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Everything posted by Jon144

  1. Need to maintain your sacrifices to the space kraken or your launches may face problems.
  2. I converted a B-52 into a shuttle carrier. An airliner for a select few I guess... Not really a commercial airliner xD
  3. For helping start spacecraft Friday (among other things) I don't think that there is any limit.
  4. Mostly finished but still working on cleaning it up. The orbiter is only about 120 parts and the whole launch vehicle is 300. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/133425-STS-Space-Shuttle-Khallenger
  5. Simple station and rockets but all goes together pretty beautifully!
  6. As everyone here knows I hate this plane in real life. But I have always found these replicas amazing. And now one with an actual hinge system for engines!? Everyone knows I am a sucker for stock bearings/hinges! Take my rep!
  7. I always build 100% stock crafts so everyone who has ever owned a copy of KSP can use them. But I do use informational mods like Kerbal Engineer because of their sheer awesomeness. With the information they provide you rarely ever have to look at the orbit map.
  8. If you need a low orbit cargo ship. Jon144 Aerospace is leasing a fully functional space shuttle. (Still a work in progress but flying it should be pretty straight forward. Just press 1 to turn off the main engines once you get into orbit) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/133425-STS-Space-Shuttle-Khallenger
  9. Yeah this is my last minute submission. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/133425-STS-Space-Shuttle-Khallenger
  10. 100% Stock STS Inspired Space Shuttle "Khallenger" By Flying Beaver and Jon144 The Space Shuttle "Khallenger" is a 100% stock semi-replica of NASA's Space Transportation System. It's name is a reference and tribute to the real Space Shuttle Challenger that was tragically lost in 1986. Two massive and powerful hand-crafted SRBs power the craft to supersonic speeds before being ejected from the shuttle and parachuted back to Kerbin. Although built to be recoverable Squad decides that they are better deleted by physics. After the shuttle reaches her desired altitude the EFT is jettisoned and will descend back to Kerbin. The shuttle is free to engage in orbital activities. The orbiter comes with a large cargo bay capable of carrying space station components, probes or even orbital laboratories. Khallenger makes for a powerful glider. Gliding in at a glide-slope of approximately 20 degrees she can carry back almost twice her weight to the surface of kerbin from orbit. The spacecraft is not only a delivery vehicle but a return vehicle. Khallenger is definitely a very robust and capable craft. With mission specific modifications she can complete nearly any low-orbit task. Weighing in at only around 300-400 parts at launch Khallenger is a reliable CPU-friendly shuttle. We are still working on improving the design of this shuttle. A video and craft download will be posted here shortly. Any and all feedback is appreciated. Work in progress download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4dr7fbqxyjcwdu1/Khallenger%20%285%29.craft?dl=0 If you run out of rep. make sure to give some to Beaver. He helped a lot to get the shuttle where it is now! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/members/111202-Flying-Beaver In memory of STS-51L
  11. Full craft will be revealed soon. This is just a teaser. Hope it can make it to this week's spacecraft Friday. Another 100% stock joint venture by Beaver and I. Hope people like the final product.
  12. I have a new rather awesome craft that I may need to post last minute. No guarantees it would actually make it but everything else I have ever posted has.
  13. Really cool replica! Those things really aren't aerodynamic but always look cool.
  14. That last episode was pretty dang amazing. Now only if someone else had a stock tank so you could use mine. It just isn't designed to fight with BD armory. Armor is designed for kinetic weapons only. But if something opens up I just had to post it here to remind you. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/130992-Relentless-E-3-Heavy-Tank
  15. Well I guess that's your opinion. But I will never release a craft to the forum that has mods. Then everyone can use it and I just have to be even more creative in my design.
  16. Yes. I hate mods. They limit creativity. What I generally try to go on to prove with my designs is that absolutely anything is possible if you put time into it in stock KSP. I feel that mods like BDarmory actually take away engineering capabilities. It just has a bunch of generic weapons and that is all that is ever used. In stock you need to build up every component by hand and will be different every time.
  17. Well there goes all the hype for Unity 5. If the FPS issues with larger crafts doesn't go away eventually I don't think I will have any renewed interest in the game. Sorry. Just being honest.
  18. Looking forward to your next render.
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