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  • About me
    In-house Philosopher
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    Anywhere but there
  • Interests
    Model railroading, backyard astronomy, space exploration, music (composition, play the French Horn, Oboe, Alto Recorder, and Cornet), learning to play the ukulele (seriously, I am :D), kit-bashing, camping, and hiking, reading great science fiction, and escaping the university campus any chance I get!

    I teach World Civilization, U.S. History, and U.S. Foreign Policy at the college/university level. So, with that said, I love history, love to do research, and enjoy good conversation.

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  1. Nice. But just what my loaded game needs!
  2. Hardly. As the knight in Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade said, you choose poorly. But I bet @ColdJ is around waiting for the sound of a ping!
  3. Banned for not being a HotJ
  4. Ewwww, apparently, in different themes, it ignores the size settings? This is what I see in the standard theme view:
  5. Hello, and welcome to the forum. Putting some screen shots to show what your mod looks like in-game would help forum members who visit your thread.
  6. Some were complaining about the large header. So, I baked it in the oven on 375 until it shrank. I liked the larger header. But...
  7. Nah, that's not the intent - as I should know... I am the one who crafted the image with the limited KSP/KSP2 resources I was given before they turned the lights off! That's why we do not have separate threads of the month that feature only KSP2 and one for only KSP1 content. We feature them as nominated regardless of the game. Sure, sure, you can. Now, it's all better. Your first reading of the banner was the correct intent.
  8. Nope, you can't do that now. The post is tagged, so all anyone has to do is click the blue tag on the main post ( ), which will show every post on the forum with that tag. I've tried to be consistent with every thread listed as a thread of the month, so if they click that, your thread will be findable forever as a recipient of the featured thread of the month. Anyway, congratulations—you deserve it! Enjoy the rewards. You can also copy and paste the TOTM image onto the OP. I've taken the liberty of doing it for you this time.
  9. Let’s NOT do that. I’d hate to have to issue a warning to a fellow moderator! Thanks, @Lisias! I’ll have to keep a local copy to play with.
  10. Yep, with the permissions I have, that's beyond my ability. I cannot do anything with the footer. That's someone on the new owner's end.
  11. When Private Division was sold, the buyer purchased all its intellectual properties at that time, with the exception of a handful of mobile games that TakeTwo had already removed from the Company before the shutdown and later sale. Now that's from internet sources, not from any inside information any of us on the moderation team have been given. We have been kept in the dark as much as anyone else has. The forum is now the property of the Private Division purchasers, hosting this forum, the Kerbal Space Program website, and the store, and they own all the intellectual property relating to KSP and KSP2. That's all any of us know at the moment. Yes, we have been discussing that for over six months. However, until we have official direction from a company liaison, we need not poke around on those pages too much, even if that information is severely outdated. We can do some things locally (on the forum without much thought) to keep our side of things updated with little worries. Before the Great Period of Forum Instability, I was reorganizing the landing page organization for the forum, creating areas of interest to keep things fresh and interesting. Today, I changed the banner from highlighting KSP2 to being more inviting to players of both games. But when it comes to anything else, such as who does what (and it lists job descriptions), I am hesitant to do that since those were paid employees of a company responsible at one point. We will do so once we are given official directions and know how to proceed.
  12. It was on my to-do list about the same time we began experiencing all the random forum crashes and absences. Even if we were in limbo without love from the previous owner of Private Division, who shall not be named, I planned to do it anyway. It should always remain, even if we start seeing the development of Kerbal Space Program 3, one community!
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