 panel3 panel4 panel5 } } @PART[solarPanels4] { %MODULE[TRReflection] { %name = TRReflection %shader = Reflective/Bumped Diffuse %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 2 %meshes = solarPanel4panels panel2 panel3 panel4 pane5 panel6 } } @PART[solarPanels5] { %MODULE[TRReflection] { %name = TRReflection %shader = Reflective/Bumped Diffuse %colour = 0.2 0.2 0.2 %interval = 2 %meshes = panel } } @PART[largeSolarPanel] { %MODULE[TRReflection] { %name = TRReflection %shader = Reflective/Bumped Diffuse %colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5 %interval = 2 %meshes = panel } } It's the TRReflection Modules for just the solar panels (You could do the same by deleting everything after "largeSolarPanel").
  11. Could you send me a .craft file of that? I'm curious if I can do some testing w/ it myself The one thing I've heard though but haven't tested myself is that docking port phantom force sometimes vanishes when reloading scenes/vessel or docking another thing together. I haven't been able to replicate it but it's definitely something to watch out for if you're using this for a base design. - If you can get an example of it breaking, I'd implore that you make a bug report on it so it can get fixed in the next release or soon (tm) http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/projects/ksp/issues
  12. Dude... I'm not entering the competition but is there any chance you could send me your craft file? I would love to see what you did so I can use it in a hydrofoil boat I'm hoping to use on Laythe in an upcoming project. I've never heard of something so preposterously fast before.
  13. It's pleasantly surprising to see I've been bumped down from 50th place in my absence from KSP - means new names are at the rise.
  14. It worked extremely well in 1.0.5 I hope it's fixed sooner rather than later. Wait - You said that wheel blocking is going to be gone soon?
  15. You'd be surprised how much force it can take - the one thing that it's really missing is a dampener to keep it from wobbling. Because it isn't touching any parts, it doesn't have anything to slow down wobble if it starts. I tried using wheels but either they're blocked and don't do anything or they aren't blocked and explode as soon as they touch the probe core. If I can get the wobble to stop then I'm hoping to use this as the center hinge for a torus station. I did this back in 1.0.5 with the old wheel physics but wheel-against-craft interactions in 1.1.3 are something to fear. The wheels even seem to exert some kind of new phantom force with their suspension.
  16. PSA: Docking port "magnetic force" gets weaker the closer two ports get to each other. This allows for some interesting levitation techniques when floating a hinge between opposite facing docking ports. As the bearing nears one port, their attraction weakens and the opposite side's attraction increases, causing the bearing to float locked between both ports. A new method of truly friction-less hinges is born. http://imgur.com/a/YmiRZ
  17. I'm a fan of #1. Looks most like Endraxial Jool which I love the most - Part of the reason I decided to keep that pack alive. The brown clouds look quite nice too though. Second pick is #3, but I'm still much more a fan of #1. Where on earth did you find so many new Jool textures anyways?
  18. I'd love to see 3 eyes on Jool. I can't recall how many storms there are in the endraxial jool texture but there should be plenty of areas a storm could work well. EDIT: Endraxial Jool only has one eye - close to the equator. Same as stock.
  19. I personally am not a fan of CKAN sorry - I won't be adding it to CKAN myself but if anyone else wants to I won't hold you back
  20. Whoops... I'll fix that now Also going to release a freshened up and *renamed* version of SPPCC in a few minutes if I can find the meshnames of the space shuttle wings/flaps. Removing some depreciated textures and general cleaning.
  21. yeah you can see it on the landing pad lights on top of the VAB too. An outline of the built-in flare overlay texture.
  22. I've been recently thinking about becoming independent actually. The reason this is tied with TextureReplacer is for (A) the reflection plugin and (B) the repository for replacement part textures. I've been chatting with @Porkjet about reflections and he suggested the possibility of using an additional texture dedicated to reflections - doable now that you don't have to worry about conserving memory on load up. I'd swap to this in a heartbeat if I could code - also would have fixed the reflection shader from overwriting other part shaders/emissives
  23. It doesn't actually use the emissive texture - rather it uses the transparency of the main part texture. I linked a guide that explains everything you should need to know in the mod pack section. This might change though depending on who I can get to fix the plugin code . Can't code myself.
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