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Everything posted by Souper

  1. A moderator shuts it down, and i revive it. My revived hill.
  2. I watch television. My hill.
  3. Granted. You get banned. .lamron keeps dluoc i hsiw I
  4. Granted. "Oh no, looks like i'm lost. Oh well, sure rescue will come for- *food and water gets knocked off the boat* NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I wish i knew the horrifying truth behind Apollo 18.
  5. You will be fed to the sentient cloud. ALLAH HU ACKBAR!!!
  6. I step to my side, and the laser misses. TROLLTOMIC BOMB INBOUND! GET TO COVER!
  7. I am wearing an Antispace forcefeild generator, your pitiful army of blacks holes / neutron stars can't even interact with me. In any way. Points may only be awarded for worthy actions. Making new rules cannot grant points. Use of smileys cannot grant more than .5 points. Posting an up-to-date copy of the rulebook grants up to 3.5 points. Not posting an up-to-date copy of the rulebook docks 4 points. No points may be gained purely through any use of special formatting of text. Suggesting that use of Comic Sans is a good thing carries a penalty of 1 point. There may not be more than a 15-point difference between active players with highest and lowest scores. Upon there being more than a 15 point difference, points may be awarded to those with low scores, or docked from those with higher scores, or both, to bring the score difference to 5-10, at player discretion. If you feel it is absolutely necesarry, you may remove 1 rule per game. Usage of fraction to display points may award up to 2.5 points. Usage of both fractions and decimals can award up to 5 points. Usage of fractions in the rulebook may result in a fine of 3 points. Posting an up-to-date leaderboard grants 2 points. 5 points for remembering to specify something against the rules. *cough* WinkAllKerb Here's my new rules: 1. PLAY. THE. GAME. If we continue down this path, a moderator is sure to lock this thread. 2. No godmodding. 3. If someone tries to take over this thread, you are authorized to simply ignore their post. 4. I award myself one point.
  8. That is not allowed .Referencing the post's number is no longer allowed. I worked 5 hours in a soviet work camp, and receive 1 point.
  9. Your parents come over and ground you for the rest of your life. also, you're just a silly little star: destructable. all we humans would need wold be a modified planetbuster. -snip- --------------------------------------- We then follow these rules: the community makes the rules. NO DERAILING. NO GODMODDING! PLEASE no further usage of the trolltomic bomb. We will build upon these rules.
  10. That is not allowed, Because everything is allowed! I have just nuked the rules! Due to no rules, i teleport back to Earth. I then make myself supreme ruler of the world, make my own rules, and nobody can state their own rules, as it is against the rules. My rules: 1. Can't go against me. 2. I now have 5 points. Because i'm the leader. 3. Everybody but me is slaves. 4. It is now against the rules to make your own rules. 5. it is now against the rules to take away rules. 6. It is now against the rules to cheat. 7. It is now against the rules to nuke these rules. <--- This rule is protected by a forcefeild. 8. Breaking any of these rules will result in a hefty fine of 20 points.
  11. Bbbbb b-----b b-----b bbbbb AND. I lovtalking weirdddd. b-----b bbbbbb
  12. That is not allowed, as i am breaking the rules, and thus retain my 1000000 points. I will continute in doing this until someone steps out of the game and slaps me. Oh wait a minute, did i just tell someone how to stop my reign of tyranny?
  13. That is not allowed, as specifying the rules is no longer allowed. I then defy the rules, award myself 1000000 points, and will continue to persist in defying the rules, thus making me a dishonorable cheater. RULEPROOF!
  14. Banned because i just hacked my way out of BannedLand, and now i'm feeling vengeful.
  15. Banned for being the contributor of the line of 9860 bans.
  16. Let's say we have a humanoid Martian on Earth's surface. It gets crushed, and its body overheats. Now, we want to make a suit that will let that martian survive on Earth. But what kind of suit could do that? Martian dependencies: Atmospheric pressure: 0 atm minimum, 0.1 atm max, 40 atm (adapted) Temperature: -260F minimum, 43F max Gravity: 0g minimum, 0.50g max
  17. andthenJebsawthemsohewentoverthereand.....
  18. I could not find my 2nd screenshot. instead, i will show you my earliest know screenshot. Where's YOUR earliest known screenshot?
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