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Commander Zoom

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    Starfighter Pilot

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  1. Finally saw this thread. Great movie, a grand concept and an intriguing problem... and just a few (forgivable) plot holes, IMO:
  2. Neat alt-history, well-documented, and as someone who grew up in the 80s, I'm loving the song titles. I'm guessing that the whole Salyut 6 debacle caused a few heads to roll, Back in the USSR? What's the mod or tool you're using to generate blueprints?
  3. Separate "science" and "career" modes are almost entirely an artifact of the (KSP1) development process. They're both "okay, here's what we've gotten working so far."
  4. Neat design, but do you really need lights under all six tanks? I'd go with three, every other; should still be plenty to light up any LZ, and trim the part count just a bit.
  5. *applauds solemnly* Thank you. For the words, for the kerbals, for the kerm, and for bringing their world to life.
  6. "Are you sure this is safe?" "No, not at all. Have you seen the shape the ship is in? But what choice do we have?" Neat story, great video. Thanks for posting!
  7. Kerm, that's rough. I admit, there's a part of me that never gave up hope... but now, finally... Poor Joenie. And Jonton. Kerm watch over them both.
  8. Hoping that someone here can help me: Per the OP, this package is not for everyone, or even most. Installing all of it would definitely be too much for me. However, I would very much like to have the absolutely amazing remade Jool (and only Jool) in my otherwise mostly-stock game. Can someone guide me in identifying and extracting the essential components from the full download, and any dependencies (Scatterer, etc) to achieve that look? I'm guessing it's not as simple as dropping jool.dds into my GameData folder... Thanks in advance, if only for your time reading this request.
  9. I've seen videos where the Blizzard devs discuss the process of developing new zones. The proto-maps of those zones are basically whiteboard diagrams and flow-charts, only slightly prettied up, and that tiny bit of polish is only (I'd guess) because they're made with shape drawing tools, not sketched by hand with pen or stylus. They are not at all representative - except in the loosest, most conceptual sense - of the finished design. Does Star Theory need to slap "Pre-Alpha" on everything they release? Would it actually help, or would people continue to jump to conclusions and/or speculate wildly based on the thinnest of "evidence"? (My money is on the latter.)
  10. Bumping this thread rather than starting a new one; if I should do the latter, let me know. My pet peeve with the M.E.M. is, to me, obvious at a glance: the scaling. (Fourfa said as much at the end of their OP, too.) There are lots of reference images for how big it should be relative to the Mk 1-3 pod (the Apollo CSM), so why couldn't the part designer get that one basic thing right? The actual part looks fine, IMO, so it bugs me to a possibly irrational extent that they'd spend so much time on the expansion and then get something so simple and immediately visible wrong. At this point I've given up on SQUAD putting out an official fix, so does anyone know of a mod that does it, or even a set of Tweakscale numbers to bring it up to the proper size?
  11. Not gonna happen, man. I'd be surprised if you got even 10 other people (besides yourself) to go with your arbitrary craft-numbering scheme, let alone "everyone". Let it go.
  12. Reminds me of this... http://www.happyjar.com/comic/the-creative-process/
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