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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. So I figured people here might enjoy this song. It is to be used as a themesong for a KSP career video series that I intend to start.
  2. Ahh thank you very much! A few minutes ago I discovered it was definitely BDB after removing it and the error went away. So that must be it! Thank you for the link! Edit: yes that worked thanks again.
  3. So back to playing KSP... Tend to reinstall it every other year or so and play like crazy for awhile. In any sense, I am trying to track down the cause of this error. Anybody encountered this one? Can I just ignore it?
  4. Having the same issue as the person above. Strange though since I could have sworn that at one point all of the Tantares engines were working with ignitor.
  5. So I figured out how github works and that there are more recent updates beyond just the releases. Got rid of the original errors I mentioned, but now just some b9 part switch errors. Including one fatal. Will continue to research and see if they are mentioned elsewhere in this thread. This is with a fresh install of KSP, breaking ground, making history, and the only mods are Skyhawk and its dependencies along with Skyhawk kerbalism and its dependencies.
  6. I only just started getting everything installed to start a new career playthrough with Skyhawk Kerbalism as well. Encountered these error with the hypergolics patch also so came here to see if i could find anything on it. I don't even have Chrayol Design Org installed... Can I just ignore these errors? EDIT: Hrm actually ignore this. Looking again and my errors are the same but they are for a Bluedog part. [LOG 06:36:27.232] Applying update SkyhawkScienceSystem/Patches/Hypergolics/Hypergolics/@PART[*]:HAS[#SSS_HypergolicTank[True]]:AFTER[zzzSkyhawkScienceSystem] to Bluedog_DB/Parts/Agena/bluedog_GATV_SPS_LFO.cfg/PART[bluedog_GATV_SPS_LFO] [ERR 06:36:27.233] Error - Cannot parse variable search when replacing (%) key lfo_volume = #$RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]/maxAmount$ [ERR 06:36:27.233] Error - Cannot parse variable search when replacing (%) key ox_volume = #$RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/maxAmount$ [WRN 06:36:27.233] Cannot find key lfo_volume in PART [ERR 06:36:27.233] Error - Cannot parse variable search when inserting new key amount = #$/lfo_volume$ [WRN 06:36:27.233] Cannot find key lfo_volume in PART [ERR 06:36:27.233] Error - Cannot parse variable search when inserting new key maxAmount = #$/lfo_volume$ [WRN 06:36:27.233] Cannot find key ox_volume in PART [ERR 06:36:27.233] Error - Cannot parse variable search when inserting new key amount = #$/ox_volume$ [WRN 06:36:27.233] Cannot find key ox_volume in PART [ERR 06:36:27.233] Error - Cannot parse variable search when inserting new key maxAmount = #$/ox_volume$
  7. Me again with another (possibly) dumb question! Is it normal for the area around KSC to not have colliders? I mean in that you just fall straight through the ground and into the water. I saw this mentioned as some people having problems with it happening on the runway, but that isn't the issue I am experiencing. I just mean the the other areas of land around KSC. Thanks in advance for taking the time to reply!
  8. Having a really strange issue with all of the a3 parts. Every other part in the mod I do not have this issue with. But for example the a3 control section is not rotated correctly by default. It is rotated by around 5 degrees off center. This is also causing the a3 fins to not line up correctly. \\]
  9. So earlier, after installing a few other mods to my install (Tantares, Shuttle Orbiter construction kit, OPT, and all related dependencies) I started a new career and noticed that when trying to rotate parts with A and D in the VAB, they were not rotating by 90 degrees anymore. Instead it is something closer to 80 degrees. This is without editor extensions installed. I am now going back through and uninstalling the mods mentioned above, but figured I would ask about it here since it is such a strange issue. Was hoping somebody else may have encountered this and knows what exactly it is that causes it. Or perhaps that I just completely forgot about some user option or key that could cause this. I mean it's not the end of the world and I can still use shifts and fine tune snap by 5 degrees. But of course with how often I find myself just hitting a or d to rotate 90 degrees, this can be a bit of a pain. Anyhow, like I said I am going through and uninstalling the mods I mentioned 1 by 1 to find out if one of them is causing it. But this is such a strange issue that I can't imagine being caused by any of those mods so figured I would post and check if there is something I am forgetting and have caused this problem myself with a user option or something.
  10. Hey thanks guys for taking the time to reply! Also @OhioBob : Some good info there that I was unaware of!
  11. Just a quick question for anybody who can answer. The only other mod I have used that has rescaled the solar system is JNSQ, and I know in that one it is suggested that you change some of the antenna related difficulty options when starting a career. Is anything of that sort suggested when starting a career with KSRSS? Also, if this is already mentioned somewhere, and I am just absolutely blind, then I apologize! Thanks in advance.
  12. That would explain why I also didn't see the Retro folder. Im willing to bet it is the same with a lot of the recent posts that mentioned no Retro folder to be found and pads wont load. TY for taking the time to check that. Aha yeah I was using the one listed to the right as the latest release. I saw Old KSRSS not supported and I knew the new one only worked on KSRSS reborn so figured it was the right one. But just checked again and its older than the one you linked. Also doesn't have the retro folder as mentioned.
  13. UPDATE: So after seeing it suggested, I went into the instances folder of this mod, and opened up every single instance in the folder one at a time and changed "earth" to "kerbin". In the ones that had multiple entries I made sure to change all of them. This fixed the issue with the buildings and pads not loading. Now I believe my only problem is the water clipping and the position of the cape in relation to the landmass.
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