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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. Well, it makes science experiments yield 100% reward for it's biome/instance instead of partial science. You could say it's doing something nutty :/
  2. - Question, is ForScience! still compatible with "Science - Full reward!"?
  3. Ach sorry edited my message as you posted lol. Hm... Ask RangeMachine I guess?
  4. TextureReplacer hasn't been officially updated in little over 2 months. Version is in the title. Have you tried rangemachines recompile?
  5. It appears not to. A plain 1.2 install doesn't even have it show up and editing the .version file didn't help either (I most likely didn't to it correctly) - Either way been mixing audio for the past few hours in wait for it to update - Now have tracks with added AE for all buildings (Minus tracking station, unsure if I want to use the space ambiance playlist). I'm unsure if anyone has been waiting for my music overhaul, but I'm sorry it's taking so long :/ if I sat down for half a day of simple editing and sort I could bust it out in one go, but I've been at a lack for imagination the days I set apart and too busy the days I generally have free. I hope to have it completed and ready for use by the next release of Soundtrack Editor
  6. Alas, I bought at 2013-07-31 I'll have to see if the same applies for me then hm
  7. I'm hoping for this too - though it would put a hold my my film project yet again waiting for it
  8. Sadly it takes quite a bit of work to re-create a new pack :/ You can try yourself though if you're really determined. Also hello there Pango
  9. I give another recommendation on the 970 - it's what I use and it's definitely enough for this (And The Division on max settings if you have a good processor) I use this card.
  10. Huh. - Are you using .mp3 files, or .ogg? I'm on PC and I found that .mp3 files where having troubles for me. Changed everything to .ogg and it worked perfectly.
  11. hmmm - randomly curious, would it save FPS in any way if scatterer was disabled in map view (Not that I really need more frames)? So that it would only be visible in flight? - I'm imagining somehow turning the map view into a computer generated looking view, Almost homeworld-esque but not quite that simplistic.
  12. Someone actually decided to make new shaders for WindowShine out of the blue when I mentioned they where broken. They should fix all of the current highlighting issues, but I haven't the experience to add them myself, and I don't know of any modder who'd be up for it currently. Once again I'm not the one who made the new shaders! A little birdy did it for me and I don't know if he wants to be named. Either way though, they aren't in the game currently because we wanted Shaw to add them to TextureReplacer but he hasn't been on in a little over two months.
  13. I play w/ only stock parts - I guess you could say I put work where my interests lie. A number of compatibility packs where made by users who wanted extra mods to have reflections too - I attempted to get Ven's Revamp working but he did some unusual work in changing part models and I wasn't able to in the end sadly.
  14. Personally I would say wait it out for 1.2 (Probably because I'm not running 1.1.3 anymore, only the pre-release. My words could be completely irrelevant as such) - It's right around the corner judging from the Devnotes (Though the bug tracker is still quite full). I'd hate for you to spend time working on something that will get outdated in one or two weeks
  15. @Horatu I know this is terribly off topic, but I wanted to give you a thumbs up for your awesome avatar. Right in the childhood that is.
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