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Everything posted by Tery215

  1. Granted, but your thoughts displease spock. Spock comes to phaser you. I wish that spock would come to [shoot] phaser [beams at] Hired Gun.
  2. I shove all the rest of the universes into a box, including the entities GreeningUniverse and megatiger. Then I slap greeningUniverse until all she does is cause the laws of physics to be true. Because vacuum cleaner cleans universes. My boxes.
  3. I wonder why people go to this restaurant to buy such expensive soups. Waiter, my soup is a sink!
  4. Granted. You lose the ability to speak... And to swallow. I wish that events would be incapable of repeating themselves, including the "event" of cellular reproduction.
  5. I start a revolution and throw mud on greeninggalaxy. She is downgraded into a book. My mudified book.
  6. There aren't many important things we need sentient AI's for. For example, if you want an AI to fly a super-ultra bird plane, do you really need to be able to talk to the AI for it? or do you just need to mess around with the coding inside using a monitor, so that it behaves as desired?
  7. Granted. The computer runs away from you at 2000c. I wish that his wish was corrupted in another galaxy.
  8. Then you would be owning a laptop or mud container. What if Sun started selling mud containers?
  9. Granted. The wishmaking fairy edits for you. As a result, you get banned. I wish for I AM GROOT.
  10. I make a box containing you. I shake it around a little and yell into it, saying that I own it. A thousand worlds crumble in fear of the universe lord. My universe.
  11. I use electromagnetic pulse from neutron star [cluster]. Which I pointed towards the earth. Every single one. My dark ages.
  12. Granted. You quickly realize that hydrogen doesn't actually generate energy when it forces fusion with uranium. It loses energy. (that ninja tho) Granted. The wishmaking fairy sends you to the voids. I wish for some neptunium-236 from the most recent unluck event.
  13. Control Alt Delete. My tablet of infinite power.
  14. Granted. Chicken taquitos instead. Srsly, those things are pretty much the flavor of fries, but they have chicken inside them. I wish that little Chicken Taquito men spouted out of the next user's mouth.
  15. I send doom robots. My army of corpses. Just corpses, not zombies.
  16. Granted. Since doctors are now not liable to the "take your own medicine policy", as dis-enforced by me, they give people yucky berries instead of real medicine. No consequences for them I wish that yucky berries cured [x].
  17. I do a chop to the neck. On your thunderhead fleet. My dead thunderhead fleet.
  18. See the enterprise. See the enterprise go boldly. Pow pow pow! No more cities for the enterprise to go boldly on.
  19. During reentry, I use my extensive war space program to fire a rock at your re-entering ship. The shielding is damaged and you fall out. My greeninggalaxy.
  20. Well, that's the mud soup. Waiter! There's a sun in my soup! He's enjoying the mud too much.
  21. I create a magical supervisible waypoint in space that you are currently not moving relative to. My center of the universe.
  22. I sprinkle magic fairy dust to form a debris cloud, which slams into floppster. My dead astronaut with fairy dust.
  23. Granted. It turns out it's space pirate season... I wish for twelve Bilbo Bagginses instead of X amount of dwarves.
  24. Don't worry, the aliens are [REDACTED] you right now! Waiter, there's ketchup in my soup!
  25. Granted. You are now a wolf, and only require half the food that humans do. I wish for procedurally generated galactic structures.
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