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Everything posted by HafCoJoe

  1. An update on my hinge design. The hinge works if you decouple the door and than quicksave and quickload. Swapping scenes makes the game recognize the two as separate crafts and the wheels start to behave. In other words this doesn't easily work . It might in the next update though as wheels have been basically rewritten from the ground up.
  2. I rebuilt the whole craft starting with a probe core and the darn thing STILL refuses to cooperate! Here's a short highlight/rant of the issue on one of my older variants: Please excuse the first 3 seconds of bad twitch conversion And here's the craft file. If someone can get this hinge to work with wheels I will give them more info about the cinematic it's being used in. You have no clue how frustrated I am with this thing XP Door hinge REBOOT 2.craft (Dropbox)
  3. I wonder if there could be a program to spit out who has the most posts... you could start a "OVER 9000" thread on that
  4. Do you per chance play Dota 2... two of your added celestial bodies have the same names as characters from it (I don't play but my two brothers are addicted).
  5. Interesting... I started with an I beam instead of the probe core so that holds true so far. I'll test it when I get hone report back.
  6. Awww noone saw my post on the bottom of the alst page . I was curious, does anyone have a fix for wheel suspension preventing wheels from colliding with other parts? More description to that on the last page. I'll also try and post pictures on my issue when I get home in an hour.
  7. If you have any names (More than one if you have them!) which I could use in my upcoming cinematic, I would love to hear them as inspiration. [imgur][/imgur] The station is going to Laythe on a 7 year mission. It will have a Von Braun wheel on it and it will be carrying supplies for at least 5 kerbals including a huge boat, mobile base, plane, and rovers. With that information in mind, here's what I have so far: - Sojourner Station - Pioneer Station - Spirit of Adventure - Spirit of Kerbin - Zephyr Station - Explorer Station - Zachariah of cosmos - Aurora Station - Laythe Venture - Nova Station - Hermes - Apeiron Station - Blue Tomorrow - Quantum Sunrise - KH-3000 - Intrepid Station - Ambition - Outreach - Ranger - Horizon - Idyll - Enigma - Dyson Station - Deep Space Wedgie - Avera-9 - Ashley Madison - Seven Year Itch - Pride of Kerbin - Bedlam - Seven Years a Slave - Rub' a dub dub, three Kerbs in ma tub - Sterling/Stirling - Kerbol/Solar Dawn - Promiscuity - Inexorable - Superlative - Joolia - Rocks 'n' Frocks - Mary Mary - Archetypal - Astraeus Astrological diety,Titan-god of dusk - Thor's Revenge - Tiberius Station - Vitellius Station - Pertinax Station Stubborn - Macrinus Station - Aurelian Station - The Implication - Per aspera ad astra "Through difficulty to the stars" - Epsilon etc... Thanks for the help! - Avera9eJoe
  8. HafCoJoe

    1000! Wahoo!

    It is finished... DMSP has now reached 1,000 posts! lyfe goal = complete
  9. For me creating a shortcut, adding ' -force-opengl' to the end of the filepath, and then running the shortcut in Windows 8 compatibility mode works fine.
  10. I'm not sure if he plans on doing anything related to that :/. I think the best way to compensate for placing docking ports on parts with internals would be to generate a "cylinder" on the interior sticking out of the wall where the docking port is and then cutting a hole through it and the regular internals where it hits the side. Sure it would be placed right over your snacks container but at least it would still look like a hatch lol.
  11. Interstellar was imo a great movie, but that doesn't mean they could've shortened it by 30 minutes and still had it be great. XD Inside joke hehe... I did thoroughly enjoy it but I wish more of it was realistic. TARS was a bit far fetched as well as a few other small things like the existence of such a small SSTO.
  12. I sadly don't have any pictures but I'm in the prototyping stages of a stock door hinge. It's going to move a door of 2x3 large structural panels. The new fairings work wonders with small part count bearings! The door is meant to be controlled with a rack and pinion but the only annoying issue I'm getting is that the motorized wheels are levitating 3 centimeters above the rack. This is the best real world example I can find right now: Imagine this mechanism but with the tiny gear is a wheel and no matter what you do it refuses to touch the curved bearing. If anyone knows a way to solve this please do share
  13. Amazing! If you ever need help feel free to ask! I'd love to help. It would be super awesome to have to replace my signatures "Avg's Cloud Pack" with a KSPRC Link when it's up and done. I could even stream developments if you need some advertising haha.
  14. I like setting very loose fund levels. I'm not the biggest fan of the grind either and loosening up the funds is a good way of alleviating that. Also I'm partial to the mindset that the KSC would have as much money as it could ever possibly need seeing as it is the only space agency on a planet where the only exciting job is going to space. Other than that I have permadeath, quicksaves (for kraken insurance as Pax Kerbana said ty!), and 150%-200% science (also as stated above ty). More of a fan of building with all of the parts then starting off with few. More like a sandbox game but with science.
  15. I had "Sept. 5th" as "September 5th" . It's the old release. There's a link to it on the front page but I'll put another link here for you too: EVE Sept. 5th release
  16. Great progress! It sounds as though this could be a step towards being able to add square hatches such as for space-plane parts? EDIT: Thanks for the inadvertent compliments!
  17. Hehehe... Ambient, CC, rock, pop, funk, jazz, classical, electro, folk, Alternative... the list goes on... Almost everything without lyrics though as that works better in most cases as background noise. Oh and don't forget MonsterCat. I listen to them a lot when doing work/streaming. My top artist would be Jahzzar.
  18. Hello! I've been making/editing some of my own textures in search of more seamless edges. My grass texture still needs lots of work. I took the stock grass texture... Each blade of grass is the length of a tree... - And yeah that's Kerbin I've also been designing a more seamless city texture for kerbals. I designed it with numerous helipad markers and no roads. I have a feeling that if kerbals went anywhere they would all travel by air . I designed them for my own purposes but if you want them for tests or inspiration I can post a download. Later!
  19. But... the polls say ~60% of people want it... even if they aren't a complete accurate representation. You could also add it as a secondary option, in which case it would have no compatibility problems whatsoever. I heard that talked about for a bit.
  20. This looks beautiful! I shall give it a go later. And is that KSPRC I'm spotting too?
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